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Posts posted by NoFlyingTeabags

  1. The "what you have trained recently" hiddens is kind of like what I suggested with the "look for" boxes. To get an extra edge in an area before fights against one-dimensional fighters. So I can train takedown d a bunch of times before the fight against a pure wrestler and possibly stuff him more because of that? That works for me.

  2. Have an idea that will benefit all-around fighters and provide and extra layer of tactics. It's kind of like Fallout's traits system. These would go where the boxes for allow takedowns and allow clinch goes. You would only be able to select one per fight.


    Look for takedowns = +10 takedown defense, -20 striking defense

    Look for kicks = +10 kicks striking defense, -10 takedown defense, -5 clinchwork

    Look for punches = +10 punches striking defense, -10 takedown defense, -5 clinchwork

    Look for clinch = +10 clinchwork, -10 takedown defense, -5 striking defense

    Look for knees = = +10 knees striking defense, -10 takedown defense, -5 elbows striking defense

    Look for elbows = +10 elbows striking defense, -10 takedown defense, -5 knees striking defense


    or (if the above can't be done)


    Look for takedowns = +10 takedown defense, -20 striking defense

    Look for strikes = +10 striking defense, -20 takedown defense

    Look for clinch = +10 clinchwork, -10 takedown defense, -5 striking defense


    If you don't agree with the numbers I don't blame ya. Just throwin' this out there.


    Oh and also a "He's Rocked" checkbox where if you check it your fighter goes all-out for the finish at the expense of lots of energy in going for it. Basically it just puts you to 100% aggression wherever your opponent is rocked until he recovers his senses, clinching and advancing position won't happen at this time.

  3. Yeah it works now soz for posting this as you just have to click the change button when in the edit fighter page, after selecting your custom pic. All is well and always was I just didn't notice it at the bottom of the page.


    As for my name it was created after watching a tapout commercial, the guy well kinda does a flying teabag move in it lol. (commercial from a few years ago.)

  4. I just submitted and have had an accepted custom avatar for one of my fighters. I click on the avatar for selection as normal and it takes me back to the edit fighter page with the picture appearing there but not on my fighter. If I go to a different page and then back the picture disappears from the edit fighter page where I don't think it should be appearing. I've tried over and over and it won't put my custom pic on my fighter. It seems like a glitch of sorts...

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