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Everything posted by Grump

  1. yadda yadda yadda...yawn...like anything YOU say means shit...next u will be correcting spelling...so here u go in advance... Are You Smart Enuff To Read This ? Or are YOU the type of retard who corrects others spelling and grammar in chat and game mails? Like u think college term paper standards should apply? If so, how pathetic you are ! Heres your proof of how NOT important spelling is. And if u cant figure it out...guess u in the stupid side in the 45% ha? Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55% of plepoe can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! fi yuo cna raed tihs, palce it in yuor porfiel go ahead KingEpicity try it again...just read slower...maybe u can get it....we will give u THREE tries ok?
  2. OMG ! there may be hope for u after all shiftyass. And see that? U actually capped the words I would of if saying that. And thanks for the compliment....Im gonna look hard for something to compliment u one as well....like maybe this...U actually TRIED something new and was reasonably successful with it...well DONE !
  3. liar. there were mails....just maybe u forgot. On the other hand I do believe u are the only one that has been put on ignore TWICE...so guess its a double win for u there eh? Like my Father said...it dont take much to impress some people....
  4. Somehow I am NOT surprised at ur mental inability to understand why SOME words are caps when I type...so here is a CLUE...I was typing LONG BEFORE the internet existed...and I been using caps in such a way LONG BEFORE it became the internet way of SHOUTING....so just because YOU know only the one way...dont make it the RIGHT way....and just because YOU think its the ONLY way dont make u right...it simply makes u a FOLLOWER....so maybe some day when I get tired of slapping the stupid off ur face...and u learn to LISTEN to those with bigger mentalities u MIGHT actually learn something. and just because you can only think small-minded thoughts it is no surprise u ASSume why I came to this thread...just remember...a wise man once said...those who ASSume usually only achieve the 1st half of the word...guess u proved that right eh?
  5. LOL....its vote time...not "comment to sway others" time... But thats what happenes when people are rewarded for posting....thousands and thousands or posts that have no purpose....I wonder what the storage amount is for this so called "forum"??? I think it should be correctly called a BULLetin Board.... LOL
  6. Each member gets one vote, and you are not allowed to vote for your own alliance.....about as stupid a rule I ever heard...how the frick we supposed to vote for an alliance we NOT IN? Thats totally ridiculous...What is it we are supposed to be voting on then? how cool the names are? If u not In the alliance or have not been IN the alliance then u dont actually know crap about it now do you? Thats like asking u to vote on the interior decorations of a house u have never been in.... utterly ridiculous....I would ask who the retard is that made such a foolish rule...but its so stupid I doubt anyone would own up to it....
  7. so anyway....had a great time...hope to see all u trolls and flamers again in 6 months or so. It was fun bitch-slapping some of u haters...and interesting to have to correct the poor readers and those who simply dont have the mental ability to understand what was posted... Best of all tho was when that GKB or GBK guy actually said something reasonably intelligent....that gave me hope for him someday... Kinda reminds me about what my father said about pulling out a baby....when the ears are showing....the head is almost out....except he was referring to a different hole i believe.... anyway I had a great time Im sure u will flame hell out of me after Im gone...go ahead...it tickles me no end just knowing u will...and I wont even be around to see it....kinda like a gay party...all u trolls running around stroking ur jokes...but the REAL MAN has left the building.... BYE trolls !
  8. well said....but u forgot the part where it shoots u in the face.....eat hearty now !
  9. I post-em as I read-em and if you dont like it then kiss my rosy red...cause u damn sure post a LOT more than I do. I come here once every 6 months or so...and my total posts aint nowhere near what u rack up....so flake off u egotistical piece of crap....like anyone truly gives a shit what u think is correct or not. Just cause u a slow reader.... tell u what...I will try to type slower so u can keep up....
  10. HOLY SHIT ! The alliance full of multi's and spammers speaks out! And who is that there? Purple Aki the original spammer called HUMORS ? Banned so many times and here again...any alliance with him in it cant possibly be throwing rocks when living in a glass house hmmmm? And I agree....Vince seemed ok to me as well except when asking questions about those planes....and where he got the creation guide for his noob fighters....other than that we had a great conversation....and I still think him and Chad are connected at the hip in this whole thing.....
  11. yes. I contacted Mike about this when Chad informed me about it. But unlike Chad I did not pass judgement on the mentee in question. OR on Mike...Good God I still cant believe he actually included Mike in on the scam...LMAO.
  12. well thanks for giving YOUR opinion...but it clears up ZERO...cause ur opinion is NOT more worthy than mine or anyone elses. Altho I wasnt here when it happened so u may be correct on when Vendetta was formed...but it really means very little when the point is still true regarding how they have been anti-LOD for all this time when there are less than a handful of the LOD members from that time still there...which means The vendetta and other alliances who have been boycotting LOD and stealing members and telling lies are actually punishing innocent people who have ZERO to do with the issue. That makes them WRONG and Im not gonna sit still for it. I been fighting bullies since I was 16 years old...and this continued war against LOD is negative and hurts the game and I will sit down and shut up when they do. NOT BEFORE. So scumbags like shiftas and CBomb and a double handful of other jerkwads just keep the ball rolling...and I am right there pushing back....(when Im bored anyway) If I spent half the time in the forums as u guys do trolling and flaming....we would all die from lack of food and water cause it would be one lengthy party! But thankfully I actually have better things to do most the time than hang out here trolling and flaming like so many do....
  13. yeah I agree....the closing of the org over something so small is total overkill...but thats how children react. And u probably should go re-read the thread...there are no "older members" involved in the scam. all 3 managers that scammed this poor child are all NEW managers...IF there was a scam to begin with...Im starting to wonder....with all the accusations he throwing around...even Mike is guilty? How can u believe ANYTHING this child says? I think this is just one of those "drama queens" u run into from time to time...USUALLY a female....hmmmm guess I never asked if ol "CHAD" is a male or female...OOPS.
  14. THANK YOU for posting the mails u deleted....this dont show the beginning mails however where YOU was crying over the situation and I asked questions...and when u told me the story about the planes I realized it sounded like one on my new mentees...and thats where u started the posting of the mails...which also dont show the whole story...but enuff to see that YOU are the one playing games and I was the one trying to be helpful...which makes YOU a back-stabber. Guess u pissed on ur own head with that one.
  15. I never had any business with u whatsoever other than being in ur org...and now u accuse me of all sorts of things...so ok bitch I accuse u of selling drugs to children and raping the neighbors dog while eating a Hostess Twinkie. Oh and lets not forget u are the ring-leader of the New World Order and have ties to the Nazi regime. Hmmm did I mention u got that damn dog pregnant and then ate the babies so u did not have to pay child support? Oh sure its all true...CAUSE I SAID IT WAS SO. and thats all the proof needed yes? by YOUR standards anyway....Man I wish u was man enuff to say any of that crap to my face punk. I would break ur back in 3 places b4 u hit the ground.
  16. Dang...how do u do that??? so few words and I wrote a damn book....to say the same thing ! Guess some of u humans got brains after all....Maybe I just over-enjoy my posting when Im here so seldom...
  17. FINALLY....after 2 years u FINALLY posted something that was thoughtful and correct and well said.... even the fucknut part was reasonably close to true.... altho I still think u are a wrong regarding the can crushing stuff. smile !
  18. You are a liar. And now I suspect YOU are part of the multis u been posting about. If I was guilty then why was it ME who contacted Mike and told him about this and NOT YOU? And u lied many times along the way...ur original post says u dont care about the multis ect u just want to let people know whats happened and to be careful these guys....but if that was true...why u closed ur org? seems rather severe for not caring ha? And u closed it right after I informed u I had mailed Mike about this...VERY INTERESTING... Also u say u did not want to post the guide cause its not urs or whatever...but b4 u closed ur org u sent it out to all the managers... Strange how u changed ur stripes after I mailed Mike about this.. AND deleted my last mails to you...what u afraid of? As if I did not know Rabid Alien was in on it all the time . LIE Whatever his shit reason was or he is one of the other guys. LIE Like I didn't know he laundered money before the first guy put the company for up for sale. TRUE...but means NOTHING...I do laundry with 6 or 7 companies....so what? Means nothing and proves nothing. Or that he was his mentor of the guy that got the money sent to him. Not sure who u refer too...but I mentor MANY and have been doing so for some time...I dont ask for pedigree papers so the fact that one of these guys u claim screwed ur org is my mentee dont make me guilty of a damn thing. Or like I didn't know that he was gonna join the scammers gym. TRUE...sire why not? my gym is packed...and his was EMPTY and had all elite coaches...so of course I jumped on that...who wouldnt? Proves NOTHING...except u jump to conclusions real easy AND are 2-faced as hell. Or that him and other shitheads from LOD were gonna go and give my organization a lower rating. Did u ever imagine that maybe there was a REASON I rated it less than a 10? That dont make me guilty of a damn thing...just cause u got hurt pussy dont blame me ha? I cut the first of Rabid Alien's fighters after it dropped 13% in 1 day since I posted. Of course it went up after I cut his fighter. so what? its a crime to rate an org as I see it? I am in many orgs...and have run one as well...and I have high standards in everything I do.... So u simply didnt cut the cream at the top...and cant handle the reality that I rated u fairly and squarely...has ZERO to do with the issue..lin fact...u was rated BEFORE any of this happened....so go get a sanitary napkin for ur hurt pussy ok? He and LOD were in on it the whole time and Mike lets this happen. Oh NOW u done it....now u have added Mike to ur cook pot...that was pretty stupid yes? First its me...then its also all of LOD and now Mike also? Holy Crap ! Just cause ur pussy hurts u striking out like a fricken CHILD and swinging wildly and blaming everyone BUT UR SELF. Talk about PATHETIC. That's the fact that really needs to come out from this. They get caught cheating and nothing happens. OH REALLY? So far nobody has been "caught" at shit...all we have so far is ur accusing everyone under the stars...even Mike...oh man u are so far out there dude.... Because of this I'm shutting down my fight organization because so many users and the owner are completely complacent about the cheating and stealing. AND THE OWNER??? thats YOU right? so now u are saying that YOU are "completely complacent about the cheating and stealing" ? If thats so...why u taking such a big step? Close ur org because ur pussy hurts and everyone hates you and nobody cares? HOW OLD ARE YOU ANYWAY? I'm just sorry I wasted my time and money. LMFAO Yeah we aint sorry...u have provided us with some excellent laughs. Amazing to me how this is a FIGHT game and we get some really pussies in here.... LOD are scum and people need to know this.... yeah yeah yeah....whatever dude...now go take a nappy...I think I hear ur mommy calling...
  19. Funny? How so? Makes perfect sense to me. LOD was originated for and to this day still operates to help noob managers in the game....so I dont see any issue whatsoever....unless u gonna LIE and tell us u never did any QFC fights in the beginning of the game? U and some of these other older managers use the term "can crushing" like many use the term "NOOB" and make it a BAD thing....just cause u are past that point, dont make it suddenly unacceptable ha? Its u types who have screwed the USA up with so much ridiculous politically correctness....Everyone has to start somewhere and can-crushing is just FINE and nothing to be ashamed of....unless u got cans kicking ur ass...then maybe u should hide ur face...other than that how about u get off ur high horse and remember u was a NOOB at one time also...and u DID NOT start out fighting in the top org with ur superman hero fighters either now did u ? NO U DIDNT. U also crushed some cans along the way and dont u dare deny it.
  20. actually its pretty laughable how you seem to think YOU are the game owner or the decider of others fate.... and even more laughable is how u run ur pie-hole and insult the game owner by 2nd guessing his punishments and decisions which are HIS to make and not yours. I think if u got such serious issue with Mikes decision that u be man enuff to address the issue with MIKE (155) ha? Instead u just run ur mouth like a street punk talking shit about things u know nothing about. Ur momma must be so ashamed...and she SHOULD be for allowing such filth to live.... On a different note...I wonder if ur intense hatred of Mentor is equaled by the ability to love ANYONE (other than ur self anyway) because reading ur thousands of posts against Mentor and all things LOD for so long makes me wonder where u get the energy?? Do u even have any energy left over for real world people? I can only pray to God u dont have children....
  21. not strange at all....most of the LOD members are mature ADULTS and dont hang out in the forums flaming everything like YOU. LOD dont cater to trolls, and LOD has a well laid out forums with easy to find information not all crapped up with flame posts from children like you. WHY would an LOD member even come to this worthless mess of a forum? Must be for the COMEDY ONLY.... You on the other hand must have a truly PATHETIC life to spend so much time here in the forums. Im thinking it must of been u I heard in the news where the baby died and the afterbirth lived....cause u got the brain power of a beer fart.
  22. actually not true...correctly stated..."every time there are multi's mentioned it's ALWAYS YOU with ur admittedly ZERO proof running ur pie hole and stating it is LOD....
  23. AH!!! a THINKER in the forums...how refreshing ! Yeah and ask them to explain how they connect Mentor to the scam when he KICKED out one of them....and did they loud mouthed one bother to ask Mentor anything? Or just jump like a retarded blind frog into the septic tank with half-thought accusations???
  24. TYPICAL retard knee-jerk against Mentor.... so hey DUMB ASS try to improve ur reading comprehension skills ha? The post says he WAS KICKED OUT OF LOD....gee and that makes Mentor guilty of WHAT? Explain ur idiot comment IF u can. sheesh....its people like this that make me think mercy killing should be legal...
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