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Sparring session scenario. What will be the outcome?


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So it's been a while since I thought about this and I've forgotten how it works. Usually I just have 1 on 1 sparring session with a 150 guy and don't think about that but I want to increase my sizes and make sure everyone gets good training.


So lets put up a scenario.


Scenario 1:

5 guys are training, skills 150/110/90/50/20 , in this case everyone is at least 20% better than the guy next to him. Do they all get the highest quality training?


Senario 2:


5 guys 150/110/110/90/85, Not all guy have a 20% better fighter in the group. How will the points be splitt between the fighters now? Does anyone still get the best training and who doesn't benefit from being in this group (besides the 150 guy ofc).


I tried using the wiki, but I didn't get the info I wanted.



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The way I understand it is in Scenario 1: only the 110/90 fighters wil get max benifits.

"In order to train at the maximum level possible you only need to train with someone 20% better than your current skill level. Anything above this will have no additional benefit."

Senario 2: I have no idea how the points would be split.

I think in the long run its best to make big groups for sparring rather than split them up throughout the week for max benifits. 2 times a wk for boxing instead of 3 or 4 times with small groups.

EDIT correction... in senario 1 the four lower guys will benefit but Im not sure about the 150. The bigger the sessions the better for sure.

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