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Posts posted by rac2

  1. guys you've seen a couple of posts from me so i thought i should introduce myself.


    my name is rodrigo i'm a 28yr old from brazil, currently living in a city called Campina Grande. i'm a computer science phd student (computer networks) and currently work for ibm in brasil.


    started playing like in april or may and i just think this is the best mmorpg game ever... 1 month later i had vip and 15 fighters. i also play a soccer online game but i'm not here to advertise so i'm not saying what it is :D


    so just a big howdee from brazil :-)

  2. Training a secondary will improve a primary a little and vise versa. Therefore if you do BJJ sparring you will see your BJJ primary increase at a quicker pace than if you just did defensive grappling/sub offense. In reality, you need both to make him a true BJJ master therefore getting good sparring sessions (try and organize 1 on 1 sessions with at least another wonderful BJJ guy) you will see the sort of thing that you want.


    When making a BJJ guy, once you are happy with his level, you must make sure he is a stellar wrestler as well.


    thanks u da man :)

  3. guys, how best should i diversificate my training?


    i mean, i have a guy i want him to become a BJJ master... i already built his strengh to wonderful and condition to sensational... he's currently training defensive grappling in one of the top elite gyms in his city. i'm not sure how many sparring sessions if any should i allocate him to. does sparring improve the results if performed in parallel to a regular training session? what do you guys think?



  4. The logo alternates with vending on a random 50% chance. If you tick use and there is no stock, you don't use anything or get charged anything. To reitterate again, you won't buy supps every day anyway, just occasionally.


    is there any way we can display both the gym logo and the vending label? i think that would be *neat*

  5. Hi guys, I'm interested in purchasing a gym that will be closed if no one does, in which half my fighters train, but the other mgr is asking for 40k, which I don't have. Since the new gym profits around 15k a week, I'd be able to pay a mgr2mgr loan in 10 weeks if the interest rate is 5%... any rich tycoon would want to help this poor starter?



  6. This may be a new problem that has not been seen before (the feature only been recently admitted).


    Is closing a check box? If so you may be able to uncheck it and that should stop it closing. Otherwise contact MikeTycoon directly as he will be able to do something remotely


    no checkbox, nothing. i will contact him.

  7. I've had success in this situation by having my fighter set to like 80-90% counter. When the other guy would come in, my fighter would avoid the clinch attempt and counter punch. Like this:




    My fighter is Stark


    cool i think this'd have worked for me in this case... i went blindsided into this fight though so never knew he'd come with that strategy. living and learning..

  8. Hi guys, here follows the fight: http://mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=175202


    My fighter is a Penn, high boxing and BJJ but the opponent stalled the complete fight by clinching/breaking clinch one after the other throughout the whole fight. I understand he landed more shots and I agree my guy lost but my question is... how to win a fight when an opponent is using an anti-game like this in the future?



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