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Posts posted by moysescef

  1. aqui, o q na minha opinião é o grande problema desse jogo, são os gringos... eles são MUITO diferentes de nós brasileiros, já que são bem agressivos e racistas, meio malucos mesmo...rs e isso em vários momentos é bem difícil, uma vez q eles dominam 95% do jogo.

  2. Most of the fights finishes in the ground, then the domain of the modality of BJJ is very important. The objective of that academy is to prepare the fighters for the fights taking them to be great champions, forming the largest possible number of black and red belts. We have a special schedule of sparrings with fighters with great level in that modality, what will take to his fighter's fastest development. The academy also have a trainer elite specialized in BJJ, to develop the specific abilities, accelerating with that the fighters' evolution.

    We won't have a high number of fighters, with a maximum of 40. Our objective won't be the amount and yes the QUALITY. Join to us and be the new world champion!


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