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Everything posted by madbob

  1. ah thats good to know. we just send you the name and id then?
  2. after the first round they will pick teams. so they choose from 8 fighter, 4 fighters in each team. at least thats how i read it. so is the first fight right after creation or some weeks later?
  3. dont put any points into bjj ok joke aside, i cant really help you there. i am new so would like to know also, what could be a good build.
  4. The EFFA proudly presents its newest Design LOGO http://mmatycoon.com/images/company/logo/1399322244logoeffa.jpg BANNER http://mmatycoon.com/images/company_banners/1399322244effabanner.jpg THUMB http://mmatycoon.com/images/company/thumbnail/1399322244effathumb.jpg Hope you like them and in the next weeks there is more to come.
  5. Yeah i noticed too, over the last Month a lot of gyms closed and some pretty fast. But in the best public gyms from time to time a spot gets open. So just be on the look out. Got my Fighters fast in there, you never know when a spot opens again. Because they have a good Fighter per coach ratio. But i think somebody will open another gym for public. thats open market
  6. Broken Leg, think it is less enoying then a broken jaw get kicked in the nuts really hard (like you cant get up for hours) or get shoot by a bullet
  7. i thought escapes are more for submissions, rather then escape an tackedown attempt. so what you saying is this skill has no use at all? why is it then even there?
  8. why is that, why not train escapes?
  9. i got also the last two fights wrong. With the draw between Els vs. Biggums, has Wiggy just one wrong.
  10. http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=246502
  11. oh thats a good one, but i would go with the 100k and the chance to turning it into 200m. not because it is more money, rather the possibility then nothing. LP (Medium) or MP3 (Digital)
  12. Beard, i can`t pull of a Mustache MMA Tycoon or some other Browser Game
  13. Bickle Punani Biggums Badoyan Kyle Makamori Jacobs van Duijnhoven Jackson Reagan
  14. right now i would go with the 10 million future -> hover cars or teleports
  15. wtf saw the topic and its all ready over nice hunt Kole.
  16. Like Ned Stark, i rather see it coming then being betrayed cat or dog
  17. Ham n Cheese dont say a word for a hole week or dont hear a thing for a hole week
  18. no he isn`t on the island. but the thread can be closed i made a mistake looked up the wrong fighter , sorry for that! the topic can be closed and all together deleted. my fault, next time i make sure not to post something right away. but thanks for a quick reply
  19. I saw today a fighters energy table and he had 33% when i looked last. but 1 or 2 (i am not really sure of the 2) rest sessions later he had allready 90% energy again! is that possible? this is a really fast recovery, because i saw on the energy table with the 33% and he needed at leat 10 sessions to get to 100%. can you help me understand that then even with elite condition isn`t that a litte bit to fast? hope you can help me out.
  20. congrats on the achievement. looking forward to the Bier and Bratwürste
  21. wtf ehhh rather the pain then the humiliation. the wax you get pick pocket and realize it try to get the person and beat the crap out of him or follow him and rob more from him then he from you
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