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Posts posted by Shortstacker

  1. That said, I'd love to see somebody have the balls to go out and do 369k! It would give value and worth to this next 1k of fighters rather than having them be afterthoughts and encouraging certain people to go out creating 20 million multi's so they can create 4 fighters and drop them or never use them and basically leaving almost an entire 1k range being a wasteland. And...frankly, that org would have a huge jump on the folks who wait specifically for 370k, because they'd pick up a bunch of those fighters as well as an established org.

    Well said Hare.

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  2. Fight for decision is more like - tone down the aggression, be defensive and conservative.

    Swing for the fences is like you said - more and more aggressive with the time you set for it.

    Thanks Bwang!


    So, setting them both to say .5 wouldn’t make any sense as they’d cancel each other out?

  3. Good morning all,


    Im having a hard time fully understanding these sliders.


    Heres my thoughts on them, if Im wrong, please correct me!


    Swing for fences: The higher you tune it, the more aggressive you become, potentially leaving yourself open to counters. If you set the timer to 60 seconds, your fighter will tune up the aggression with one minute left in the round.


    Fight for decision: The higher you tune it, the more points your fighter will shoot for with the time limit youve set, example above stands.


    Please, if you can clear this up for me, Id appreciate it.

  4. I believe all training, and sparring, works like this - if your coach (for secondaries) or your average sparring partner (for primaries) is more than 2 levels higher than you, you get the maximum training benefit.


    So to raise wrestling from level 2 you need to spar with guys who are level 4 or above. To raise defensive grappling from level 9 (as a random example) you need a coach with wrestling and bjj skills above level 11. For maximum efficiency that is. Youd still get gains but at a slower rate if their skills were lower.


    [its been some years since Ive heard any differently on this so if my info is out of date please correct me!!]

    Noted! Thanking

  5. Private jets are used to transport your fighters as well as launder money from companies. Skins and stuff are defo status though.


    Yeah I don't think public gyms or clothing orgs earn too much. Anyone can write though. I actually write MMA irl and I rarely see a really GOOD write up on here, or at least back when I played a lot, but you did see tonnes of content that was interesting if you had a dog in the race which was always brilliant to see.

    It would be awesome if you could dedicate a set amount of time to promoting your fighters, as a way to make money.


    For example: Send some of your best fighters to participate in mock interviews for TV stations, radio channels, etc,, earning them (and the manager) a sum of money. Depending on their pop/hype, it would increase.

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  6. It SHOULD be a little bit difficult. You want people to do a bit of graft. I earned my money through writing, avatars and probably the noob fund. Someone can offer to hold a gym or matchmake if there's a demand on it. Otherwise, they can get VIP if they choose to.


    However, the only thing to buy with the money essentially is VIP. Nothing else really matters. So if it's impossible to organically generate the VIP money within several years within the game as a new member, what's the point in money at all?

    It should be difficult to make money, agreed. However, unless you’re a writer or a graphic designer, your options to make money are limited.


    Don’t quote me on this, but I’m fairly certain that running a public gym isn’t making anyone a sizeable amount of cash.


    It would make sense to have a few more “money pits”, to force players to spend cash in more ways. Clothing is rather cheap, as are supps. I don’t fully understand the need to own a private jet, from my research it appears to be more of a status symbol.

  7. I think we can all agree that it would be greatly beneficial to both newcomers and vets, to have a few more ways of earning cash.


    I’m too tired to brainstorm said ideas at this moment, but I’m sure this exact discussion has been had many times.

  8. Cam, that's exactly what I did. Bought some time and almost immediately sold a portion to open the gym.


    I have no issues whatsoever supporting the designer as the game is a lot of fun.


    I'll gladly throw cash at Mike as long as I'm enjoying myself.

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