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The only reason my 4th fighter lost was because he was completely outmatched


His guy was better in MT, BJJ, and wrestling.


Had the gameplan of keepin it standing and keeping my distance but he still got taken down and submitted 3 minutes into the first round. I'm pry going to sack that fighter and create someone new.

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realy dont fight in the qfc m8 , contact a few org owners and exlain your new manager and how often you would like your fighters to fight , a good org owner will match your fighters up against likewise opponents , qfc is always a gamble ,and theres loads of new orgs out there on the lookout for ACTIVE managers , most important stat of the game , ACTIVE MANAGER

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hahahaha yeah yeah. You cant help but think that with my competitiveness that I WILL dominate! lol jp


Yeah thats good advice, I sacked my one bad fighter that lost. The other 3 are already under contracts with companies, and I just created a new guy that I hope will get a contract soon.


So if anyone can hook a brotha up for "The Man Beast" Mike Thompson [ 59361 ] that I just created =]


(I will add the name to the thread that requests contracts, dont flip out lol)

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the biggest mistake new managers make is they try to create a rounded fighter , it aint never going to happen ,ever

think real life , and all ufc fighters today started with one outstanding primary skill ,

thats how you create a fighter , give him a great base in one primary , and train the rest.

cutting to early isnt that clever as its been proven time and again that a learner will pick up and master the missing skills

you may loose your first two fights as a brown belt , but once that fighter gets a handle on striking , he gets a bit more tasty , and unpredictable to his opponents

same goes for a remarkable striker who is a white belt , 12 weeks on the mat trainning makes him dangerous , because he is multi skilled.

think long term and dont worry to much about first few fights results

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So if anyone can hook a brotha up for "The Man Beast" Mike Thompson [ 59361 ] that I just created =]


I sent him a sponsorship to help him out with his gym fees -- good luck!


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