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  1. http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/1348615721oompa.jpg Oompa Loompa The little warrior, the pint sized champ, Oompa Loompa has just notched the first big scalp in his belt with former No.1 p4p fighter Danny Power going down to him in a hard fought 5 round thriller. Loompa showed he clearly has what it takes to tackle any of the games big names. Most laughed when Loompa first debuted, who would have thought a midget could be so devastating in the cage, with an impressive 18-3 record and a big name scalp those that laughed are now taking the first bites of humble pie. Most champs are happy to sit back and wait for the next challenger to come along - well not little Loompa he has joined us today to talk about who he wants next.... Reporter: So Loompa that was a great win by you against Power, you must be happy with the result? Loompa: Of course I'm happy with the result, getting the win is always great.I'm not happy with how I fought the fight though, I should have put Power away, I was just a bit sloppy with my ground striking and couldn't use it to set my subs up.. Reporter: Big fight nerves? Loompa: Maybe, I have never fought in such a big crowd. The atmosphere was amazing. Reporter: 1 fight at Evo and 1 title, you look to be backing up the big words of yours Loompa: You wanna talk the talk you gotta be able to walk the walk - I know I'm an unstoppable force and the rest of the MMA world will know the same after I put Sly Randolph away. I see him prancing round at the fights, handing out business cards with nothing other than "The One" on them.. I look through his record and who has he beaten? Dawkins.. Bwahahaha.. Cabrera - that guy gets carted to the cage in a wheel chair.. Power? Yeah I just beat him.. Randolph has done nothing yet finds himself one of the top ranked featherweights in the game.. Reporter: You aren't going to make many friends with comments like that.. I'm going to point out the obvious take out Power and you have beaten no one as well... Loompa: Friends? I couldn't give a shit about any of the so-called fighters in this division, they are nothing but punching bags that need to be beaten up.. Yes you are right Power is the only name I have beaten but I'm the one holding Evo's 145lb belt.. My first defence of that title will be one where I serve "The One's" head on a platter.. I'm the champ "The One" and you will be the next that I lay to waste. Well the Little man has spoken, the champ has called out "The One" Sly Randolph - all we need now is for CEO Mega Jug to set the date - lets see if the tables can be turned on Loompa... Or will he be shooting further up the ranks.....
  2. http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/1348615721oompa.jpg Oompa Loompa (16-3, 6 via KO, 6 via Sub) p4p 133 The pint sized destroyer Oompa Loompa has had an impressive start to his MMA career, he is now entering his prime and it's time for a real challenge. He has cleaned out both the 145lb and then 135lb divisions at Invictus. He's another of the Stu Pidasol camp that is sitting on the edge of greatness. Reporter: Loompa you've called this press conference today in the hopes of finding someone that can give you a challenge. Loompa: That's right, I see these feather and bantam weights running round talking big games doing big things, Jokinen, Bunn, Silva, Power, Lomax, Kuzuri the list goes on.. Problem with these bums are they talk a lot, they fight but they haven't got shit on me. I would put each and everyone of them out of their misery. There's one fighter in these lighter weights that should be sitting at the top of the rankings and that's none other than my good self. Reporter: You're talking about some of the biggest names in the MMA fight game when we look through your record you have beaten bums and even lost to some bums, what makes you think you can take down these legends. Loompa: You have to start somewhere and I started right down the bottom of the barrel and sure I have lost to some bums but you got to remember even the sun shines on a dogs arse. Del Norte thought he was it and a bit after I got sloppy on the mat against him - 2 fights later and I turned his lights out. Calirante got himself a home judges victory against me after I clearly beat him, what has he done since.. Nothing... He has hid himself in a gym because he knew he didn't have what it takes in the MMA game.. We should't expect any different his manager is a pom. They are known for being defeatists - just look at their broken and battered cricket side. Reporter: It's pretty safe to say that none of those names you mentioned will take up the offer - so why call them out? Loompa: Yeah I know they won't take the bait - problem from them is it's only a matter of time before they won't have a choice in the matter. I say they should get their beating nice and early so they can lick their wounds and find something other than fighting to earn their dollars. Fact of the matter are over the next 6-12 months I will destroy each and everyone of them.. I will hunt them down, one by one. Reporter: That's some big goals you have set yourself for 2014 - it's going to take a lot of understanding org owners to make it happen? Loompa: One would hope that the org owners aren't blood sucking, money hungry parasites but for those that are I will do these superfights for $1. I don't need money, what am I going to do with it, buy another 500 pairs of shirts and shorts that I'm never going to wear? Reporter: You'd fight for free? Loompa: Of course I will, it's not money I want, it's the fame, it's being the No.1 fighter in the world, it's about being 2014 Fighter of the year, it's about being the greatest star to grace the MMA cage. If that means I don't get paid I don't give a shit. Reporter: Any final words Loompa? Loompa: I have 1 fight left on my Invictus contract and hold both 135 and 145 belts there - Gary has been a great org owner and I have the up most respect for him, I have really enjoyed my time there and he deserves one more pay packet from me. Stu fucked up badly during the time zone changes and caused 3 NC's 2 of which were for titles. I have no doubt Gary wanted to punch Stu square in the face for what he did, hell Stu probably wanted to punch himself in the face for it. I hate leaving orgs while being the title holder but all good things must come to an end. I want a top 100 p4p fighter to come to Invictus whether that be at 145 or 135, I don't care about age, you just need to be a worthy opponent. 1 final fight before 2013 ends so I can start my domination of the lighter weights in 2014... Time to put up or shut up.... You know where to find me.....
  3. http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/38/38w1.jpg Vs http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/5/5b9.jpg p4p 75 - Moe Lester (36-17 with 12 via KO) vs p4p 398 - Roddy Piper (41-17-1 with 11 KO's and 3 Subs) Long standing Tycoon org CFC will close it doors with a massive card on Xmas day. The eagerly awaited rematch between Moe Lester and Roddy Piper will determine the final 145lb division title holder. These 2 legends of the fight game met on the 6th of October with Piper getting a decision win. In what was a gripping fight. Piper scored an early knockdown in the first but like most of his career Lester fought back and and lost by close decision in the end. We caught up with Lester for a quick chat about this upcoming bout. Reporter: So Lester, you are a Empire HoFer, you've held belts at 3 different orgs and now you will be a part of a historic tycoon event, it's a far cry from the basement you spend most of your time in. Lester: I love the fight game, it's a massive honor to be on this final card and I will be doing my best to keep the title I have - but at the end of the day the basement will always be my home. Reporter: Errr You probably shouldn't be saying that out aloud - How do you think you'll go in this rematch against Piper? Lester: From the day I was born it was my destiny to handle pipes. I was so excited and I mean really excited to be fighting Piper - I sweat up like a pedo at a wiggles concert before our first bout, that proved costly cause he caught me early and I was playing catch up after that... This time round I'm much more settled, sure I'm excited but I won't be getting worked up too early - it's 5 long rounds and I want to show I have the staying power to make this a truly epic encounter. Reporter: Piper can do it anywhere, standing, clinching and on the ground - how you going to win this one? Lester: Stop talking dirty to me... I don't mind where Piper takes me, he had me on the ground last time and really couldn't do much.. I will take him standing and hopefully make him clinch.. I do my best work in tight spaces as you are well aware.. Reporter: You're making me sick with these comments - keep it clean you dirty human being. Lester: Hey you wanted to talk to me asshole, you can leave if you like, I have things to take care of in my basement.. Oh before you go.... I'm going to get a hold of you Piper, you are a CFC legend but your day has come and gone, when I'm through with you you'll be begging me to take you to my basement - it's much more pleasurable there than in a cage.
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