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Any major changes in the last 10 years?


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Hi everyone,

I stopped playing this game about 9 or 10 years ago (not sure). A few days ago I was curious to restart my journey. I found my fighters have been dismissed after my absence and had careers, and are now all retired. I made 4 new fighters and tried to see what I can do.

I'm still trying to remember how all of this works. But, more importantly, I am curious as to what changes have been implemented in the last decade? For me, it's sort of a time travel experience, and I just wanna know where everyone is at right now.

Are there any new updates? Any new guides? Any new ideas or quirks introduced in the game? Please, let me know.

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There's a few things seemingly on the horizon so far as learn speed, starting points available and separating the point cap for physicals so elite everything there isn't an automatic thing and choices need to be made.

Other than that, maybe some Org stuff, UI things and clinch training no longer bleeding into knees and elbows.

I probably missed some things, but that's off the top of my head.

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