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Everything posted by Kniges

  1. Avatar Auction. http://s2.postimg.org/d9xxkwfg9/avatar.gif Starting bid: 30K Minimal raise: 10k Auction ends in 48 hours Any changes needed for approval will be done in a timely manner. Happy bidding!
  2. how is it i just found this thread today.. i need to forum crawl better.
  3. http://s13.postimg.org/nkhkqjsk7/penguin2.jpg try that, changed the skin tone a little also. i really want to keep the mouth, i dont think it'd be the same without it.
  4. try this john, http://s10.postimg.org/cbcjwtug9/penguin.jpgi wanted to keep the mouth lets hope it works an well you like it
  5. Next auction will be 5/27/2015
  6. sorry john, auction ended at 05:04 pm GMT your last bid was at 6:02 pm GMT an hour late. upload time of auction - Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:04 PM Mr J is the winner with that random assortment of numbers (Aka a bid )
  7. little less then 12 hours left, and im going to count Mr J as the leading bid.. with well.. lets roll it down to simplify it, 253k.
  8. Avatar Auction. http://s22.postimg.org/exadtzjg1/Avatar7.gif Starting bid: 30K Minimal raise: 10k Auction ends in 48 hours Any changes needed for approval will be done in a timely manner. Happy bidding!
  9. how about this johncolumbus http://s22.postimg.org/etfypsjht/vesa_keskinena.jpghttp://s22.postimg.org/3v4p7luwh/vesa_keskinenb.jpghttp://s22.postimg.org/p66upm2ep/vesa_keskinenc.jpg
  10. sure, ill get to it as soon as i can.
  11. normal rate is what? 30k?
  12. I think this works out great to let the highest number of fighters participate.
  13. How about this shiftas i had to change the hand a bit to make it look like it was his ps. http://s3.postimg.org/cwnmq2cs3/Wolfa.jpghttp://s3.postimg.org/4sfilbqcz/Wolfb.jpghttp://s1.postimg.org/y95f9zzcv/Wolfc.jpg
  14. i dont see why not. ill get to it asap
  15. directoryofgames.com hasn't worked for me in.. jesus months?
  16. What about this Rac2 http://s1.postimg.org/f6q4twkan/GSPa.jpghttp://s1.postimg.org/rwud6zs8v/GSPb.jpghttp://s1.postimg.org/vvrkptgvz/GSPc.jpg
  17. Ill try to work on it today Rac2, i just finished up some other projects so yours is the next one.
  18. haha, no not a mill, normal prices for customs
  19. http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=270581 already done http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/14255103703016.jpg
  20. next time Mr J Sorry
  21. the bid went live 13 May 2015 - 05:11 PM 48 hours later the last acceptable auction bid is from buckwild, im very thankful for everyone that bid and wanted my work, thank you all very much, the next auction is will 5/20/2015 if there are any problems with getting the avatar accepted it'll be worked on and fixed asap. thank you all again
  22. this auction is almost over, wow this in more then i ever thought
  23. Alright, i did actually worked on it this time, what ya think man? http://s22.postimg.org/ebk7s2e3l/200.gif
  24. put this together pretty fast, but why not see if u like it. http://s3.postimg.org/cbo374sj7/spartian.gif
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