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Tycoon Times Thread


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I’d like to see some more people writing articles this week. Shout out to James Listerman and Mentor who have submitted articles so far, but the next edition should come out in 2ish days, although we could postpone for more articles. We want to hear about your fighters, organizations, companies, and anything else interesting you can think of! 

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9 hours ago, ToshLodi said:

How does it work mate, do articles just get added as they are submitted or does it get updated weekly?

There is an admin (currently me) who sees the articles submitted and is in charge of choosing which articles make it to the paper, and the formatting of the articles and newspaper. Currently we need a couple more articles if we want a full paper, so anyone who has a fighter they want yo share about, a org/company they want to spread the words about, or anything ele interesting, then you should think about submitting it to the times.

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Maybe I’ll wait and do one every Sunday, there are currently only 5 articles submitted and 3 are from you. We need some variety. Chris Karter usually loves to post but I haven’t seen any of his yet, plus he’s banned from forums so he can’t see this. I just hope that people that already write about their fighters for events like Summit Series, might consider lengthening those a little bit and submitting them. Of course, event reviews are always great as well. I think once we get into a rhythm with posting them, more people will feel comfortable submitting articles regularly. We’ve had a tumultuous journey recently, with Skenoj leaving, then a multi cheater leaving right after taking over, then Skenoj coming back again and leaving right away. I think people are a bit weary, but I hope they know that I’m here to stay as long as people are writing articles.

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On 10/3/2024 at 5:14 AM, Mentor said:

The Tycoon Times only really needs to be published once every couple of weeks. Lets not forget that in the past, the Tycoon Times was manipulated by some people to increase their fighter hype, so keep that in mind to only publish notable content.

Isn't fighters gaining hype from articles written about them kind of the point of the incentive?

Personally I would call that "working as intended" - if a player is writing articles about a fighter often then they are a major regular contributor to the Tycoon Times, that's not manipulation that's playing within the rules and anyone upset about it can just as easily be bothered to write their own articles about their fighter, though I will concede that whining about others benefitting from their writing is far easier than writing your own articles and benefitting from them yourself.

Jealousy just drags everything down, take positive steps not negative ones, besides which where are the paramaters about what is a "notable" article? We don't have a stable of pulitzer prize winning journalists here, last thing we need is content snobbery when we barely have enough articles to paper an ass with.

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I mean, you both make a good point. Having it on a weekly basis is probably too much because the lack is writing is an issue currently. I sent 2 articles, 1 for my nutrition company, 1 for my org. I honestly think there should a limit of hype gain of like once per month?. I don't care about the hype, I care about showing other users what's out there, what's active. 

The Times has been inactive for a while, Mike may have to reach out with a mass PM in game to let people know about its current state. But before he does, we need to know when it will be published so people know what to expect. A mass mail with "The Tycoon Times is live again" is not enough. Previews/reviews need a schedule. 

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I think once the Tycoon Times gets consistently published again, more people would jump on board and will submit articles. I agree with what has been stated before about once a week maybe being too much. I think whatever @Fireballer34 can handle, as long as he gets articles, it should be up to him. However, having an expected day/date to look forward to the Tycoon Times and/or to submit articles would be good. I'm looking forward to reading more papers Fireball! The Tycoon Times is one unique feature about MMA Tycoon that I always thought was really cool.

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Commit to a schedule. Start it twice a month, on Wednesdays (just an example). Stick to that schedule, even if there's not enough articles. If you wait for it to fill, it might not happen, or when it does, some of the earlier articles will become outdated. If it comes to a point when twice a month is not enough, start pushing it weekly.

Game is not as active as it used to be, but if you commit to a schedule, it will eventually fill better. I can post regularly, and I know Mentor does too. Other managers will see its back alive and will start posting.

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6 hours ago, listerman said:

I didn't realize Mike has to review before it gets published. I guess it explains why the Tycoon Times is dead.
Thanks for taking over, I really hope it works, but this makes previews/reviews completely useless.

Just for the first few issues, until I get the hang of things. I think I’ve got it so I should be able to publish by myself soon.

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3 hours ago, listerman said:

This is odd, I never posted the MMA Hype 3 preview to the Tycoon Times ... that message was sent to the org managers who had fighters for that event if I recall...

Oh well, nice to see the Times posted!

If you send a message to your org  members through the org tools, and you list it as a preview or review from the selections, it'll automatically get sent to the TT's as part of the process for them to potentially pick up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@listerman that review would work great if you’d like to submit it. Currently I have 7, but one has a title and no text, 2 are gamma which are fine but 2 aren’t necessary, a link to a preview on the forums, and an article that doesn’t really relate to the game. Any contribution would be much appreciated.

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11 hours ago, Fireballer34 said:

@listerman that review would work great if you’d like to submit it. Currently I have 7, but one has a title and no text, 2 are gamma which are fine but 2 aren’t necessary, a link to a preview on the forums, and an article that doesn’t really relate to the game. Any contribution would be much appreciated.

I submitted a preview and a review.

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