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Please uncheck "Need Contract"


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I just went through and offered at least 30 different fighters new and old, and got a bunch of reply's back saying they were not ready to fight. When using the search function, I always select the "need contract" option. If you have a guy who doesn't want to fight yet, go to your "My Fighter" page and uncheck that box. It is a complete waste of time to us all, and only takes a few seconds to correct.

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I just went through and offered at least 30 different fighters new and old, and got a bunch of reply's back saying they were not ready to fight. When using the search function, I always select the "need contract" option. If you have a guy who doesn't want to fight yet, go to your "My Fighter" page and uncheck that box. It is a complete waste of time to us all, and only takes a few seconds to correct.


A. Men.

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I just went through and offered at least 30 different fighters new and old, and got a bunch of reply's back saying they were not ready to fight. When using the search function, I always select the "need contract" option. If you have a guy who doesn't want to fight yet, go to your "My Fighter" page and uncheck that box. It is a complete waste of time to us all, and only takes a few seconds to correct.


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I just went through and offered at least 30 different fighters new and old, and got a bunch of reply's back saying they were not ready to fight. When using the search function, I always select the "need contract" option. If you have a guy who doesn't want to fight yet, go to your "My Fighter" page and uncheck that box. It is a complete waste of time to us all, and only takes a few seconds to correct.



Do this. Along with responding to fight offers and giving reasons for contract declines or fight declines would be a real nice courtesy. Its not hard.



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Did this about a month ago. I was as sick of declining contracts for my projects as you guys were of being declined. Well, maybe not as much but I'd get my hopes up thinking I was getting a new deal for one of my active fighters only to see that it was a 300/300/300 deal for a project.


I also feel bad when I turn people down who want my guy in their org(cause I'm a nice guy like that) and it was worse when they would respond with begging.

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Did this about a month ago. I was as sick of declining contracts for my projects as you guys were of being declined. Well, maybe not as much but I'd get my hopes up thinking I was getting a new deal for one of my active fighters only to see that it was a 300/300/300 deal for a project.


I also feel bad when I turn people down who want my guy in their org(cause I'm a nice guy like that) and it was worse when they would respond with begging.


Even when I started the JLF, I never offered anything below 700x3. And that was for the real shitty guys. 300x3 is just ridiculous.

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Even when I started the JLF, I never offered anything below 700x3. And that was for the real shitty guys. 300x3 is just ridiculous.

The low contracts are for 18 year old's from orgs that just started up. I don't blame them. But then again, I'm the type of guy who renegotiated for LESS money when i picked up a free agent who's contract was to high(IMO). The org had just changed hands so neither of us were involved in the deal. I know Petro/Big Tree of Konflikt Down Under can vouch for that.

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And the worst thing is... in Sydney... it isnt like there's a lot of people doing this.. theirs like 4 managers who constantly leave "need contract" set over and over again despite been told, and one of them runs an org in the city.... shocking.


That said i think it migh be the default setting after a contract is up? In witch case i blaim mike?


I would be realy nice to be able to add people to an orgs shitlist so that when you run a search they no longer come up... ever.

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People actually offer contracts in this game?! I've had three fighters sat for about a week without any contract offers.


If they were in sydney trust... i would of been in direct contact with you :P

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Even when I started the JLF, I never offered anything below 700x3. And that was for the real shitty guys. 300x3 is just ridiculous.


I have two guys in 300/300 contracts. With one of them it's a little frsutrating because he doesn't fight all that often so he is kinda suck and runs out of money very quickly.


I know next time not to get desperate and perhaps shop around a little (even though the guys are not superstars, nowhere near it) I probably shouldn't have been so desperate.


All in the learnings!

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That said i think it migh be the default setting after a contract is up? In witch case i blaim mike?

It is the default setting, both when creating a new fighter and if a contract expires. Although I don't know if I'd blame Mike, as I think it makes more sense for this to be the default, since most managers probably want their fighters without contracts to be getting offers. As everyone has said, managers of fighters who aren't looking for a contract should go an uncheck the box.

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And the worst thing is... in Sydney... it isnt like there's a lot of people doing this.. theirs like 4 managers who constantly leave "need contract" set over and over again despite been told, and one of them runs an org in the city.... shocking.


That said i think it migh be the default setting after a contract is up? In witch case i blaim mike?


I would be realy nice to be able to add people to an orgs shitlist so that when you run a search they no longer come up... ever.


It is the default setting, and I personally think it makes more sense like that. I run a feeder Org so it does kinda get annoying, but I also work with a lot of newer member so it's a little more understandable.

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I rarely chek the "my fighters" page so sometimes I don't even kno if its checked or not...then I wonder why I'm gettin offers and go uncheck it. There's no other place 2 find out if its checked or not which is easily as big of a problem as this...neither are a big deal. How easy do u want running an org 2 be?

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I'll use the 'I'm not ready to fight' excuse when I dont want to join a specific org for whatever reason, be it money, the talent - too low or high, or the terms of agreement.. negotiating most times is pointless, because most people I've dealt with dont take rejection well. If you just throw the I'm not ready excuse out there, tends to end the conversation right then and there.

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