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  1. I am thinking about starting up an Avatar thread where I upload some I have created and people can bid on them (or offer me a great deal straight up lol). However, I have 2 queries: A/ Are my avatars any good, would people want them? and B/ Are they legal too use? (too close to real life?) Here's an example of one I've made. http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b522/TJMitchell/Avatar%20Test_zpswx9qlepc.png Any feedback or knowledge on if they'd even be able to be used would be greatly appreciated. http://www.mmatycoon.com/images/company_banners/1484790948Banner.jpg
  2. Welcome to 5/10 Avatars That Work! Presenting the very first avatar to be auctioned here : Avatar # 1 No Minimum bid Minimum raise : 25k End Date: Sold
  3. Auction 1 Avatar 1 Current Highest Bid: 60k Buy Now Price: 200k Status: Sold RULES Starting Price: 20k Minimum Bid: 5k Deadline: 10 AM GMT May 24 Note: Every bid within 30 minutes of the deadline will extend the deadline by an hour.
  4. Some of you probably saw a few of my avatars auctioned in Max's thread, but since I have more and I'm gonna make a lot more, here will be the place where you'll find them from now on. Also, I'll be taking any avatar or other graphics requests from you (logos, posters, belts, whatever you want) just post your request here (photo if avatar) and we'll see what I can do. Rules: - payment after approval - if avatar won't be approved, I'll edit it until it get. SOLD (or made on request) http://i.imgur.com/H1EaZx3.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/Yi5KhTE.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/38067wN.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/idUj1IZ.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/P3HRcM2.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/NLLdn5V.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/roU1xR5.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/KLk7AZg.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/aJXaDTo.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/zJhq8ZN.gif (active auction, if any, in second post)
  5. Only recently made a come back to MMATycoon but I can already see some cool avatar creators out there. Below, you will find an example of some of my old work however my editing skills have improve to a certain degree. I will be taking requests for avatars and will post any new creations within this thread. Much like other stores, I have a few rules: - When requesting an avatar, provide a link to the fighter that the avatar is intended for. - Specify a style for the avatar, from the examples provided below. - No payment if you're not satisfied. - No payment until the avatar is approved. - Place are request by mailing me and/or posting on this thread. Style 1 - Face Swap: http://i669.photobucket.com/albums/vv53/vlad221101/attempt_zpse6371f80.pnghttp://i669.photobucket.com/albums/vv53/vlad221101/third3_zpsb839c392.pnghttp://i669.photobucket.com/albums/vv53/vlad221101/11jlp_zps195286e2.pnghttp://i669.photobucket.com/albums/vv53/vlad221101/2_zps4b96c228.pnghttp://i669.photobucket.com/albums/vv53/vlad221101/1_zpsbe6a1736.png Style 2 - Your fighter will appear to be wearing the clothing that they currently have equiped on their profile (more or less): http://i669.photobucket.com/albums/vv53/vlad221101/la2wsd_zps9e46ae2f.pnghttp://i669.photobucket.com/albums/vv53/vlad221101/nkk_zps2cf75065.pnghttp://i669.photobucket.com/albums/vv53/vlad221101/te2_zpsab9c6248.pnghttp://mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/13939539115549.pnghttp://i669.photobucket.com/albums/vv53/vlad221101/lawsd_zpsf337f91c.png
  6. I'm not even into avatars but what can I do, I can't stop winning them on Spin and Win. Instead of getting a free fighter slot like I always wish, I've already gotten 3 custom avatars in a few days and I don't know what to do with them. I just started playing and I'm not willing to spend money on avatars and I never even messed with photoshop... I know people spend time on avatars in order to earn money, but if some good soul is willing to make avatars for free, just out of the kindness of their hear, then I'll be eternally grateful. the only kind of avatar that I would like would be some form of adaptation of the classic muay thai fighters pics with their belts: http://assets.fightland.com/content-images/contentimage/60232/old-school-versus-new-school-the-greatest-thai-fighter-of-all-time-samart.jpg
  7. Yo! Leave offer-requests below, or contact Tero Saatana within the game. The new design-house EXTREME:CAGE Designs / Promotions is launching today! We are having a launch sale 23.4.2017-25.4.2017 with ALL PRICES 15% OFF http://i66.tinypic.com/t7haba.jpg Published custom avatars: http://mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/14927812056973.jpg Custom avatars waiting to be published Published websites - Comming soon (Hope MMA and EXTREME:CAGE) Published logos http://mmatycoon.com/images/1492879791hope-mma2.jpg Published Sponsored content - Comming somewhat soon (Article about EXTREME:CAGE sponsoring customers' fighters at Hope MMA) (hopefully lol) Post will be kept up to date as more works get ordered and published. Leave offer-requests below, or contact Tero Saatana within the game.
  8. FOR SALE! http://i.imgur.com/apC6Znh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/cYyFeTe.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UOXicwn.jpg 50k | 50k | 50k http://i.imgur.com/dk8AKk7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yRaVull.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0Rxu8cH.jpg 50k | 50k | 50k http://i.imgur.com/oT5MahU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/l1NCAxK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1zeUjFG.jpg 50k | 50k | 50k http://i.imgur.com/dPzggcs.jpg 50k _______________________________________________________________________________________________ If they get declined for any reason, just let me know why and I'll fix it for you. These should all get accepted without any problem though. I got four exactly like these through today. 25% of the money up front, just so I know you're serious and I can take it off the page. The other 75% once it gets approved and you're able to use it. As they're sold they will be removed, but replaced by something new. So the original post in this thread is the place to come for premium realistic fighter, wrestler, or celebrity style avatars. Prices may be negotiable. http://www.mmatycoon...hp?MgrID=117476 My manager page might be easier to contact me but I'll check this periodically. If you have any custom requests, shoot me a message and I'll get it made for you. Thanks for checking out my thread.
  9. Pretty simple, I want one of the following images into an avatar. Winner will get 300k. Hopefully we get some HIGH quality images. If it's shit, i'll be sure to let you know - same if I aren't keen on the designs submitted ;] I want the tattoos on his face still visible, same with the chest - background is upto you, something following the theme. He will be called Igor and will be from Russia if it helps in any way. I'll close the comp on 15th MARCH. Thanks, Jax.
  10. Guest

    Avatars by Kamil795

    Avatars by Kamil795 --- My first avatar to sale: 20k: http://oi65.tinypic.com/oua8o1.jpg
  11. Getting the word out, some new designs are available http://www.mmatycoon.com/clothingpublic.php?cid=4943 http://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1472741662borg%202%20smoke%20top%20final.gif http://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1472741545black%20belt%20gi%20WOLF%20GI%20FINAL.gifhttp://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1472730726fedor%20rcva%20SHIRT.jpg http://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1472741689borg%20shorts.jpg http://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1472741610black%20belt%20gi%20bottom%20logo.jpghttp://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1472731179skull%20shorts.jpg just added a few new shirts below http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1478019087beast%20shirt.jpg http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1478019291qbert%20T%20.jpg http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1478019360solid%20snake%20T%20test.jpg
  12. So I saw a lot of people are making money with avatars. I'm certainly not amazing with photoshop, but I can give it a go, so while I have some free time I've decided to make a bunch quickly (like I said, first ever attempt). The only one I've used for myself is the very first still image. Some are pretty poorly cut, and I haven't mastered blending, not even sure if some of them will get accepted. Anyway, I'm open to offers from people. Maybe I'll even auction them if there's enough interest. Let me know what you think. I can make posters/graphics too, and clothes. I've opened a shop myself (shameless advertising) so feel free to buy some stuff or request customs. http://www.mmatycoon.com/clothingpublic.php?cid=5052
  13. Quick question, I've seen a bunch of people auctioning gifs/avatars on the 'other companies' forum. This is something I'd be interested in doing, but how does it work? Surely once you've posted the image, asked whether it's OK etc, someone could take that image straight away and submit it for approval without giving you the money. Or is this all based on trust? Just wondered if there's any fool proof way, e.g. I submit the picture for approval, then 'pass' the avatar to somebody else.
  14. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a376/rewbert/Xiang%20Wang.jpghttp://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a376/rewbert/Barry-Popov.jpghttp://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a376/rewbert/Le%20Monstre.jpg I'm sad that they were rejected, took me ages to create. I must admit, I'm finding it hard to work with the 2006 look of the fighter pictures. I guess I'll have to get used to it. Anyway, at least some other eyeballs have seen these
  15. If You Wanna Auction out your avatars here feel free to contact me and we set it up Rules Payment after avatar is accepted(max7days from auction win) Directly by manager transfer to Sellers Account.(dont transfer to me if im not the one selling the object) Seller will help with edit if not accepted free of charge. al other edits most be approved by Seller and charged after agrement. Active Auctions http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr204/per__84/borka-in-the-ring_zpsadojtxhg.gif Minimum starting bid 30k Minimum Raise 10k Leading Bids 100k Marky Mark Ends 11pm gmt Friday Recently finished Auctions http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr204/per__84/scarydude_zpsatqdd7fs.gif SELLER Frank BUYER 36k Master Leader OBJECT NUMBER 5 http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr204/per__84/brutal_zpsnnojo7ce.jpg SELLER Frank STARTING BID 25k MINIMUM RAISE 5k AUCTION ENDS 24h from first bid LEADING BID 25k bradley burns Object 4 http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr204/per__84/1404143024silva_zpsgisxpfkt.gif SELLER Frank BUYER 25k Ryne Not Payed Object number 3 http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr204/per__84/6198213_zpsryy2znrl.jpg Seller: Frank Karlsson Buyer: 25k Master Leader PAYED Object number 2 http://i484.photobucket.com/albums/rr204/per__84/animated-lighning-bolt-strike-storm-gif-9_zpsr0okujvu.gif Seller: Frank Karlsson Buyer: 45k Bradley Burns PayeD
  16. Started new Avatar page. I have made them earlier too, but i wanted better topic title Made this today. http://i.imgur.com/3KMdODL.png SOLD to Uniconor I will try to make one everyday in week.
  17. Avatars and Skins. I now have an agreement with a clothing store. If you want something specific, post here first then then we'll deal via private forum message. Examples: These are some of my fighters avatars. http://i.imgur.com/2V6UHKy.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/FPXVpeg.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/Nmaq17O.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/K5PH6WA.png http://i.imgur.com/hszxbMp.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/1PtCnnK.png
  18. Hello! Have made cheap avatars before and decided to make some again to kill time. Here's the 3 I've made recently. Abdul Jabbar has been sold. Any opinions? Haha PS: No harsh comments please http://img4021.photobox.co.uk/1823198193c182e49e363e598a632ed716b6eb5c7f4bea92e5da2a62c6f605c7213de4ed.jpg SOLD http://img4021.photobox.co.uk/46997371a3ef25d4d6377b73b48e8aa00aa97db789607c3840660de2ded0803ce45b0102.jpg AVAILABLE http://img5013.photobox.co.uk/2168013910959c23b6070e08a3127ac2af8b1886968c5055449e5eb960858a0bc75afb95.jpg AVAILABLE
  19. http://i.imgur.com/WHPWGnW.jpg Here is one. This send to Thor HGH for Arni, just for to see will he use it.
  20. http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/14106204979301.jpg It got rejected ??? ( I will be posting more designs here soon ) Thanks
  21. I was thinking, what if we had a tickbox or option of some sort where if you'd like to change a fighter's avatar it would update all the past fights as well. I'm unsure if this can be done but i know plenty of people throw an avatar onto a fighter to find out his hiddens are trash. Likewise when you see a cool avatar his first fight is like a Sammy Sosa Before and After... I say optional because people do change but i think many people would like to have something that will allow them to change the avatar & it changes all the fight avatars hes used as well. What do you think?
  22. I am going to post my avatar designs here for all to comment on ... (please leave comments, thoughts & requests here)
  23. Hey guys, I have beginner made avatars for sale. leave a message or pm me for offers http://i.imgur.com/pj3rZ4D.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zhKgxpy.jpg
  24. Quality Avatars http://www.upload.ee/image/3926142/QualityAvatarsshop.png Will post avatars that I have for sale here. I will regularly update this when I have any avatars for sale. Just PM me or post here to buy one. Full refund if it doesn't get accepted for any reason. For sale: http://i.imgur.com/mIfJzJ3.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/2UDtBJ8.png Sold: http://i.imgur.com/oFR1N70.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/Us9DRpx.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/uI9nCm1.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/iM8VEwY.png Price: 25,000$ each.
  25. hi guy how u doing so i been trying to make avatars for a month now and this is what i have so farhttp://minfil.org/d6F4fdbfbf/sample_1.jpghttp://minfil.org/e0F9f6b9b3/sample_3.jpghttp://minfil.org/f4Fff4b3b1/sample_4.jpghttp://minfil.org/gbFaf1b8bf/sampe_2.jpg they are for sale send me your offers i will be making a lot more also i can put your fighter name in the avatar and use any other back ground im still learning this are so i will love anyone with little more experience to show me where my avatars need more work also if any of u will let me know how i can shrink the image without losing quality that will be great thank you.this is my manager profile msg me with any question http://www.mmatycoon.com/managerprofilemanager.php?MgrID=94207
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