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Everything posted by Jarmas

  1. Gastelum has hes division now....so does Cormier the 206.2 lbs champion lol
  2. you actualy make sense .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . ..not let me put it this way ,hes good enough for the $$ you geting for it, init? you smarter then what people think when you catch them asleep inflict the pain
  3. why everything for you goes without saying?....do you have some sort of syndrome or something? let meguess...that goes without saying
  4. oh thats what that is!...ok...thank you for helping me out ,i would never guess loool
  5. hes eats lemons every morning thats why hes a bitter ,sad and for all that matters disable ass.....i realy hope he slowly starts hibernating into vegetable mode and get fed trough a straw attached to a hole on hes neck for the rest of hes miserable days....just imagine it.....and enjoy it....again dont forget "1 step in front of the other" and " dont run before you can walk" ....looooool........and dont get depressed a slice your wrists or try to overdose yourself with rat poison life still goes on......we just need to stand up an move forward
  6. WOW what a masterpiece WTF is that?
  7. i actualy pissed myself....oh fuck kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  8. Yeah i hope hes eating trough a straw for the rest of hes life ...waste of space .....
  9. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool WTF is this!!?!? Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: congrats! 2015-03-02 21:33:49 I am disabled and retired. I play online games 15 hours a day MINIMUM 7 days a week for the last 12 years. Before I got my back operation I couldnt get out of bed for 5 years. I have a sleep disorder and 5 hours sleep is RARE. So NOBODY has more experience than I do playing online game. And I totally disagree with you. What u just said dont even make sense. Chaos is a reflection of leadership...so the SIZE is not the issue. I spent 20 years in the military and EVERY unit I was in was bigger than the biggest alliance in the game. And how many are around you has NOTHING with if u can treat anyone like a friend or close member. Thats as stupid to say as...I cant have a human friend because there are way to many on earth. How about you stop the dumbass excuses and just say NO? I didn t ask for excuses ha? So if ur gonna give them at least make sure they pass the stupidity test please.
  10. im broke Ibracunt rip me off.....i can do 500k if you guys want
  11. From : Fart Master (conversation) 26 Jul, 2017 21:30:26 Subject : Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Contract Accepted oh my....u must be like 12 years old u think u can hurt my feelings....LMAO at ur weak attempt....dozens have done better than that in the past and all failed....u REALLY need to step up ur game a pathetic worm. dang...and ur grammar sucks bad....I dont even know what this means...."and im not guy so stop the flirting you fagot" NOT that I care..... Probably u the one got my dog pregnant....and the pups had to be killed cause they couldnt walk and chew gum at same time....to stupid....u dragged down my dogs mental abilities... im just trying to understand what type of fool is this?...... ps: I meant GAY
  12. you should give me those 150k aswell, i put that event togheter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aAbOgdbTbM apreciate the lyrics
  13. Who are you to talk about credibility??...by the way who cares about credibility when we dealing with fake ass traitors like you.....you was lucky there was only 400k there......Jay $$??? fuking he barely been managing to bring posters forward nevermind having the right to claim any of that $$....
  14. wich acount was you back then? lol you little weasel.....
  15. Ibracunt initiation party as a tycoon para trooper
  16. Dictionary loyal ˈlɔɪəl/ adjective adjective: loyal giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. "he remained loyal to the government" synonyms: faithful, true, true-hearted, tried and true, true-blue, devoted; More Dictionary dishonest dɪsˈɒnɪst/ adjective adjective: dishonest behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy, deceitful, or insincere way. "he was a dishonest hypocrite prepared to exploit his family" synonyms: fraudulent, corrupt, swindling, cheating, double-dealing; More underhand, crafty, cunning, devious, designing, treacherous, perfidious, unfair, unjust, disreputable, rascally, roguish, dirty, unethical, immoral, dishonourable, unscrupulous, unprincipled, amoral; criminal, illegal, unlawful; false, untruthful, deceitful, deceiving, deceptive, Janus-faced, lying, mendacious, untrustworthy; informalcrooked, shady, tricky, sharp, shifty; informalbent, dodgy; informalshonky; informalslim; malfeasant; archaicknavish, subtle, hollow-hearted; rarefalse-hearted, double-faced, truthless "he is accused of dishonest business practices" antonyms: honest intended to mislead or cheat. "he gave the editor a dishonest account of events"
  17. i specificly pm you to lmk before you sold it so i could take the $$ i invested on it...cant do much about the time and effort ,but the $$ i want(i had a felling Ibra was not one to be trusted , just from casual pms you can see that the dude had something fishy about him, but got me confused because he was allways being extra cool.... But dont worry its fixed now......thank you for the consideration.......and thank you for making me look like an idiot once again......you definitely the worst wing man ever,,,,i tought you was helping me all this time but looking back at it ,you actualy spoil my experience on this game, just for being such a scared pussy, scared of the forum opinion, get a grip dude ......now i know why there is so many people doesnt want to have no business with you......now go futt urself
  18. http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/let_me_explain_princess_bride.gif HES the one that wrote that amazing 15 character biography.....
  19. i swear i want to read thiis preview....very anxious ::::::
  20. :poster_stupid: :poster_stupid: :poster_stupid:
  21. hey dont be like http://salvationarmynorth.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Volunteer-562x374.jpg Let them drawn in their own shit....thats what wise guys deserve...... there is 2 other decent organizations in the island ....TIT is arguably better then IFC....they are doing a realy good season there
  22. YOU CANT LOAN ON THE ISLAND.....but dont worry there is loads of events booked and set already....$$$ will not be an issue.....i just took what was mine .....the season will go on....regarding the tounament maybe you can sponsor it ...you must be a man of GOD...kind of a Chris Widman kind of character....so generous.....
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