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King of the Hill Inaugural TUF Tournament


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2 hours ago, ToshLodi said:

Permission to add @Sprooch to the draft?
As Vice Captain I’d implore my skipper Ramirez to pick Mr Thibbs next if allowed.

Also, since Bobbit misses his chance to draft Thibbs, I’d be happy for him to be able to re-consider his last two picks if he wants to pick Thibbs - out of fairness.

of course we hope we get him instead, but regardless, Thibbs is a great addition to a tourney regardless who gets the pick him.


I know you guys would rather not pick a newbie, but he’s already in the tournament, I’m not going to just kick him out. I would love to have Thibbs here too, but we already do have our field, and what do you mean Bobbit could reconsider his last two picks? Your team would already have the advantage.

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1 minute ago, Fireballer34 said:

I know you guys would rather not pick a newbie, but he’s already in the tournament, I’m not going to just kick him out. I would love to have Thibbs here too, but we already do have our field, and what do you mean Bobbit could reconsider his last two picks? Your team would already have the advantage.

I imagine you walked into this thinking alternates were a fantastic idea.

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Team Ramirez messed up again. You think you can disrespect my next pick like that? He has put together the definitive guide to whupping your sorry fighters. To these other managers, this is just another tournament. They'll probably just toss in whatever junk new creation they get on their first go. But to my next pick, this is THE TOURNAMENT. He's got something to prove and he's about to show you how great he is!!! He will be the ultimate fighter.


@Chakrawan I expect great things, welcome to the team Dane Chakrawan.

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@embalmer and @ToshLodi, you know what? I'm feeling generous, you can have @Sprooch as your first alternate.

As usual Team Ramirez has been sneaking around trying to scrounge up every advantage. But you know in the end the good guys always win.

And since it's my turn to pick, it's time to introduce my first alternate.



That's right, Ramirez, you think I wasn't ready for your last second tricks?


Get in here everyone, @bazzypants @Bowser @Chakrawan @Fireballer34 @RedSawn @Joseph Clarence @BlueFalcon @Sprooch @Ego @Unkwalker @Unkwalker @Unkwalker @smkd7 @Karz @vaznys10 @Jumba @sigxsubzero @AlVandal @Woodheadxd @Dillooo @RHET @WanisOwns @venom09 @stpierrecanada @Carciofi @Yurchon @Alfred @Skuzbukit @Curix @BLOODSPORT @MrAquarium @jsdaugh @Jersey @admin @listerman @MMATycoon


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You're all in trouble now. The big man is on the way and he's sick and tired of all your bullshit.


Did you think he was going to give away that year of VIP for free!?!? Without a fight!?! If you're gonna be the real Ultimate Fighter you're going to have to get through the man who created it all.

But you won't, he made the damn fight engine and he's gonna beat your ass Ramirez!! @embalmer

This time Big Mike's got a suggestion for you, @Fireballer34. Get that trophy shined up cause Mike Tycoon is joining Team Bobbit.


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2 hours ago, FlatSky said:

@embalmer and @ToshLodi, you know what? I'm feeling generous, you can have @Sprooch as your first alternate.

As usual Team Ramirez has been sneaking around trying to scrounge up every advantage. But you know in the end the good guys always win.

And since it's my turn for my  pick, it's time to introduce my first alternate.



That's right, Ramirez, you think I wasn't ready for your last second tricks?


Get in here everyone, @bazzypants @Bowser @Chakrawan @Fireballer34 @RedSawn @Joseph Clarence @BlueFalcon @Sprooch @Ego @Unkwalker @Unkwalker @Unkwalker @smkd7 @Karz @vaznys10 @Jumba @sigxsubzero @AlVandal @Woodheadxd @Dillooo @RHET @WanisOwns @venom09 @stpierrecanada @Carciofi @Yurchon @Alfred @Skuzbukit @Curix @BLOODSPORT @MrAquarium @jsdaugh @Jersey @admin @listerman


No idea why I'm catching strays in here. Haven't joined any tourneys this year.

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5 hours ago, FlatSky said:

You are all in trouble now. The big man is on the way and he's sick and tired of all your bullshit.


Did you think he was going to give away that year of VIP for free!?!? Without a fight!?! If you're gonna be the real Ultimate Fighter you're going to have to get through the man who created it all.

But you won't, he made the damn fight engine and he's gonna beat your ass Ramirez!!

This time Big Mike's got a suggestion for you, @Fireballer34. Get that trophy shined up cause Mike Tycoon is joining Team Bobbit. @admin


This real? lol I hope so.

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The Chaos is Finally Over!

The draft has ended and teams are now free to strategize up until creation, which is just a mere 230 fighters away! Let’s get ready for some madness!

Confirmed Teams:


Team Ramirez:

Jeffery Ramirez

Tosh Lodi

Gab Bloodsport

Alfred Winterbottom

John Daugherty

Jimmy Normal

Bob Slay

The Wanis

Jersey Inc.

Roman Benson

James Yurchon

Money Money

Bowser Big Dog

Billy Arseworth

Aquarium Fish

James Listerman


Dakota Thibodeaux



Team Bobbit:

Billy Bobbit

Bradley Burns

Not Vaz

Mr. Nobody


Smoke Makunouchi

Big Jo

Da Jumba

Sub Zero

Al Van Dal

Viktor Volkov

Dillo The Manager

Jay Lawrence

Sir Squirrel

Joseph Clarence

Dane Chakrawan


Mike Tycoon


Reserve for Both Teams:


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6 hours ago, FlatSky said:

@embalmer and @ToshLodi, you know what? I'm feeling generous, you can have @Sprooch as your first alternate.

As usual Team Ramirez has been sneaking around trying to scrounge up every advantage. But you know in the end the good guys always win.

And since it's my turn for my  pick, it's time to introduce my first alternate.



That's right, Ramirez, you think I wasn't ready for your last second tricks?


Get in here everyone, @bazzypants @Bowser @Chakrawan @Fireballer34 @RedSawn @Joseph Clarence @BlueFalcon @Sprooch @Ego @Unkwalker @Unkwalker @Unkwalker @smkd7 @Karz @vaznys10 @Jumba @sigxsubzero @AlVandal @Woodheadxd @Dillooo @RHET @WanisOwns @venom09 @stpierrecanada @Carciofi @Yurchon @Alfred @Skuzbukit @Curix @BLOODSPORT @MrAquarium @jsdaugh @Jersey @admin @listerman


Ok. Just for clarity, @Sprooch is our first alternate right ? If anyone pulls out prior to the tourney Thibbs is in yeah?


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23 minutes ago, Fireballer34 said:

It is confirmed that Mike Tycoon will be joining the tournament as an alternate on Team Bobbit! He will also be raising the VIP prize to 2 years total, a full year for first, 6 months for second, and 3 months for both 3rd and 4th place! 

Lmao! Mikey Codes-a lot is gonna jump in and mop the floor with everyone. Nice.

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23 minutes ago, Carciofi said:

Did we land on a new creation date or did Ramirez and Bobbit want to do the alternates draft over again?

We ended up doing the alternates draft over again, except we expanded to 32 so they aren’t alternates anymore. Full teams are listed above. Creation date stays the same at 410k, only 200 fighters to go! Hopefully in like 2 weeks it will hit and people can create, after that 2 months until first fights.

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1 hour ago, Fireballer34 said:

Less than 100 fighters to go until creation! 

By the way, does anyone know if there is a way to see the most recently created fighter? I just search by fighter ID, but want to make sure that is totally accurate so I can announce when creation begins.

org/new contracts and at the top you can click to list new fighters. Its like at 912 now


82 more to go

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In the event that the creation points change isn’t implemented by the start of the tournament, I want your guys opinion on whether we should delay creation a few days or to just create and suffer the consequences. Mike has told me he should have it in this week, so I personally think we should wait so we have a cleaner start to the tournament, but whatever you guys want.

Hopefully it is implemented before 410k (66 fighters to go) but if not let me know what you’d prefer.

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