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Everything posted by Timqwe

  1. So what this means is that I'm actually top 50 and not #220? Right? Right.....?
  2. Well shit, coulda figures this one out myself
  3. That sure is an creative name. Guess you had to think long and hard about that one?
  4. I could easily just grab my brothers ID and 'proof' it's him and not me playing.
  5. Don't forget has gotten information how to run a gym multiple times by experienced managers, but doesn't take any of it.
  6. First rule of text design. Never sacrifice readability for style.
  7. Ikki, no offence, but you should really work on you formating. These huge bright letters are hard to read, since you don't bold out anything it just becomes a wall of text, and there is no way to at first glance look up a fight the reader has special interest in.
  8. That's why I said before sliders. Anyone who's been in the game for a few months should be able to pick up a +0.5 record in Qfc though
  9. Well, a 25 year old pretty much has the highest number of points for a qfc. If you have great hiddens, and your opponent is a 25yo with great hiddens, you already have the 50%. Any other possible matchups are >50%
  10. Well yeah, but if you make a 25 year old, and you test him once for hiddens, your next four matches have a win chance of over 50% before sliders.
  11. Tj Dj Moicano Viana Santos Munhoz Simon Moraes Perez Ramos Taylor Vera
  12. Fuck off Tommy. No one give this fraud any money, this is like the 6th time he asked
  13. Timqwe

    Wacky Island

    This is going to be typed on a phone, so I hope the formatting is decent and it doesn't seem like too much of a rant. The Island has been stale for a while now. I personally think it has to do with overexposure, the Island is basically always happening. That's why it would like to mix it up. One season is the regular season, the next is Wacky Island. With Wacky Island I mean something we can't have in the regular game. Let people change up their regular approach by implementing a condition. For instance (and I don't know if all of this is possible, and not every idea will be a great idea: - Every created fighter starts with 150 KO Hidden - Every fighter starts with 50 Chin Hidden - It's impossible to create a fighter with a certain secondary (sd, dg, subs) but you can still train it. - Every fighter starts with evenly split points. Suddenly training and sliders matter a lot more. - Every fighter must be above 200cm - Every fighter starts with 119 points less, these will be added to 1 random stat. - Each week one secondary at random om doubles in efficiency. - Each week one secondary or physical jumps to 150 for every fighter. This is just me spitballing of course, but let me know your thoughts.
  14. Sadly, that means you're not getting perks. Sadly, the game can't run on freeloaders.
  15. And he even shouldn't have. If an org is giving unfair fights and keeping fighters hostage, that should be told on the forums, so other managers can avoid signing there. But just being able to walk away because you ignore the org? Where is the realism in that?
  16. Come on now, it really doesn't matter, since you can still cheese inactivity by just not accepting fight offers.If an org owner doesnt log in for 15 days the fighters will also get the option to break contract. Can someone even tell me once that they sat out the duration of a contract? Heck, that's how it works in the real world too. These guys sign contracts worth years, with a clause that has the org offer a fight within a certain amount of time
  17. Could've sure. Didn't mind at all though, was like his 4th foul in a row.
  18. Not really a fan of the team thing. Think smaller alliances would struggle fielding a complete team
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