Thanks for contributing to potential improvements. There are often a lot of ideas that kind of get lost in the forums, but it's nice that you are able to gather up and present them in what will hopefully be an effective manner. If this leads to more Tycoon News from more engagement, that's great!
Worth noting that due to time allotted for the KT leg, this will be the final round before we break for the MMA phase. Things look interesting at the top of the leaderboard. A Shioda win seals the deal, buuuuut if he falters oh my…
There's a few things seemingly on the horizon so far as learn speed, starting points available and separating the point cap for physicals so elite everything there isn't an automatic thing and choices need to be made.
Other than that, maybe some Org stuff, UI things and clinch training no longer bleeding into knees and elbows.
I probably missed some things, but that's off the top of my head.