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Posts posted by Hevonen

  1. Was thinking something along these lines (let me know if you want to alter / work further on them somehow):






    If u want some background elements, such as a crest or a nice background texture possibly, let me know.

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  2. What, according to you, is the optimal weight for heavyweight strikers?



    Heavier == more sriking power. You just need to make sure the fighter's conditioning can keep up with training and combat (a good tactic is also useful for ground game, as that will eat up away a lot of energy quite easily depending on what you do.

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  3. Am I able to check my QFC fight level post fight (level 1 or 2)?


    I noticed my fighter is currently in queue for lvl 2 with only 1 win, so I wanted to check if his first fight was on the same level, or if it was on level 1.

  4. The people voting yes for this are voting for a completely different game.




    We'd be better off with every fight being 100% SHIG.


    Not really, if you would have aggression slider for each round (which would affect aggression and energy consumption), you could pretty much add "different tactics each round" withotu breaking the engine or undermiming other features.

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