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Posts posted by fenixink

  1. http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/14100663669469.jpghey look it's joey "bend and blow"Wilson glad you watched my fight fan boy !



    Joey "Crack N Snap" Wilson


    Wait you actually fight? Figured I would've heard something about that by now...

    You know with all those jokes about homosexuality people might start to think your afraid to come out of the closet.

    Is that peach fuzz on your chin or have you been tossing salads?

  2. I just saw one recently and he said that everything seemed fine in my tests.

    I figured maybe it was a protein thing and eating a bit of jerky seems to subside the hunger.

    The new meal plan that I'm building is much more calorie rich though so perhaps the ravenous hunger will subside with that.

  3. I would advise keeping at least one rest day, otherwise you risk breaking yourself and that's no good.


    Keep up high intensity workouts, you burn more overall calories that way and get more of an after burn effect so you'll see results quicker. As far as I'm concerned the fat burning zone is reserved for people who are looking to build endurance and are already pretty lean but looking to dig into that last bit of stored fat.


    I don't mean to sound like a prick but at 292lbs I doubt you need a book to help you with your diet yet.

    -Stay away from sugars.

    -Aim for complex carbs and protein. No matter how big you are you still need these to be healthy.

    -Keep a food diary and work towards reducing your intake, start with eating with the same frequency but reduce the portion size.

    Lets be honest here it's unlikely you got to 292 without eating too much of the wrong food, so just starting with that itself should help you improve in leaps in bounds without changing too much too fast. It's about slowly working towards the proper habits, there's a reason why people who use shit like diet meals tend to regain the weight once they stop - they don't learn any habits so they force themselves to reach their goal by making it some chore, once they're happy they just go back to their shitty habits.


    I'm not really sure what else to add without knowing you, really just keep it up and don't expect too much too fast. Anything you're doing now is better then doing nothing and you should be proud of that, use that to keep working towards your goal.


    I suppose some clarification is in order.

    Most folks don't believe I'm 292, in fact my father is 250 and he's about twice my size.

    My gut is rather large and I have no doubts about how I originally put on weight (god damn you little debbie).


    I was training at an mma gym when my normal walking weight was 285 and in 3 months there I was down to 235.

    From my experience with myself it's not so much that I eat crap it's that I don't eat frequently, sleep very little, and for the last couple years have been entirely content to sit on my ass at a computer screen from the time I wake up to roughly the time I go to sleep. Sure on occasion I sit on my ass at a friends house but suffice it to say my activity level is what spiked me from 285 to 325 (combined with drinking pop and the like). I've only been training and eating better for a month or so to get down to 292.


    On the note of the books, I'm not looking at them as something I need. One doesn't specifically need a phillips head screw driver to screw in a phillips headed screw, a flathead will work, but it will be faster and more effective to use a phillips head screwdriver. I'm just looking to the books for ways to tune my eating to make the work outs more effective for faster results. I find myself driven and motivated by noticeable results be it that my watch now fits slightly more loosely than before or actual pounds dropping off. If the book can help me go from eating decent food to great food, and that can make my body feel better for the workouts which will also help me keep committed I don't see any reason not to pick them up. Beyond that it cost me a grand total of $20 on amazon for 2 books.


    I fully intend to keep Sunday as a rest day.

    I just don't think taking Saturday and Sunday off is benefiting me.


    I've been reading through the books and they suggest much the same as you did here with a bit more detail in how exactly to lay things out in a diary and such.

    This organizational component should help me as my biggest struggle is coming home from work and not feeling like cooking.

    If I can find a couple healthy, quick, and relatively easy recipes to make that issue less of a problem that will be a huge help.


    I have one additional question though, I've been eating a lot of apples and almond lately which seems to have sped my metabolism up and when I get hungry, its so much more than hungry I feel downright ravenous is that fairly common? At one point I was concerned that it was diabetes setting in because of how lethargic it makes me but the doctors say no. I've been trying to keep jerky around my office for when I get this way because it seems to help but I'm fairly sure jerky isn't exactly healthy too.

  4. I've recently begun retrofitting my garage and training in it with my brother-in-law.

    I'm pretty overweight at 5'11" 292lbs. (was 325lbs. before I started).


    We do one workout a day after I get off work and usually rest on Sat/Sun (this might change because I'm feeling like I lose too much progress).


    Mon, Wed, and Fri we typically do a warmup consisting of this (something I did back when I was training with a conditioning coach):

    2 laps brisk jog (around edge of garage)

    Russian Kicks (back and forth across length of the garage)

    Toe Touches with alternating step (back and forth)

    Lunge and Twist (back and forth)

    Alternating Touches (name might be wrong but you step forward balance your weight on your front leg and extend your back leg while touching the front legs toe with your opposite arm)

    High Knees w/ forward hip rotations

    Shields (replicates the motion of stiff arming an opponent who lands a hard inside leg kick whipping your leg out)

    Over Unders (back and forth)
    Kariokas (back and forth)

    Bear Crawls (back and forth)

    Windmills (back and forth)

    Crab Walks (back and forth)

    Inch Worms (back and forth)

    Skips 2 laps


    After that we usually do a 5-minute round of working on a standup cardio bag involving combinations and movement (sometimes we add in a 25 second prone plank after completing a circle of the bag) and transition drills on a wrestling dummy (3 strikes and then transition keeping a brisk pace, sometimes will work from knee mount on one side to knee mount on the other then do 25 crunches).


    We follow that up with a couple 5-minute rounds with Thai Pads and then move onto a little light sparring or some defensive drilling (we start on a corner of the garage and one person pushes the other person back with strikes while the other person defends and then you switch when you reach the opposite corner).


    We mix in drills sort of randomly as well because I've trained at a good gym in the past but my brother hasn't so sometimes I focus an exercise on something he's having trouble grasping.


    We've been doing conditioning on Tues & Thurs involves us doing the warm-up above and then doing the Crazy 8s bodyweight workout found here. This is a placeholder currently tomorrow morning I'm picking up Mike Dolce's "3 weeks to shredded" and "The Dolce Diet Cookbook" so I can work more on my diet as well as some conditioning routines included inside.


    If this all sounds lame it's because I have allowed myself to fall into terrible shape, tonight when I finished the conditioning routine I was paper white and basically just had to lie down for a bit till my color returned. The mind is willing but the body is weak. I am always in the market for any advice people might offer as well.

  5. I just got this game as well as the Xbox 1 console a few days ago. I like it, not something I will be to addicted to but the career mode is fun. I feel they left a lot of stuff out though, which I hope they do better if they make another one. career mode could be better I do like the TUF part but i would like to be able to start off in a fictional org prior to joining TUF. Also need to be able to make your own events just for fun possibly even have a season mode where you can do booking and stuff yourself. My biggest thing is I want more CAF spots 10 is just not enough ,I need at least 100.


    Good game I have been patiently waiting to play but could be a lot better.


    I agree with a lot of these sentiments but I also have a feeling that the reason some of this stuff was not in was because this is their first year with the franchise so I'm hoping that the next one is when they really role things out.

  6. why EA sports UFC inn't for the PS3 ?


    Because quite a few gamers have wised up enough to realize that game developers approach to being on XBOX360/PS3 is to develop games for those consoles and port them up meaning no "next gen" features actually get used and thus are not buying games produced for all for system.

  7. Will they not change clothes if you have multiples of the same clothing items?

    I had read setting the PA to buy clothes is dangerous because he will buy laundry items, does he need to have clothes in his personally possession to change them?


    I'm assuming when you're doing this it's with a skill you haven't trained, trained once or it doesn't matter how many times you train it? Can you also give an example of the equation you're plugging these numbers into it, I've been doing it but I keep coming out with unrealistic numbers like 11.67


    It's after a single 1-on-1 training session in the skill of your choice that is completely unraised or untrained while your fighter has 100% energy and 100% morale.

    Then go to http://www.mmatycoon.com/mystatssnapshot.php

    Select the skill you did your single session in from the dropdown.

    Right click the colored bar representing his skill level in the skill and choose inspect.

    You'll get something like <td width="4.0%" background="images/barred.jpg"> </td>

    Then it's simple multiplication. 4% = 0.04, 150 (total possible skill value) * 0.04 = 6.

    Most people seem to sack anyone below 5.5 unless they are 5.2-5.4 with granite chin and/or KO Power.

  9. Go here: http://www.mmatycoon.com/mystatssnapshot.php

    Select Escapes in one of the dropdowns.

    Right click the bar next to this particular fighter and choose inspect.

    You should see something akin to "<td width="74.0%" background="images/barred.jpg"> </td>"

    Whatever the width percentage is multiply it by 150

    The result is his learning speed, if it's lower than 5.5 most people toss them unless they show a good hidden in the ToTT (QFC fights to test this).

    I believe the high end is 7.0

  10. I always try to win QFCs for testing hiddens and in most situations it's possible.

    I don't see this as being a huge issue and if your desired change was implemented I just wouldn't have contributed much of anything to my alliance my first month back (as this time was spent creating fighters and testing them).

  11. As per topic, won some 170 supplements on spin-and-win.

    Just curious what the best way to use them is.


    Will using 170 supps make it so a sensational conditioning guy will not need a rest session all week or will it reduce the number of rest sessions required by a wonderful conditioning guy to 1 instead of 2.


    I have an exceptional learner (6.6) who just hit sensational conditioning so if it reduces his needed rest sessions per week it seems it would be a great way to increase his learning even more.

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