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  1. Patch List - 16/07/2024 A list of all updates released between the dates of 02/07/2024 and 16/07/2024. Spin and Win spin retrieval fix. Misc Bug Fixes Fighter List V2 finalisation. Developer Focus Vlad FighterList+ rebuild with sorting options and mobile optimisation. Tycoon Tools feature implementations Tycoon Wiki Mike Fight Engine Events Engine Tycoon Wiki Grappling Issue Major Projects in Progress - Laravel Port: 5% completed - Estimated delivery February 2025. [PAUSED] - PHP 8 Upgrade - 40% completed - Estimated delivery September 2025. This developer focus list highlights our main priorities. It doesn't include minor tasks, routine bug fixes, or all ongoing work. Unlisted projects may be on hold, in progress as non-priorities, or completed and pending testing/release.
    9 points
  2. *The stage in the auditorium is dimly lit with spotlights, and celebratory banners. The alumni sitting in the front row, are backdropped by the rest of the crowd quietly waiting for the event to begin. Rock music begins to play, as a well dressed grey haired man in his early 40's steps up to the podium and smiles with a nod. The music slowly fades out, and he begins to speak.* "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed Savage faculty, and especially the fierce warriors of The Savage Scholarship class of 2023, My name is Dan Daniels. I have been given the great honor to officiate this evenings ceremony, and I stand before you now, with both admiration and awe of the achievements of the men sitting in front of us here tonight." "First, let me say: You’re not simple graduates. You didn’t spend your college years huddled over textbooks in a quiet library. No, no... You were in the gym, sweat pouring, muscles tearing, and determination etched into every fiber of your being. You’ve been mastering the art of combat, honing your skills, and preparing for the ultimate showdown —the octagon." "As we gather here, I can’t help but think.. Life, much like an MMA fight, is unpredictable. It throws unexpected opponents at you —some with jabs, others with roundhouse kicks. But you’ve all learned to adapt, to roll with the punches (quite literally), and to find your footing even when the mat seems slippery. You're already champions." "Now let me take a step back, and lets together have a look at what these warriors.. these -SAVAGES- Have accomplished so far in their careers.." *Dan steps back and looks up at the screen as the lights dim. Narrated by a female voice, a video of each of the 9 alumni and their lives up to now begins to play* Floki Gunnarsson In the dimly lit corridors of Convicted Fight Club, where sweat mingles with the scent of resolve, there emerged a figure wrapped in determination. His name: Floki Gunnarsson. At a mere 18 years old, he stepped onto the canvas for the first time. Half Dane and half Icelandic, a product of the rugged North but raised amidst the forests and lakes of Sweden. The gym buzzed with anticipation as this newcomer, with his angelic features that hide an inner tempest. They called him the “Pretty Boy,” a moniker that danced lightly across his baby-faced visage. But those who dared underestimate him soon discovered the truth: beneath the veneer of innocence lay a Viking spirit — a primal force that hungered for combat. Floki likes to say that he "stood out like a Frosted Flake in a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles". His Nordic aura clashed with the warriors with who shared the mat. Yet, it was precisely this contradiction; the delicate and the fierce —that made him unforgettable. His eyes held the secrets of fjords, and his fists, when uncoiled, spoke of glaciers carving valleys. His record —5 straight wins, and 2 early career losses have etched a story of resilience. Each victory came by way of TKO from strikes, a testament to his raw power. He now carries the legacy of the Savage Scholarship program, class of 2023 —a machine that has forged his skills and steeled his resolve. And so, the saga continues. Floki’s career has only begun. A canvas awaiting bold brushstrokes. Keep your eyes on Floki Gunnarsson. He’s not just a fighter; he’s a story unfolding —one strike, one submission, one battle at a time. And who knows? Perhaps someday, the gods themselves will raise their horns in salute to this modern-day berserker. SKOL - and Congratulations Floki, on your graduation from the Savage Scholarship class of 2023! Teo King Teo King, born into the embrace of working-class Dominican immigrants, his childhood was a battleground —a place where survival meant fighting for every necessity. Alongside his brothers, he wove mischief into their days, their laughter echoing through narrow alleyways. But it was more than mischief; it was a primal instinct—the same fire that would soon ignite his career. Teo’s father, Théodore, watched this raw energy unfold. He recognized the spark.. The hunger, in his son. And so, one fateful day, he made a decision: the King brothers would step onto a different kind of canvas. Théodore, with the wisdom of a seasoned warrior, enrolled them in his work colleague’s Muay Thai gym. The gym’s walls absorbed their sweat, their shouts, and their dreams. Teo’s first baptism by combat came at 19 years old. The cage welcomed him, its steel mesh promising both pain and glory. In MMA, he carved an 8-4 record—a testament to his tenacity. Wins and losses, each a chapter in his saga. But there’s more: before the bright lights of MMA, Teo had danced under exclusive kickboxing spotlights. Two wins there —an unspoken promise of greatness. His heart straddles continents. Brooklyn, USA —the streets that raised him still hums in his veins. But Sydney, Australia, now echoes with his footsteps. Across oceans, he fights. His fists weave stories of resilience, and his kicks bridge cultures. The ink on his contract reads “Carnival Combat Club.” Teo’s name is etched alongside other warriors, each with their own battles to wage. The cage awaits him, its canvas blank —a space where dreams and destiny collide. Teo’s journey is intertwined with the Savage Scholarship program. Class of 2023 —a stone that has helped shaped him, sharpened his edges. His career? It’s a sunrise —a promise of more battles, more victories. So remember the name: Teo King. He’s not just a fighter; he’s a symphony of Brooklyn grit, Dominican fire, and the thunderous applause of distant shores. His story has only begun, and the cage awaits his next chapter. Congratulations to Teo King! Savage Scholarship Graduate of 2023! Bo Duran A former Junior hockey player, discovered that his talents extended beyond the ice. His knack for brawling caught the attention of the local MMA fight club, where he embarrassed a few opponents. Recognizing his potential, Jason Swanson, a seasoned trainer, took Bo under his wing at the Fight Founders gym in Montreal. Despite early defeats, Bo’s quick learning ability turned the tide. He transformed those setbacks into a winning streak, culminating in several Championship belt victories. His record boasts an impressive 15 wins and only 2 losses, with an astounding 13 of those wins coming by stoppage. Currently, Bo holds the light heavyweight championship belt in the Redemption Fight League, along with winning previous titles in other prestigious organizations. When asked about the Savage Scholarship program, he emotionally expressed gratitude: “I just want to take a moment and thank everyone involved. It takes an entire team to build an organization like this… sniff… It’s going to be hard to… to… dabs eye… I promised Lamar I wasn’t going to do this! Starting my career with the Savage Team behind me has been a tremendous success, and I believe both my class and the next will have a bright future ahead. Four more years! I’m going to Disneyland, and there is no tomorrow!” Bo’s achievements continue today, as he is a top graduate of the Savage Scholarship program, class of 2023. At only 27 years old, he still has ample time to leave an indelible mark on the sport, and we all know he will, if he hasn't already. His journey—from hockey rinks to championship belts—is a testament to dedication, resilience, and the thrill of combat. Thank you and congratulations to you, Savage Scholarship class of 2023 Graduate! Surkho Dratchev Known by his fight moniker “Nostrovia,” is a fascinating character in the world of mixed martial arts. Born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and now fighting out of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Nostrovia brings a unique blend of passion, determination, and linguistic challenges to the cage. At just 26 years old, Nostrovia’s career is still in its early stages, but he’s already made an impact. With 11 wins and 6 losses, he’s proven himself to be a well-rounded fighter. But it’s not just his fighting skills that set him apart; it’s his unwavering commitment to two things: vodka and defending his right to share it with the world. Now, let’s pause for a moment and appreciate the delightful irony here. Nostrovia’s English might be a bit shaky, but his conviction is crystal clear. In his mind, every opponent he faces wants to snatch away his beloved vodka rights. It’s like he’s battling not just in the octagon but also against a global conspiracy to deprive him of his favorite spirit. And honestly, nobody has the heart to correct him. Maybe it’s the universal language of alcohol that transcends linguistic barriers. But let’s get back to business. Nostrovia is currently signed with the Carnival Combat Club, a fitting home for a fighter who combines grit with a dash of eccentricity. And speaking of his journey, he had this to say about the Savage Scholarship Program: *Speaking in Russian, subtitles scroll on the lower portion of the screen* “I joined the program during a very tumultuous time in the MMA World. Organizations could not stay open and I bounced around from show to show with no way to feed my family or visit prostitutes.." *the crowd laughs..* "I am grateful to be part of the Savage Sponsorship Program. Without this, I would not have a pot to piss in. My life as a “Savage” was very rough - without focus, I lacked consistency and success. Through perseverance and a fat Savage wallet, I managed to turn this around. I bite down on my mouthpiece, and fight another day!” And there you have it: Nostrovia! The fighter who fights for vodka and survival. Cheers to him, and may his punches be as potent as his favorite libation! Congratulations Surkho Dratchev, on your Graduation from the Savage Scholarship class of 2023! Luke Smith Luke Smith stands at the precipice of a promising career. His story unfolds like a well-choreographed fight —full of determination, unexpected twists, and unyielding ambition. Hailing from Manchester, England, Luke’s journey began in the unlikely setting of traveler camps. It was there that Alfred Winterbottom, with his keen eye for raw talent, discovered Luke and his brother. Their exhibition match caught Winterbottom’s attention, and Luke received the coveted green light to represent his country in the World Cup of MMA —a stepping stone toward greater glories. But Luke isn’t content with mere medals. The world cup victories, while significant, are just a waypoint on his map. His dreams stretch far beyond the confines of any championship podium. Tokyo, with its neon-lit streets and relentless energy, now serves as his fighting base —a place where he sharpens his skills and hones his resolve. Featherweight by classification, Luke boasts an impressive record: ten wins and four losses. Each scar, each hard-fought victory, fuels his hunger for more. Under contract with “Underground Cage Fighting,” he steps into the octagon with unwavering purpose, knowing that every punch and submission attempt shapes his legacy. And what of the Savage Scholarship Program? Luke’s gratitude runs deep. He attributes his ascent to their support, acknowledging that they played a pivotal role in molding him into the world champion he’s become. "The Savage Scholarship Program was instrumental in helping me become the world champion that I am. I will always be grateful for their help and support, and I in turn stand by CEO Rocket as the unfounded rumors that he visited a certain tropical Island come to light." When asked about CEO Rocket (whose name swirls in rumor) he stands by him staunchly, dismissing any unfounded tales of tropical escapades. So, watch closely as Luke Smith weaves his future narrative —a tale of resilience, sacrifice, and the pursuit of greatness. The cage awaits, and Luke strides forward, fists clenched, heart unyielding. His career has only begun, and the world of MMA holds its breath, eager to witness what this tenacious fighter will achieve next. Congratulations to Luke Smith! Savage Scholarship Graduate of 2023! Jayilton Almeda At just 23 years old, Jayilton Almeda has already etched his name into the annals of professional mixed martial arts. Hailing from Salvador, Brazil, he embodies the spirit of resilience and determination that defines his hometown. Born in the vibrant Brotas neighborhood of Salvador, Almeda’s upbringing was far from easy. His parents had parted ways, leaving him with 11 siblings to navigate life’s challenges. Tragically, his elder brother, Alexandre, vanished after becoming entangled in criminal activities —a haunting reminder of the harsh realities faced by many in their community. Initially, Almeda harbored dreams of becoming a professional soccer player, but a staggering R$10,000 stood between him and his soccer dreams; a sum that felt insurmountable for his family. Almeda turned to the combat sports that ran in his blood. At the tender age of 6, he laced up his gloves and stepped into the boxing ring. The discipline, the sweat, and the camaraderie of the gym became his refuge. But it was Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that truly captured his heart. By 11, he was grappling on the mats, honing his ground game alongside dedicated training partners. Almeda’s journey took an unexpected turn. The Savage Scholarship Program recognized his potential. With unwavering support, it provided him with a springboard for his career. Graduating from this respected organization isn’t just an achievement; it is a resounding vote of confidence in his abilities. Almeda’s response echoed his gratitude and determination: “What can I say about the Savage Scholarship? The support that this program provided gave me a fantastic start to my career & has given me massive motivation to perform at the highest level I can. Graduation from such a well-respected organization is a massive vote of confidence in me as a fighter & I hope to go forwards in my career with the same intensity and respect as this award demands, that of a True Savage.” And so, Jayilton Almeda continues to carve his path, one fight at a time.. Bearing the weight of his neighborhood, his family, and the legacy of a True Savage. His story is still unfolding, but the fire in his eyes promises a future marked by triumphs and unyielding spirit. Lets hear it for Jayilton Almeda, Graduate Savage Scholar of 2023! Lamar Gordon Lamar Gordon, known in the MMA world as “The Preachers Son,” has carved a remarkable path despite the odds stacked against him. Born and raised in a gritty neighborhood, Lamar’s early life was marked by the harsh realities of gang violence and drug-related struggles. But destiny had other plans for him. At a tender age, Lamar discovered two pivotal forces that would shape his future: mixed martial arts, and faith. His father, a local preacher, introduced him to both. Through the teachings of God and Jesus, Lamar found solace and redemption. The message was clear: courage and repentance could lead to forgiveness, even for those who had walked dark paths. As he stepped into the cage, Lamar’s raw talent became evident. His imposing frame —fitting for a heavyweight fighter —was matched by an unwavering determination. His record speaks volumes: 13 wins and 2 losses —a testament to his skill, resilience, and hunger for victory. From the streets of Rochester to the fighting arenas of Montreal, Lamar has become a beacon of hope for those who had faced adversity. His fists, once clenched in anger, now symbolized discipline and purpose. And in the octagon, he wore the mantle of a former champion —a title earned through grit, sacrifice, and countless hours of training. Today, at 27 years old, Lamar Gordon stands at the crossroads of his career. His contract with the Redemption Fight League promises more challenges, more triumphs. The echoes of his past still linger —the shadows of gang alleys and the scent of desperation— but they no longer define him. Lamar, “The Preachers Son,” fights not only for himself but for the redemption of all who dare to ask for it. As a graduate of the Savage Scholarship program class of 2023, his legacy continues to unfold, and the cage awaits his next chapter! Well done, and congratulations to the class of 2023 Savage Scholar - Lamar Gordon! Olivier Dujardin Olivier Dujardin, affectionately known as “Le Tigre,” emerged from the streets of Paris —a crucible that would forge both his resilience and his fighting spirit. His story began when he was plucked from obscurity, thrust into the clandestine world of nightclub brawls, where survival meant mastering the art of combat. But fate took a curious twist: his management, shrouded in mystery, vanished without a trace, leaving Olivier to find new guidance. He found it in Crazy Horse, his new management raising him out of the underground fight scene. His journey led him across continents, and today he fights out of Tokyo —a city pulsating with its own energy, where the neon lights cast long shadows on the surrounding landscapes. At 26 years old, Olivier stands at the precipice of greatness. His record—12 wins and 5 losses—tells a tale of hard-fought battles, each scar etching a chapter in his narrative. But numbers alone cannot capture the fire that burns within him. It’s the whispers of underground rumors —the insinuation that his former management danced with shadows— that lend an air of mystique to his story. After signing the contract with the Savage Scholarship, Olivier seized the NYF 170lb title and defended it with ferocity. But champions are forged in defeat as much as victory. A recent loss forced Olivier to recalibrate. Now, ensconced within the hallowed walls of the House of 1000 Corpses —a sanctuary for fighters— he trains alongside legends. Olivier yearns to ascend once more, to reclaim what destiny owes him. The children had their fleeting moment in the sun, but now Le Tigre prowls. If you stand in his way, beware! The cage awaits, and Olivier Dujardin is ready to roar! Join us in Congratulating Olivier Dujardin - Savage Scholarship graduating class of 2023! Artemis Entreri Artemis “The Assassin” Entreri was born into a world where raw power and calculated brutality intersect. Hailing from the vibrant city of Calimport, Artemis found himself drawn to the primal dance of combat. His lineage, a curious blend of biker grit and artistic sensibility, shaped his destiny. His father —a leather-clad road warrior— imbued him with a fierce determination, while his mother, a playwright, gifted him with the ability to weave narratives both on and off the canvas. It’s said that Artemis followed in his father’s footsteps, but perhaps it’s more accurate to say he forged his own path —one that led him away from the rumbling engines of motorcycles and toward the roar of the crowd in the MMA arena. Artemis burst onto the scene as a light heavyweight fighter, his frame honed through countless hours of training. His record —11 wins and 4 losses— tells a story of resilience and adaptability. But it’s the manner of those victories that sets him apart: all but one of his wins achieved through the primal punctuation of a knockout blow. New York City serves as his fighting base, a gritty backdrop against which he showcases his lethal skills. The Combate organization, recognizing his potential, has inked him to a contract —a pact that binds him to the pursuit of greatness. He channels both, the raw fury of a biker’s chain; and the poetic precision of a playwright’s pen. With each fight, he etches his story deeper into the collective consciousness, leaving a trail of fallen opponents and awestruck spectators. So, keep your eyes on Artemis “The Assassin” Entreri. His career has only just begun, and at 27 years old -and now a graduate of the esteemed Savage Scholarship program’s class of 2023- His story unfolds not in the hallowed halls of academia, but rather within the unforgiving cage of mixed martial arts. Congratulations to The Assassin, Artemis Entreri! Savage Scholarship class of 2023 graduate! *Lights brighten on the podium where Dan Daniels turns again to the crowd and smiles as he applauds. Preparing for his closing words, he leans into the microphone..* "And now Savage class of 2023.. -As you step out of this auditorium and into the world, remember this.. Remember that you’re not just fighters;" *Epic music begins to play* "You’re ambassadors of resilience, discipline, adaptability, community, and courage. Carry these virtues with you always, as you strive for greatness! May your careers be legendary, your victories celebrated, and your defeats turned into stepping stones.. And when life throws a spinning backfist your way, dodge it, counter, and move ever forward!" *Epic rock music continues to play louder..* "Congratulations once again, Savages! May your legacy echo through the ages, and may your battle cries inspire generations of warriors to come!" "Now GO GET IT!" *The crowd roars with energy and applause, as the lights fade from the podium and are replaced by party lights dancing around the room, while epic rock music fills the auditorium.* The event has come to an end, but the promising careers of these exceptional Savage graduates - have only just begun! Onward, to the after party!
    8 points
  3. Patch List - 02/07/2024 A list of all updates released between the dates of 25/06/2024 and 02/07/2024. We will be focusing a few more weeks on delivering changes to the community before pivoting back to the upgrade projects. Please call out any changes you'd like to see, both old and new and we'll get to work on them! Doubled the base Weight Gain and Loss Supplements. Bookies Real Life Events return. TycoonTimes mobile optimisation. Updated Year Statistics, now include 2011 - 2023 - https://www.mmatycoon.com/statsyear.php Balanced Grappling Organisations. Referrals are now tracked from any page. Simply add ref=id to any page. E.g - https://www.mmatycoon.com/bookmakerpublic.php?bid=8565&ref=48500 or - https://www.mmatycoon.com/rankings.php?ref=48500 Fighter List Version 2 is now in closed beta. If you'd like to test it out and give us feedback then drop me a message! Developer Focus Vlad FighterList+ rebuild with sorting options and mobile optimisation. Tycoon Tools feature implementations Tycoon Wiki Mike Fight Engine Events Engine Tycoon Wiki Major Projects in Progress - Laravel Port: 5% completed - Estimated delivery February 2025. [PAUSED] - PHP 8 Upgrade - 40% completed - Estimated delivery September 2025. This developer focus list highlights our main priorities. It doesn't include minor tasks, routine bug fixes, or all ongoing work. Unlisted projects may be on hold, in progress as non-priorities, or completed and pending testing/release.
    8 points
  4. At the end of the day, I'll repeat what I said a while ago in regards to this topic: The design philosophy should be about bringing people up rather than putting others down to level playing fields, and I think that translates to this discussion really well. The nature of anything with a remote smidge of competitiveness (nevermind one that is also a text based browser game) is that people will deviate towards whatever is 'optimal'. To direct people into playing the game how you envision, make that playstyle the best way to go about it or at least a viable alternative. IF you don't like the idea of cooking for philosophical reasons or for being unfriendly to non-VIPs and/or noobs THEN make a viable alternative, by making development better out of the box (which seems to be gathering more favour amongst users) or rewarding being active through fights with noticeable development bonuses which would be on par to cooking. Both combined with existing mechanics like the skills softcap mean that there is simply less or no advantage to cooking. Imagine if you could develop a fighter equally as well by actually fighting (within reason to prevent farming) or if that was the more optimal way to build a guy. Not many people would still choose to cook extensively, and you'd get a bunch of less 'complete' guys actually going at each other (Alfred's wet dream!). Nerfing cooking rather than providing a better alternative like more skill points or faster development just keeps the non-chefs just as depressed and now makes the chefs sadder too.
    7 points
  5. SUMMER SLAUGHTER - FINAL STANDINGS Well folks, it’s over. After fifteen gruelling events spread over the entire month of June, the Summer Slaughter champion has finally been crowned. Twenty fighters took part and let me tell you, it was no walk in the park for any one of them. Let’s take a look at the final standings and prize hunt winners. It came down to the very final round to decide a champion and in the end it was the undeniable slider fu of consistant #1 OG manager Billy Arseworth and his asian slave fighter Asian Guy who took top honours. He was pushed to the very limits and had to pick himself up and dust himself off a few times in the tournament but he did just that and reaps the rewards of his bravery. The 6m Tycoon Dollar grand prize is now his to spend how he sees fit (A new shiny jet anyone?) In second place it was the delightfully freaky overperforming Freaky Fernando that surprised us with his performances over the tournament. Although he faltered at the last hurdle, it would have made little difference in the grand scheme of things as he needed Asian Guy to lose in order for him to win. 3M Tycoon Dollars are now on it’s way to his bank account. In third place it was The Big Boss who seemingly flew under the radar for the entire tournament. A submission master, Big Boss ended up topping the tables for Most Submissions in the tournament with a grand total of 11 out of 11 wins. Extremely impressive performance overall and enough to claim third place. A total of 2m Tycoon Dollars go to this fighter. 1M for his third place finish and 1M for Most Submissions Splitting the 1M for Most Knockouts in the tournament will be Chadwick Raffelburg and Tyler Durden. Raffelburg became known for his gentle but effective face massages whilst Durden was just straight up kebab shopping fools. 8 KO’s apeice each nets them 500k each. Although not the greatest performance of his career, “Smooth” Booby Soul will not go down as a one hit wonder after claiming the fastest finish of the tournament. His nineteen second KO over Ben Barnes in Rd. 3 earns him a cool 1m Tycoon Dollars. Let’s hope he writes a song about that. Speaking of Ben Barnes, this dastardly fighter waiting until the very last round of the tournament to snatch the Hot Potato Title Prize for himself and claim the 1m prize attached to it. Sneaky, very sneaky but we love it and that’s how it’s supposed to go. Topping the charts in the Most Battered tables and earning his own 1m towards medical bills was Juan Pablo Estrella. A combined 99 injury and cuts days inflicted on his fighter overall. We recommend immediate retirement and recovery for this well derserving fighter. Chadwick Raffelburg is awarded 100k for claiming the first “Kill Asian Guy” bounty and Ishaan Thornton is awarded 250k for claiming the second “Kill Asian Guy” bounty. Well, that’s a wrap folks. Thanks for tuning in! A more detailed performance review of each fighter will be coming up very soon and all prizes will be paid out today. A big thank you for everyone who took part and accepted their fights but especially, as always, for those that didn’t have the best of runs and knew they were out of the running some rounds earlier. A truly selfless act which shows great budo and makes sure that tournament integrity remains intact. I salute you.
    7 points
  6. I don't mind the speed of the game - 1 year = 12 weeks is fine. Part of this games charm is you don't have to log in daily unless you run an org. It is the learning speed which has to go up. The quicker the fighters learn the quicker you get to fighting and the more people remain engaged - rather than spending a full year waiting for them to become semi competent even when you roll a 6.5-7.5 learner. Now you can do this without actually altering your baseline on learning speed. Just keep the learning speed consistent until the fighter hits his potential drop off range. This is probably the best option for the guys who are left. It means those who like to fight early get to do so with less punishment for doing so and those who like to cook their fighters get them cooked a bit faster. I'd rather see the learning speeds go up but I can understand if that just would cause a headache with people who have just created fighters prior to the patch going live.
    7 points
  7. Hello everybody…and welcome to…Sucker Punch Pro Series: RESURRECTION! Yes, this means that we're back for our third go round. The history is a bit mixed, our first go round was wildly successful and we ran an org for years that propelled itself from a little Restricted ID org into arguably one of the top three Unrestricted orgs in the game! I was very proud of that and the fact that we did things a bit differently than most orgs. Unfortunately, when it was time for me to finally walk away and turn the reigns over it all fell apart within a couple months and the org was more or less pillaged for resources and fighters. Our second go round was more short-lived as a filler space org that was intended to evolve over time and slide in ID...but we had some shenanigans and tom-foolery going on at the time shortly after that saw contracts skyrocket due to what I personally believe was shady funds and many of the orgs in that restricted space gobbled up by an owner who tends to come in now and then, create havoc, and then bail in short order. That left the unrestricted space, and the game, much worse off than it was before that. My hope is that this third go round will last as long as the game has a need for it. Right now, there's a bit of a vacuum of options in the 390-394k space in terms of variety and based upon the number of free agents out there that don't have contracts, it's clear that there's an opportunity to serve the managers and fighters there. So that's what we'll attempt to do with this 'Resurrection'! Org Structure and Details Ok, now that we’ve gotten through my little intro and all, let’s move onto the stuff that really matters to you folks! SPPS: RESURRECTION – Restricted ID (390k+) The org will get going to mostly serve the 390-394k or so restricted ID range. If demand sees fit, we'll expand that over time or grow with the fighters if need be, but as everybody knows it's hard to say where the game is going in the next 6 to 12 months. Generally speaking, many 18 year old created fighters are getting close to being unrestricted ready by the time they reach 26-28 years old. The fastest learners can be ready by 24-25. Given that, I know that the time for the org may only be needed for a specific stretch but when that time comes we can evaluate whether there is another gap that needs served or what the state of the game is as I stated. Contract Payscales and Signing Bonuses One of the big, BIG changes I am making again this time around with the org relates to contracts and signing bonuses. Gone are the days where I’ll offer contracts with big signing bonuses along with reasonable fight and win pay. There are simply too many instances where managers sign, fight one or two fights (if that), then bail and sack their guy after laundering the signing bonus cash. Going forward, all contracts will be based upon “fight to earn your pay, including the bonus”. Meaning, the normal signing bonus I’d offer folks will be prorated into the fight pay. So, you’ll see contracts with higher fight pay, and then smaller win bonuses. The higher fight pay is to allow the fighter to earn the pay as well as the signing bonus as they fight out their contract. For fighters of managers who are new or have very low funds, so much so that getting decent training, supplements and clothing is problematic, chat with me and we'll arrange to ensure you have the funds to give your guy the best opportunity possible until his fights and the fight pay kicks in. I have no issue with that whatsoever if the intentions are genuine and pure! Roster Sizes and Division Limits Let's discuss roster size and my goal of keeping things to about 1 card per week. Obviously, that implies only about 80-100 fighters in the org. I’ll stretch that to perhaps two extra cards per month, or 2 every other week, but that would be the max. That would put us at about 120 fighters max assuming some going AWOL or MIA, or other conflicts. My goal is to have fighters fighting approximately every 20-30 days, erring towards about 28 days for most fights. I like to set up fights with plenty of time for the fighters to train, plan and strategize. That said, I’m targeting the following: · 14-18 fighters per division ideally. · Fighters who go four fights in a row with losses or who fall below 4k P4P ranking, are unresponsive multiple times to fight offers or who have managers go MIA for 10 days with no word are subject to early cuts to make room for new blood. I hope that doesn’t happen often. Engagement and Interaction One of the reasons I want to keep the roster size down and only do 4, but maybe 6, events per month is so that I can keep up with write-ups for our managers and fighters! On top of that, I really, really want to encourage more interaction with managers and their fighters, get more of that flavor going. So, I'll be doing a thing where I have a list of stock questions that are available for folks to send me info on leading into events. Answer one, a couple, whatever you like. Give me something to work with, and your fighter/manager will be focused on more in the previews or reviews. Don't engage...I'll still touch on your fighter and the matchup, but it may not be as fun and interesting! Get as much out of this as you like! Hoping this sounds exciting and fun for all involved! I hold myself to a pretty high standard for how I like an org run, and that'll be no different this time around. I’ll be opening up the roster for sign-ups immediately and also sending out contracts. I’ll apologize in advance, but I will offer contracts to those without the “needs contract” check box checked ONE TIME ONLY, because there may be those who are simply training because there isn’t a roster they want to be on right now and perhaps we may be what they’re looking for. I won’t do it again beyond this coming week though.
    6 points
  8. MILF Week in Review This week in the MILF galaxy far, far away, Half Cocked owner continued to throw cash away with his ghastly use off edibles and scandalous lifestyle. A simple miscalculation of Arena size had a minor setback to the MILF budget funds but Owner Judas claimed it was all because of an evil leprechaun to fault. The only thing of importance though was the excellence displayed at the events as the Organization branches out globally hitting the likes of Tokyo, London and Sydney this week to jam packed arenas! Live from the Bridge in Sydney two big title fights where put forth for the Australian crowd. Before the Title bouts though we saw some key matchups take place on the Main card and the undercard for that matter. Props to Scooter Dahan for making a successful MILF debut winning by way of Unanimous Decision in tough scrap. Tommy Chong Jr made quick work of Will Hutchinson picking up the win in just over a minute as well as "SOTN" honors. Jorge Baroza looked as stellar as ever as he took out Passion Pacio in round one via TKO Strikes. The win earned baroza his first "KOTN" as well. Co-Main Event Super Heavyweight Championship Enzo DiMaggio def Semi Veainu fourth Round KO (Punch) The Shocker of the night was surely Enzo DiMaggio taking out the Super Heavyweight champ Semi Veainu with a 4th round KO. This was one hell of a scrap, and some would say Enzo was clearly just there to pad the Veainu record but was we ever wrong. This Big Italian Sausage don't play no shit! An enraged Alfred Winterbottoms made little effort to hide his explosive behavior as he stormed the MILF office and demanded an immediate rematch. Calling out the orgs inability to give him a quality opponent. He even went as far to say Enzo was juiced to the gills, and i assure you our testing proto calls performed by Mr. Madness are 100% by the book. Regardless these two big bulls will fight again as Enzo the warrior he is has accepted the demands. Main Event Welterweight Championship Jardani Jovonovich def Raphael Couture first Round Submission (Armbar) In the Main event of the evening Jardani Jovonovich welcomed the Season 15 Welterweight Tournament winner to the cage for a shot at immortality. Jovonovich saw his tourney dreams shattered in the Semifinals, so he was extra pissed for this meeting. The challenger and Tourney winner Raphael Couture looked to continue his dominant ways as this once 4-6 fighter has truly turned things around winning his last 6 fights all of which were first round finishes. Tonight, though just wasn't his nice in the biggest fight of his career as he was just out worked in this grappling showcase. "Baba Yaga" would lock in an armbar submission with just 5 seconds on the clock and forced the tap. Saturday the MILD crew returned to London once more, this time as they invade the Knights Court for another Two title event. UK Fan favorites Angus Young and Declan McCoy would be in the evenings Main and Co-main events looking to defend their belts in style for their fans! Jamison Hutchinson played the spoiler in the Under card, taking out Newcastle's Aden Parker with a jaw dropping One Punch KO. This would warrant Hutchinsons 2nd "KOTN" honors. Gregor Reilly found himself back in the winner's circle after taking out Justice Washington with a round 1 Kimura submission victory. "Cannonball" is now in a prime spot for a potential #1 contender matchup in his next bout. Alien Invasion found himself in all kinds of trouble in his Main Card feature matchup with the crafty Nick Santorino. As the fight started on the feet Invasion was able to get a mid-round takedown, but it was all Santorino round 1. Round 2 though same book different story, Invasion gets his TD early and proceeded to land strike after strike on the ground until the ref intervened. Both fighters were awarded "FOTN" Honors for this one. Co-Main Event Middleweight Championship Chick Hamland def Declan McCoy Second Round TKO (Strikes) Chick Hamland continues his story book, first winning the 185 Island tournament, and tonight in London against all odds the dumb SOB wins his first Championship. Now for McCoy he had a nice time at the top of the MW division here having an 8fight win streak going until his lose to Lawson Serrano in the Tournament. He has proved that his current Achilles is those naggy wrestlers like Serrano and Hamland, and on Saturday night in London the champ was clearly outclassed on the ground once again. I know Declan comes from a great camp though and i expect him to be back in the thick of things soon enough for the love of Ireland. Main Event Bantamweight Championship Angus Young def Eja Igwe First Round Submission (Guillotine) In the evenings Main Event the Scotsman Angus Young got back to business after his first loss in the Season tourney. On the other end of the cage was the dangerous Nigerian striker Eja Igwe who has finished all of his victories with Knock Outs. This was a rematch from a previous bout, and the outcome was almost identical as before with Angus getting it to the mat and forcing the tap, simple and sweet. He did change it up slightly by going with the guillotine this time. Young is now set to face the MILF King himself one more time. Speaking of which Pope Callixtus has left the Crazy Horse management team. "Stating there is not enough young boys in the gym"! so if you're looking for a FA give Callixtus a go aye!!! Rounding out the MILF week was MILF 106 live from Shinjuku Indoor Arena in Tokyo. Yet another entertaining fight Card topped off with Title bouts at Heavyweight and Featherweight bolstering the show. Vincent Duboulay looked to be heading for disaster in the form of a three fight lose streak, but the St. Lucia native channeled his Island Strengths to weather the early storm from Kona Kush. Kush saw success early moving forward in the standup exchange dropping Vincent with a nasty left hand just 30 seconds into the bout. Kush may have made one minor mistake buy following his opponent to the mat, but we all know that when you're seeing blood the rage can take over the mind. This was the break Vince needed though as he rode out the round and got himself back together. Round two Duboulay wants none of the standup and takes the fight to the ground immediately. Kush is no pushover on the mat either, so it was no walk in the park for Vince there, but he showed his class in round two evening things up 1-1. Round three though Duboulay took care of business with another immediate takedown he then putting in work until he gets the back of Kona and forces the submission via RNC in round 3. This was an obvious choice for "FOTN" both fighters bringing their warrior spirit here. Fight of the Week if i must say. Grga Chvarak picked up a surprise KO over the most destructive KO artist from the season 15 Isaland Season IM in Danilo Zoric. Danillo scored first with a Knockdown, but Grga fired back a minute later with the death blow sending Danil to the ground. Hell of a one Punch KO win and "KOTN" honors were awarded for Chvarak. Eduardo Chavez nagged the "SOFN" award after getting dominated for the first two rounds from Blazej Maleszewski. Chavez is always a threat on the ground though and he caught the Polish fighter sleeping long enough to sink in a Triangle choke late in the final round. Co-Main Event Heavyweight Championship Yoshiaki Noda def Eli Vaughn first Round TKO (Strikes) Yoshiaki Noda did not let down his Tokyo faithful shutting down challenger Eli Vaughn's aggressive takedown attempts one after another draining him and then sealing the deal with the kiss of death! by Kiss of death, I mean he lit dat dude up. Lefts and rights, headshots and Body shots, poor Vaughn didn't see it coming and took a nap for his negligence. Noda may be looking for retirement though so with the win it ultimately was the early demise of the MILF Heavyweight division as we look to merge them with the SHW division ASAP. Main Event Featherweight Championship Jaylen Stout def Freaky Trevor Unanimous Decision Are final fight of the weekend being no doubt a grudge match of all grudge matches. Jaylen Stout and Freaky Trevor have fought three times now, with the first two going to Trevor. There first fight was Jaylen's first loss in fact, as Freaky won a Unanimous decision. Fight 2: same outcome, although this one may have stung a little more as it was the Seasons ending island Tournament final at 145 with freaky taking another UD. So down 0-2 Stout the MILF Featherweight champ had to right his wrongs or he was going to lose the one thing he held so dearly! We could go on and on on the fight rundown but just know this one was a classic back and forth game of chess. Both fighters are very skilled on the mat, and it showed as they went 5 rounds of grappling. That final round was a clear win for the champ, and he definitely earned his defense here in Tokyo. Well done Mr. Stout! Thats a wrap Jack!
    6 points
  9. Mentor summarised it pretty well. While many of you have raised some compelling arguments, a change in learning speed will be a fundamental change to the core of the game - it's not something we are planning to do and I firmly believe that it will have the inverse impact to what everyone is expecting. On the topic of player growth, to put things into perspective, 61% of web traffic comes from mobile and the site unfortunately isn't optimised for mobile play at this time. I have covered this loosely with a few people, but to put everyone on the same page - we want to introduce meaningful changes to the game, not cheap cop-outs like increasing the learning speed. We will be improving all areas of the game, and once we think it's in a good place both functionally and visually we will start aggressive growth campaigns aimed at attracting more users! While I appreciate this isn't the instant growth that everyone is looking for... we have a process and we will continue to keep the community appraised on our progress and are even considering hosting monthly community discussions on Discord where we answer all of your burning questions and show you sneak peeks of what we're working on. https://discord.gg/RQYDVDZeAg
    6 points
  10. *Your monitor fades in to the next advertisement. - rock music begins to play as the camera slowly pans to focus on a well toned silvery haired man, sitting behind a desk covered with all manner of MMA fight memorabilia. His thin frame and clean shaven face are framed by wall hangings, flags, championship belts, and many hand autographed pictures of him standing beside MMA legends.* "Hello fight fans- I'm Dan Daniels, and I would like to welcome you all to my new show that will encompass everything related to MMA! - "That Damn Dan Daniels MMA Show!" *camera angle changes* "From Pre-Fight hype interviews, to Post-Fight reviews - and everything in between! You'll find it all right here! I'll look to speak with the biggest upcoming talents and even world champions in the most prestigious organizations to get their opinions, predictions, and hear what is on their minds!" *Dan continues to speak, as the screen fades to a scrolling slideshow of notable moments in MMA history* "Do you have an event in need of press coverage? or maybe you're a manager looking to bring some attention to your top fighters? Contact Dan Daniels today, to immortalize your historic events and fighters at 1-888-KICK-ASS !" *The screen goes back to Dan who flashes a smile and flexes with one arm while pointing at you with the other, as the music fades out and the advertisement comes to an end.* --------------------------------------------- OOC: Returning from a long time hiatus. I love that this game is getting some improvements and attention from devs, and wanted to witness the progress. I need money to build a new gym, and get my new management empire started back up! .. That being said, I am offering up my writing services to those in need. I know writers are (or at least were) hard to find, so prices may depend on the work load that I currently have. I may also refuse things that I do not have time for. My real life schedule is erratic. For this reason; I can not commit to writing more than one piece at a time. (I won't be hired to write all reviews for all of your events.) Each piece is negotiated as a separate work. Prices may adjust over time while I learn the economy again. Pieces will include images of any highlighted characters and "flavor" images, as well as formatted text to make the post look nicer, as in the sample above. Pre Fight Press Conference - 50k per cooperating fighter. I will come up with 2 questions to ask each fighter - Managers give reply's, and I will write it into a press conference format. Prices for this are dependent on how many managers cooperate. More writing will be more expensive. Single Fighter interviews - 50k Much like a one on one podcast interview. I will write several questions to ask the fighter, and based on your responses; will write it all into an interview format. Post Event Review (top 3 fights only) - 75k In the past, I have found that writing a review for an entire 10 fight card gets exhausting and repetitive. For both quality of writing and to avoid sounding like a broken record, I will only review the top 3 fights on a card unless otherwise negotiated. Benchmark events may have special attention (UFC 300 for example). *I will also graciously work for VIP time* Thank you for your interest! Please mail me in game or DM me here on the forums to discuss your writing needs. ~Dan Daniels
    5 points
  11. The only thing I've seen so far that makes sense is to add more points at creation. By way of compensation for those wo have created fighters maybe offer something like release 5 fighters for free after the date announced that the additional creation points will be added. If you give people enough notice heading into a change, and offer a suitable compensation package for anyone who might be affected, I don't see there being much of an issue The QFC rebalance is a valid point and probably something that needs looking at anyway. The fighter pay for QFC is still based on times when gym fees were cheap as chips and 1 year VIP was like 1mil. The game needs a major upheaval to bring it up to spec, and to entice new and old managers to join the game and not have to wait one year irl to compete. EDIT: You have a pseudo PTR with the island to test these things in beta format before implementing. Run an island season with greater points at creation and see how it plays out. It's not like for like but itll give a good flavour of how it can fit into the full game.
    5 points
  12. IRL events will be making a comeback tomorrow.
    5 points
  13. Round 14 Recap And so it will need the entire 15 rounds to crown our Summer Slaughter champion. Round 14 is now over and this is how things went down. Tyler Durden murdered Luis Caixhina in just twenty-two seconds of the first round. With nothing but pride to fight for, Durden clearly decided to make a run at the fastest knockout which stands at nineteen seconds. The win puts Durden at 8-6 and guarantees that he finishes the tournament with a winning record. He is currently in 8th place in the league but that could go as high as 4th on the last day. He is also in the running for most KO’s in the tournament. As for Caixhina, this latest loss marks his ninth out of his last ten fights and means he will be scrapping until his final moments to avoid staying in the last place spot he currently occupies. Asian Guy couldn’t believe his luck as opponent Sancho Bandito completed the first part of his three part winning tactic for him. Guy has tried to follow a strict “grab em, flop on em & sub em” strategy all the way to the top and once again it worked like a charm. Guy gets the first round submission and remains in first place via a TB. For Bandito, you know he must be a loser as even closeted homo Asian Guy didn’t want his free love. He now goes into the final week with the very real chance of finishing last. An important win for El Freaky Fernando over a tough Ben Barnes ensures he keeps the pressure on Asian Guy and remains in high contention for the championship. Still in second place and separated by a TB, Fernando will need Asian Guy to slip up as well as win himself. For Barnes, at 6-8, even a winning record is beyond his grasp at this point, however, he does have a shot at the hot potato title in his final match up. Title chasing underdog The Big Boss has fought bitterly to keep the dream alive but I think at this point, third place is the highest he could go even if Fernando and Guy were to lose their final fights and Boss win his. This would be due to a tie break rule in which case Boss has lost to both of those opponents priot. Still, I could be wrong and we’ll have to find out in the last round. Boss defeated Top 3 hopeful Ishaan Thornton and effectively put and end to that ambition. Thornton will be simply fighting for pride and a finish potentially as high as 4th. Oscar Bukele managed a successful second defence of his hot potato title against underperforming Frankmaster Phlex. This defence ties him with The Big Boss and Asian Guy and so going into his final match up could potentially end the tournament as the most dominant hot potato title holder. With a record of 9-5, Bukele currently sits in 4th and with a win over Boss earlier in the tournament, he could still potentially snatch the third place spot for himself. For Phlex, this tournament run has likely been a disappointment for his management team but with a run of 7-7, he could at the very least finish with a positive winning record. Chadwich Raffleburg picked up his seventh knockout of the tournament and is in with a good chance of taking the Most KO’s prize. He defeated Jasur Ordilovokov who hasn’t been in the best of form of late but remains capable of snatching the odd win here and there. Raffleburg currently sits in fifth place but he could potentially move as high as 4th. I think due to his loss to Big Boss earlier in the tournament, there would be no leapfrogging him for 3rd no matter the results. For Jasur, he is clear of any last place humilation but largely he will be fighting for the glory of sweet victory in his remaining bout. Oh how the mighty hath fallen. The peoples champion and purveyor of all that is good and right in this tournament has been well and truly betrayed by the Gods of RNG. Reduced to being a walking medical emergency and a guaranteed free win, Farley now suffers the humiliation of losing to Juan Pablo Estrella. A fighter who’s early results were so bad that he still sits atop of the most brutalised list for cuts and injuries up to now. The fact that Estrella has been doing so much better of late is of no comfort to Farley and his management. The fact is Farley is the true heir to the throne and has been utterly wronged in this tournament. There’s going to be a huge asterisk next to this one when it’s all said and done. Someone sure fed Seth Christian his meth laced Wheaties this morning? Must have been the same stuff they give Biden when they need him to perform as Christian came into this one full of beans and defeated a fighter that most would not have picked him to beat. A first round submission over “Smooth” Booby Soul? No way! But that’s exactly what happened. Not too much to play for in the final round for Christian but Booby will have a bit of “Soul” searching to do as his final result will decide whether he finishes with a winning or losing record. Gaetano Villacci defeated Jedrek Piotrowicz by unanimous decision and there’s not much to say about that. We had a forfeit victory for Minor Cuevas as his opponent Jaiden Montgomery was rumoured to have been arrested for exposing himself to an undercover police dog. It’s a real shame this happened as it really does mess with the integrity of the tournament and we can only apologies to Cuevas on behalf of sexual deviant Montgomery and promise to vet our entrants a little more thoroughly in future. Please get some professional help Jaiden.
    5 points
  14. I've got two interested parties as well as two individuals who are interested in joining the staff and learning. This is an option that I had since given up on as it's quite difficult to find help to run an org. But, I'm going to sort this out and find out what the best move going forward is for SYN. I don't have the time to be the kind of owner I want, or the org deserves. Maybe with help, we can get there. But I will continue talking to all interested individuals and update once there is something official to update.
    4 points
  15. Another New Auction 50K to start 25K min Increase 48 hours from the time of this post we will close "Crushin Russian"
    4 points
  16. The first 2 avatars are sets of 3. - Each set has 1 animated gif, and 2 static backgrounds. Each set also comes with the avatar with transparent background, so you can put something else there if you want. I'll run this one over the weekend until midnight, Sunday night - EST. (GMT -4) FOR AUCTION: (Please state which auction you are bidding on) NAVY - Closed VIKING - Closed
    4 points
  17. July 14th MILF has hit the mainland after a dominant run as the clear cut #1 Organization of the Island for Season 15! After weeks of over dramatic buffoonery, Tycoon Judas final has come to terms with the fact that he just can't stay out the MMA game and has brought his Clowney freakshow to Mainland. Week 1 the Wild MMA promoter sought out to tackle Wombley Arena and Sold out the place in just a few days. Some say it was the copious amounts of Tea and Crumpets he brought for the local Londoners, while others insist, they came along because they were not just allowed in for free but there would be a lifetime membership included at Judases side business MILFs-R-Us! All honesty though MILF brought the Action at the promotion's debut in London. The Main and Co-Main events alone where absolutely ballz out excitement! Tortuga Apparel was also on hand handing out their crack head priced clothing line, there is talk though that the Merch profits where quite a bit altered as the Tortuga crew was caught by cameras stuffing hundreds of thousands in their pockets. Somehow the video evidence was taken, and an investigation is surely in order. Let's take a look at the Action from the Main Card! Michael Harrison def Jamahal Mountain via 1rst round KO (Punch) Let's face it, it was not the debut Mr. Mountain wanted as we had High hopes for the newest addition to the MILF Heavyweight division. Michael Harrison simply bombarded his opponent from start to finish making nearly everything he threw count. Michael opened up a cut just seconds into the fight with a vicious uppercut. between the blood and the gas tank failing him Jamahal had little offense of his own to bring forth and at the minute and 25 second mark, Harrison seals the deal with an Overhand Right. Michael Harrison was awarded KO of the Night for this performance and really got the mode started for this exciting card. Pitter Patter def Scott Potter via Unanimous Decision Pitter Patter picked a patch of Pickled Potters in are next bout. This one was a mother fudging barn burner for many reasons. Scott Potter showed his toughness throughout this fight as he would continue to Rise up from knockdown after Knockdown as these two Middleweights stood two to two launching punches all three rounds. The Numbers where pretty close in this one but the 4 Knockdowns for Patter made it an easy night for the Judges in this one. Fight of the Night owners were awarded to both Gentleman for putting on one hell of a scrap. Marques Roy def Saul Jackson 1rst round TKO (Strikes) Both of these gents are fresh off their Season ending Island tournaments. Jackson was outed in the first round, but Roy managed to make the Semi Finals. This fight showed how dominant Marques can be as he Took down Saul early on in the first round and gave him little to know time to get anything going. A relentless pace of ground and pound was the demise of the "Super Freak" and the end came when Roy landed a clean Elbow from the then another, then another and Saul better call another Saul because he needs to learn how to block that shit! Marques Roy wins at 4:41 in round 1 Co Main Event Lightweight Championship Eric Frost def Luke Ridley via first round Submission (Armbar) I would imagine these two are sick of staring at one another as they have now fought each other three times in the last 2 and half weeks. This being a rubber match, they first met at MILF 99 Night of Champions and then once more in the season 15 Lightweight Island Tournament. Frost defended his belt at Night of Champions with a first round sub but found himself on the losing end of a Decision in the Semifinals of the tourney. Ridley on the other hand went on to the Final and made a huge statement there winning it all and earning his rematch here. The champ though wrote his wrongs and made it look easy this night scoring the early takedown and imposing his dangerous grappling prowess for a quick Submission victory to retain his belt. That makes 7 straight Title defenses now for Frost, who will stop this Canadian bastard? Main Event Light Heavyweight Championship Jerome Browning def Randall Cunningham via first round TKO (Strikes) Jerome had to be fuming coming into this fight after a frustrating first round loss in the LHW Tournament for the Island. None the less the true sportsman he is Browning welcomed a streaking Randall Cunningham to the MILF cage for his first crack at the Belt. Cunningham had a decent start to the bout avoiding the clinch and landed some solid kicks to the champ. Jerome managed to finally lock it up in the clinch just past the minute mark though and quickly brough the fight to the mat from there. Browning was stuck to his challenger like a tick but was landing some powerful shots from Half guard that would cut open Randalls eye causing him some visual problems, poor thing. With just 1 second remaining referee Fook face decides to call in the Doctors and the fight is declared a TKO Cuts stoppage for the winner AND STILL LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT Champ Jerome Browning! Jerome stated in his post-fight he was not happy with this win and would gladly run it back if and when Cunningham climbs his way back to the top. Recap Michael King" Harrison stays strong as he now sets his sights on the Super Heavyweight division. With a potential matchup with "Triple D" Domingo Don Dominguez. Tough night for the former front runner for the MILF Middleweight title in Scott Potter, but the "Poster Boy" is always a threat I can see him fighting his way back into title contention. I expect a big fight in Pitter Patter's near future. He now stands strong at 11-4 overall in his MMA career and has won 5 of his last 6 fights. Marques Roy meanwhile looks to be next in line for a title fight but will probably have one more matchup before seeing as the two fighters fighting for the belt next are his only losses. at 14-3 overall Roy is rising up the Middleweight rankings almost cracking the top 50 with this win. The hot question has to be what the hell is next for Eric Frost? He has beaten the vast majority of the 155-pound division. Marc Schagler looks to be an interest matchup based off his run in the Seasons ending tournament, if he could get a win in his next purposed matchup i think it happens. There are also some rumors of a matchup between LW champ vs WW champ Jovonovich. This would be the first champ vs champ fight in MILF history, and both camps have blabbered about it a Wittle bit. Finally Light Heavyweight the division that is fading quickly sadly. With Erik Bjornsson the Season 15 LHW tourny winner in search of new management his career in MMA looks to be in jeopardy (SOME BRAVE SOLE MUST GIVE HIM A SHOT). I think the next in line for Browning though has to be the Rising Pascal Popper who made it to the finals of the tourny as well. Coming up next for MILF MILF 104 Jovonovich vs Couture I would also like to give a shout out to @venom09 who has come on to help me. Not sure what it is but I hate dealing with contracts these days lol, Swanson you are a savior!
    4 points
  18. Not trying to saturate the market and the ones i post may also be considered bad (no offense taken) but I like making these when I'm bored. They're just using simple stuff on my phone (for now) as i currently dont have a laptop, and also dont know how to do advanced blending type stuff myself. All the avatars I've made have the same type of "style" to them, mainly because I use the whole head for most of them. MAYBE someone will like ones I post and wanna give me like 25k for them, I'll do requests too if you're interested. Thanks!
    4 points
  19. FYI - coming soon We will be announcing the programs graduates and giving out our limited edition graduate killer savage scholarship holo cards as shown here:
    4 points
  20. Don't worry, I'll do the numbers, I'm going to wait till after round 2 to add things up!
    4 points
  21. What about a combination of: Increase starting points for 19-25 year old fighters. Allow higher level starting skills scaling with age. No permanent chin loss for being ko:ed say first 3 months after creation for 18 or under fighters. A 25yo should still not start at openid level, but we could make that level possible to reach for them (a large part of reaching the cap will be physicals). The idea is starting with an older fighter will bring you to openid level quicker but your total career is of course shorter. This would shake up the id org structure and we would maybe see age based orgs instead of id, or even skill level based.. but I'd consider that a step in the right direction if it happens. Maybe even the first step of moving in the direction of a better org structure.
    4 points
  22. Reading the responses from Mike and Vlad is very frustrating. The game and its player base is circling the drain and this kind of reactionary thinking isn't going to help. I'm not surprised though. This has been more or less how the game has been run for most of its lifespan. In addition, the fact that you go completely silent for a quarter of a year and return by making insignificant and minor changes like updating meaningless stuff like this doesn't exactly inspire much confidence in you or your 'vision', least of all because these stats don't include retired fighters which make them completely useless in the first place. Listen to your player base, they know what this game needs way better than either of you do at this point.
    4 points
  23. I would also love to give out some gis from my company for all of the fighters to wear. If you want singlets i could possibly cook some up for people as well.
    4 points
  24. Outstanding. If anyone needs a writer, that's one hell of an advert and you have my backing! Top work.
    3 points
  25. first new item set added in quite a while, more to follow.
    3 points
  26. Thank you for participating in the next round. Cibuka Stilera and Genyo Takeda are taking the lead. The winner of their fight will be just two wins away from winning the entire tournament.
    3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. Most, if not all, came to the discord to get actual help and their stories are the same as @Bob Slay . I'd concur with his assessment.. He may just be burnt out and using that as his easy button, but despite the name... He's not the best...get Chris Karter, Crazy Horse, etc.. Edit: Wrote this prior to seeing that activity that came thereafter. If you want help and you have a discord.. Pop in and ask whatever you need as well...I'm generally a fly on the wall amongst a few others who'd definitely assist. Befriending Van and I, may have you marked with an asterisk from previous controversy but fear not, we've never been found guilty.
    3 points
  29. I'd Give Mentor Guru Corleone 1/10, there are way more engaged players who would be better choices. He was my mentor and he was almost entirely hands off & uninvolved, basically pointed me at his website and a post containing a couple of build suggestions & that was basically it in its entirety, maybe I was the unlucky one & he was much better with other players but that was my experience & it was piss poor, I do recall he was thinking about quitting at that point so maybe he was just super-low morale then. Learnt more from CK in 10 minutes, and Crazy Horse is another good on advice.
    3 points
  30. Due to the fact that I have now put avatars on all of my own fighters I have come back to sell some of the ones that I decided not to use. 150k - Vaznys10 150k - Bob Slay Sold Sold Opening bids will start at 50k Bids must increase by 50k minimum Each avatar is being sold separately and a 48 clock will be put on the avatar after first bid. At the end of the 48 hours highest bidder takes it.
    3 points
  31. Suggestion... track the points differential for every fighter and make that a stat? 🤔 I'll even do it just for fun, if not!
    3 points
  32. I've played this game off and on since 2009. There has barely been any changes to it since 2013. The problem isn't people being 'naive' about how much time it takes to make tweaks to this game lmao
    3 points
  33. You have to have a bit of give and take regarding it. If no risks are taken then this game will just lose more of its current userbase - I'd hazard a guess that about 30% of its current VIP managers have checked out and just autobot on the off chance that the game can reclaim some of its former glory. The risk reward is that the money you lose on the learning speed hits will be absorbed by the number of new/returning managers to the game going VIP - plus you get your normal amount of cuts due to useless hiddens.
    3 points
  34. I like the idea of just giving more skill points on creation. Guys will hit their peaks earlier and have longer careers at high levels which is cool. Plus of course fighting sooner. I would love to see qfc changed by not affecting manager hype. It would be used more and I think knowing hiddens faster would make the game more enjoyable.
    3 points
  35. Asian Guy final statement: "with all my heart I would like to thank sensei Alfred for both running the tournament and for helping me to secure my freedom. With the winning prize money I've been able to pay off my "debt" to my evil manager Billy and finally have my passport returned. Thanks also to my fellow tournament participants, who no doubt heard my harrowing story of captivity and took pity on me. Your quick tapouts were greatly appreciated. So Sayōnara to you all, respectfully and humbly, Asian Guy ".
    3 points
  36. I do love these, but Alfred always comes up with some great new tournament ideas so I’d love something new also.
    3 points
  37. Mike, I think the consensus is we don't necessarily want the game sped up. It's more about how long it takes fighters to progress in skills. By starting new builds with more skill points, that would help. If we could tweak learning speed, that would be even better. Keep everything else the same. Skill cap, degradation, game speed, etc. Just help get fighters better, faster.
    3 points
  38. Exactly my point presented in a much more eloquent manner.
    3 points
  39. It has been the fundamental change that the game has required since 2012/13, when everyones original crop of fighters decayed. You look at the userbase decrease from that time period and it was literally the thought of having to create new fighters. There were so many guys who all up and left after one crop of fighters. Some others were lucky that when a manager left for one reason or another that they inherited a new crop which kept them an extra year or two. Mike changed the speed of the game once before from 13 weeks to 12 weeks which had no adverse reaction to the core players. During that time there was a vote on training speed increases which 90% of the game thought it was required. Mentors summary that ' increasing game speed does not really do anything, other than make all the history obsolete.' is absolutely wild. It was done before and the games history was not made obsolete. When I came back I created my guys and basically logged on once a week to change the training for a full year before they were somewhat ready to fight competitively. I don't think anyone is advocating for an arcade version of tycoon where it is just plug and play. However fighting at the early levels is just not fun what so ever. It is literally all about the first couple of moves in a fight and it is over - the grappler vs striker is back in the 1990's. I know from talking with Rush how much of an absolute clusterfuck changing the learning speeds would be (the fact that every single fighter on the database would have to be changed one by one). However, without the learning speed change I honestly don't see many of the old timers coming back and after the game existing for 15+ years I think anyone that wanted to find this type of game has already found it by now.
    3 points
  40. Earlier today when reading this thread, this is where my mind went to as well. I think increased training speeds could fundamentally affect a bunch of things (good or bad) and it's not necessarily as trivial as just changing one number. There's not many people who totally know, but it's clear to most people paying attention that due to the age of the game and perhaps certain decisions in the past there's definitely some floating spaghetti code around. e.g. Bio formatting and PMs on phone browsers being broken due to efforts to mend certain other holes. That being said, hopefully something like starting skill points is something that can be changed without flow on technical issues. Raising the floors of starting skill points will mean it takes less time to develop an 18 year old and/or having a diverse build isn't so reliant on 7+ learning. It also means 25 year old creations still overall won't be better medium to long term compared to a crafted prospect, but definitely better out of the box. It shouldn't also have too much of an effect on end games due to skill point softcaps still being a thing. So it addresses a few community gripes through a way that potentially doesn't fundamentally change too much compared to revamping the training system. The only thing I see a change in starting skillpoints having a potential flow on effect on is that you'd have to adjust the QFCs. The threshold for QFC level 1s are already really low, and an increase in skill floor would mean that no one meets the criteria. We could just consolidate and make QFC Level 2 the only one rather than splitting pools, or if it's possible, adjusting the goal posts to keep them separate but actually working if we were to change starting skills. EDIT: The fact of the matter is that starting total skill point decisions were made at a time where maybe the vision of the game was a bit different to how it's panned out. Things like the monetary reward for QFCs and the tiny amount of cash your fighter earns from working 'part time' when they're out of cash are relics of a vision that was a bit different, which is why they prove useless in providing newbies any assistance in hitting the ground running. Raise total skill points on creation, and make Cozad gyms better. New guys have zero chance of ever making it to even a midtier org without donations.
    3 points
  41. Thanks goes out to the following for operational assistance and prize contributions…this couldn’t have been sorted without you. @Alfred @rjs2442 @Rambo @Gator001 @Bob Slay
    3 points
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