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Organizational Request - Document folder


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As an org. owner, it would be nifty if i could have a folder/archive where fighters could go to find out previous notices, policies, award, data etc. With the turnaround of fighters in a org, and new fighters always coming in, I would like to be able to be able to catch up on various pieces of information without having to resend stuff org wide every few weeks.


I know the forums are here, but i would like this to be just accessable to fighters in the org. Things that it would pertain to would be: NC Policy, Training Policy, Fight refusal policy, current awards, any archived messages that i would feel important for a new fighter in my org to read, etc.


I would make it a section accessible to org fighters only, make it similar to the press release style in the org owners box, so i can archive any important notes and what not. Or maybe a faq like sheet or something. Anything would be nifty. Thanks.

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