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  1. In here we will try to count all together as a team. You may count as many numbers as you'd like for however long you want. I hope y'all enjoy. ?
  2. The Xtreme Talk Show! http://i.imgur.com/jZbpXWF.jpg Garry Jones: Hello and welcome to the Xtreme Talk Show, brought to you by Xtreme K1 Combat. I’m your host Garry Jones and I am here to bring to you the latest talk show around! We will be brining you regular and updated news to do with the Xtreme K1 Combat fight organisation and also interviews with the managers and fighters around Xtreme K1 Combat! This week saw two events take place on Xtreme K1 Combat, the first was Xtreme Combat: Dubonet VS Sims on the 13th at wild bobs bar in London. 533 people attended the show and with 10 fights going down the show was a cracker and gave us our biggest event rating to date! The show also hosted the first 145lbs OPEN ID division fight which ”Superfly” Francois Dubonet got a KO win in over William Sims in the first round and earned himself KO of the night! Sims was on a 7 fight win streak before the fight so no doubt he’ll be very upset to have that broken but hopefully he can push on and get his first win in Xtreme K1 Combat! Francois will now face Vodka Drunkinski on the 31st which is set to be a great fight! Fight of the night went to Roger Kint VS Aaron Morris which saw 3 hard fought exciting rounds of K1 action in which Kint prevailed as the winner! Although after the event it was shocking to see Kints name pop up on the free agent list so the 17 year old who is now 3 -0 will be actively seeing a new manager, although there are rumours of Kints speaking with Xtreme K1 Combat AaronThaiGuy about joining his growing list of fighters. The second event of the week took place on the 15th which saw Xtreme K1 Combat host the steel penn alliance wars which saw VC-31 go 3-1 on wins over The Steel Penn Alliance. Now for the second part of the show I would like to bring fighter Klaas Van Delft to the stage who is in AaronThaiGuy’s camp has gone 1-0 in Xtreme K1 Combat now! Garry Jones: Welcome to the Show Klaas! Klaas: It’s an honour to be here Garry. Garry Jones: You’re setting off on what looks like to be a promising career for yourself. Your 18 years of age and you’ve got 1 win under your belt but what are you plans for the rest of the year? Klaas: Well I fight Slade Wilson on the 6th of February at the Hard Knocks arena in London which I am very excited about! It’s one of the biggest events Xtreme K1 Combat will be putting on to date and I feel honoured that I’ve been given a slot to fight in there. As for the rest of the year I am going to be training hard, fighting a few more times and hopefully staying undefeated. Garry Jones: Yes your fight against Slade on the 6th of February, how do you feel about this and is there any specific game plan set for this fight? Klaas: I have to admit I’m pretty confident, my training is going well and I’m feeling great about myself! I’m already training for the fight and I have been working on my Muay Thai skills a lot and doing quite a bit of Muay Thai sparring. I have a large weight advantage over Slade and I’m hoping that I can use my power to finish the fight. Garry Jones: Sounds like your very confident in your ability to win the fight and it also sounds like your training is going well which is always important as a young fighter, I’d like to wish you luck in your promising career and thank you for coming on the show it has been a pleasure meeting you! The next thing on our agenda for tonight’s show is the upcoming 145lbs division 16 man tournament recently announced by Xtreme K1 Combat! The tournament will 16 OPEN ID featherweight fighters battle it out for a $500,000 prize and the featherweight title belt! So far 8 names have been announced on the tournament list and there are some crackers in there! The 1st event will take place on March the 1st in London but the venue is yet to be announced. Now we will be having more guests on our show tonight!! I’d like to welcome heavyweight champion Itse Perkele to the stage and his manager Agent Dee! Agent Dee: What's uuuup everyone? Thanks for inviting us, glad to be here. Itse: Oh shi.. snap! Finally you guys got some real stars on the stage... Gary Jones: First things first, how are you two finding your time with Xtreme K1 Combat, both of you have been here since the begging so what’s it been like being of the growth and excitement we are seeing around this place? Agent Dee: Aaron is a pleasure to deal with. He is a super active and as an org owner he has those much needed communication skills. Nothing bad to say about the man or his org. Itse: Obviously things are getting bigger and better. I personally crave for tougher tests becouse my first two stepping stones I stomped here were a pretty much let downs both. The latest one especially: 150lbs midget who talked his way to face the champ got put to his place real quick ahahhahahaaa. Gary Jones: Itse you will be defending your title on the 6th of February to Tim Yankee, how do you feel about this fight and how have you prepared yourself for this fight? Itse: I hope I get what Im asking for here: a tough fight! Yankee seems to have caught his momentum but I will do everything in my power to stop that dudes dreams right there in the ring. And about my preparations? That's a secret mate but I can tell it involves the art of bullshido! Gary Jones: Agent Dee, Itse has had some impressive fights here in Xtreme K1 combat, where do you see his future going and what are you ultimate plans for Itse? Agent Dee: Well like Itse said himself we think that he has yet to be challenged here and we are looking for bigger fights for the guy. Itse Perkele is really a MMA fighter so eventually he will change back to fight in the cage but not just yet. For now he will be honing his striking game as much as possible. After his first defeat - if that ever happens - we will look into all this future stuff more closely. Gary Jones: Now a question for Itse, are there any fighters out there in the Xtreme K1 roster you’d really let to get into the ring with? And if so why? Itse: Honestly I dont care who Im facing. Line 'em all up and we'll see whose who. Gary Jones: I’d like to thank you both for coming on the show, it was a pleasure having you both and an hour to catch up with our Heavyweight champion! I wish you luck in your upcoming fight and hope you both have a great night! Agent Dee: Cheers! Itse: Pretty boy Yankee! Im gonna rearrange your face so good your next job will be at the museum as a Picasso art piece! Garry Jones: If anyone hasn’t heard yet AaronThaiGuy recently announced a few changes to Xtreme K1 Combat, the first is that there will now be monthly awards given out to all fighters in the organisation. The prizes will be given out for Fighter of the month, Smack talker of the month, Manager of the month, Fight of the month and KO of the month. The prizes in total come to $50,000 and the prizes will be announced first here on the Xtreme Talk Show! The next thing he announced was something that a lot of people quickly revolted against; AaronThaiGuy announced that we would be working towards becoming an Open ID org! This was quickly disputed by many which lead to the decision being changed and instead the ID restriction dropped to 210K which a lot of people have showed their happiness at the change. Hopefully the new ID restriction will allow more talent to come into the organisation and generate more of a buzz around the events and get them arenas packed! The final thing to discuss on tonight’s show is what Xtreme K1 combat have planned for the future and what the goals for this year are. Xtreme K1 Combat was formed in November of 2013 which was only 3 months ago. Since then we have signed over 100 fighters and hosted 7 events with another 5 events already in the pipeline and with this rapid growth I wondered to myself what can the plans be for 2014? So I went and asked the boss and here are the 5 goals he told me that he would strive to achieve for 2014! 1: To be nominated for organisation of the year, having being nominated for best new organisation of the year in 2013 Aaron has told me that he would love to be nominated and get into the voting stages of organisation of the year! 2: To keep growing, the one thing Aaron told me that this organisation will never do is stop growing! We will always be working to sign new talent, host bigger events and get more and more people into the stands to watch our fights! 3: Improve on the organisations current rankings. We are currently ranked the number one KT organisation in London and number 6 in the world! By the end of the year Aaron would like to keep a hold of that number 1 spot in London and hopefully get into the top 5 of the world, his ideal goal would be to get to number 3 in the world before the end of the year if not higher! 4: Help progress the development of young, up and coming K1 fighters. Since Xtreme K1 Combat began it has been a haven for young fighters looking to train up and become the respected fighters they deserve to be! He hopes that one of the fighters can get into the top 10 KT P4P rankings before the end of the year! 5: The final one is to keep everyone around and within the organisation happy! And that’s everything for today’s show! I’d like to thank you all for joining me for our first show here and I wish you all an excellent week! Your host Garry Jones!
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