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Invalid username/password


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I had the same problem with an itab or whatever it's called. The problem was when I wrote my password it made the first letter capital. I'm not saying you're retarded or anything, but maybe it's the same problem :D

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To state the obvious and bring up what most people are thinking an "Invalid username/password" error is it likely means on Mike's side it just looks like you're typing a wrong username, password or both so there is likely little he can do to fix it save resetting your login information, while likely doable it strikes me as odd that your current information works on one device but not another.


If possible do you have a 3rd device you can try to log into? If it works on multiple devices but not your phone then I would say it's very likely the issue is with your phone alone, if this is the case then from there maybe closing your browser, clearing your phone RAM and trying again will work.

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