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Interview from Roygoos




The Vicious Fights crew caught up with one of Vicious Fights's newest signings, Tim "Silverback" Gates, at the gym of xXx - Killer's Elite Sparring. They had some questions for the 18 year old rookie.




Reporter: Hello there Mr. Gates. We can call you that, right?


Gates: Sure. Only in my fights i wish to be reffered to as "Silverback". What's up?



Reporter: We're here to ask you several questions, and we quickly wanted to get started with the first one;

Some people have told us that you're not ready yet for fighting.

What's your response to this?


Gates: My response is quite simple. They're right. Right now i'm not ready to get into a fight. My cardio isn't as strong as some of the other guys's out there, and i think that will play a huge role. Right now i'm doing full on Cardio, no breaks and i hope i'll be able to work on some other aspects as well.



Reporter: People have said that, ever since your manager, Roy Goos, has returned to the MMA world,

he's out of shape and can't manage fighters like he did before. What's your take on this?


Gates: Well, i'd say i would rather disagree more than agree. I agree because lately, he has not been on a high roll. But i expect he'll pick up soon again. And i disagree for one main reason.

You see, i believe that a manager's role in a fighter's life is about 30%. He tells you what to wear, what to take, where to train. Mostly that's for the positive ends, but one thing he does not influence as much is the most important thing to a fighter. His fights. What happens outside the cage or ring can be changed. Whatever happens or happened in the cage or ring is fully up to us.


Reporter: All right, one last question. What do you hope to bring to our organisation?


Gates: Well, for one a cure for some of the boring matches i've seen so far. Of course i will be aiming for the win at all times, but having a crispy, entertaining side doesn't hurt. It all depends on your standings with the crowd. Whether they boo you or they cheer you, their reactions don't matter. What matters is how loud it is.


Reporter: That's a wrap. Thank you Mr. Gates for your time and we hope to see much of you in the future!


Gates: Thanks for having me, so long.

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Hello, we are in the new gym in Montreal Nights Watch MMA Academy, which is soon to be co-run by Jeor 'he Old Bear' Mormont's manager Robb Stark, who we have caught up with


Reporter - Hi, Robb. Now last time you personally were in an interveiw you beat up the reporter, can i feel safe?


Robb - Well only if you don't ask stupid ass questions like the last guy.


Reporter - Okay, so this new gym is looking fine if you dont mind me saying so.


Robb - Thanks, yeah i had a few friends over here to help me with it and becasue of my previous record in england my name was shamed ifound a new home in Montreal really and th treat me nice enough and most of my new fighters are in the gym now.


Reporter - So, what is the latest news involving the rivalry with Jeor and Rhaegar?


Robb - well you know the back story about it so i wont go into any more details but me and Rhaegar's manager are very close but this is obviously something we can't agree on, but in the end we are there for the fighters help not to tell them what to do, so yeah. They are currently in training, well i know Jeor is, he is fighting a new guy Tommy something i cant remember his last name and he is focused on him.


Reporter - is there a chance that Jeor is overlooking Tommy TapOut and looking into Rhaegar?


Robb - well he could be as Rhaegar is in his head and this Tommy guy is so shy who even is he man? has he done any interviews or anyting? no. he is as useless as Johan Fredrikson. That guy is the champ man and he needs to engage with his fans and so far he hasnt said a word maybe he cant even speak i dont know but he gets under my skin, he is not the cahmpion a great org like Vicious desrves. Im not saying Jeor is but at least he talks to the fans and answers questions and so on. When ever Johan falls i will be there to laugh, its like the terminator the first one he never speaks and just rips s**t up but he never speaks and eventually he gets destroyed by a Bit** and i will be there to laugh at him.


Reporter - okay thanks for your time Robb we wish you all the best with your gym and hope to speak to you soon. Well guys there we have it Robb Stark sounds off on a number of fighters for not being active enough to promote the sport, and coming up next i take a wrestling session with 5 hot chicks but you may have to flick over to babe station for that one

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After accepting Jhiury Ajniafh's challenge of a rematch, Wazza Rooney accepted the challenge, even though the first fight had ended inside 31 seconds.

The wait was almost too much, both camps training their fighter hard.

Then, at VFN 20, they faced off for the second time.

Blink and you woulda missed it!

Wazza Rooney showed exactly why he has climed the ranks in the org with a shocking KO at 29 seconds of round 1.


"I told you I was gonna deck him again!" said the young striker. "I hope Ajniafh's camp understand now that I'm not to be taken lightly, even though I'm young and relativly new. My manager knows his shit and with his help I'm gonna go for the belt in time."


Wazza's manager, Harry Nutzack, said "Line them up, Wazza will knock them down. Within reason though, as he states, he's still young and needs a lot more training to become the complete fighter I know he can be. He's deffo a future champ for sure."

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Just a few days after his victory against DeSean Larson, Rolland Pierre confirmed the rumors that he signed a new 2 fight deal; "Well, going 2-2 isn't fantastic, but it has given me one last chance to impress the bosses. I really want to stay with Vicious Fights, they've been fair to me and have given me great match ups. I was told that these two fights are my chance to make an impresion, and I plan on doing just that. Anything less than two victories, just won't do."


After having his first two wins by submission, Pierre plans on showing his deadly stand up skills in his next fight; "I really want to get that KO, I feel that itch you get when you haven't landed that one great shot in a while. I will win any way I can, after all that's what MMA is all about, but getting that first KO would be great."


As for future opponents Pierre is open to almost anything; "I don't give two shits! As long as it's a match-up that gives me a chance to show of my skills on a decent opponent. I'm not calling anyone out, but I would love to fight Tomohiko Tanaka again, after last time I was so bitter. I really thought I had it in the bag, and obviously that was my mistake. I won't make that mistake again. I have proven before that loosing only makes me stronger, I want to prove it again."

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With only more than a month and a few days to go to his first fight, Tim Gates "Silverback" posted a YouTube video with some statements in it.


I can't exactly wrap my head around the idea. You know? I mean, i'm a monster on a physical point of view, but in the cage i've been training so hard i am literally unstoppable. I've told many people this and... Look what i get. I get Grayson Pierce. A guy who can't do shit stand up and is worse on the floor. He wants to take me on? Go ahead and try to sweep these legs from under me. I might be just an inch taller but you can't pick me off the floor. I'll simply flick you over and leave you on your back like a turtle. We all know that as soon as a turtle lays on it's back it's as good as dead. But no. No. I'm not taking it to the ground. I've seen what you do on the floor. You're horrible! It's a waste of time. I'd rather watch paint dry. Bring your ass over to Helsinki and don't flee to the other side of the world, 'cus you've GOTTA come back for a beatdown. Whether you went there for training which you'll be wasting your time with, or just to see where the sun goes 'down', come back and train in Helsinki. Like a man. Like a viking.




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Alexander Anderson continue his dominance in Light Heavyweight division, with his second title defense, against undefeated submission wrestler Mark Munoz. Lightweights Jay Warner and Gianpaolo Cassano battle for 155 Supremacy – this is VFN 21: Anderson Vs Munoz!


Let’s get things started, with first bout in the Lightweight Division. It was first event with new management for VF, when “Demigod” Hercules Son Of Zeus made his debut in MMA. Unfortunately he fought Anzor Azhiev, losing by submission just 50 seconds into a fight. Now, He wants to redeem himself and win this fight. He is really talented boxer, but if he didn’t focuses on his takedown defense, it may be just like first fight. My pick for this fight is simple – Anzor Azhiev by Submission.


Kamil Korczewski defeated Ross Koscheck in what was Fight Of The Night on VFN 15. Now, they are set to do this again. Ross called Kamil out, and Kamil accepted that fight. Polish boxing prospect seems very confident coming to this fight, but counting out Kos isn’t good idea. If you knock him down, he will get back up. If you take him down, he will get back up. You can’t break him, you can’t let him live. Against Ross it’s Kill Or Be Killed. Finish Him or He Will Finish You. That simple. What we can expect? Another Fight Of The Night. And Ross winning this fight by way of Submission.


Rico Gracie made an impact, putting himself in top of the division. But Marco Da Silva didn’t like that, and he knocked him back down. Now – it’s time to do this right. Next opponent? Al “Irishman” Cassidy. You expect easy and boring fight? Think again. This fight will be awesome, and you can take it to the bank – whoever wins this fight, will be launched to the top immediately. Of course, expect ground fight – both prefer Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling than boxing and Muay Thai, but they are pretty exciting ground fighters. For this one I will go with Al, and TKO victory.


Frankie Riiser is looking for his moment of glory. 1-2 and 0-2 in VF, that doesn’t makes you confident about your contract. He has to win, and nothing can distract him. He needs that victory. But Bazar Problema needs it as well. And that’s best way to set a fight. They have nothing to lose, and everything to gain – they will come out swinging, trying to score impressive victory on VFN 21. Two purple belts in BJJ, with some striking skills – they really try to be well-rounded to be able to fight everywhere. But as far tonight goes, I will go with Bazar by TKO.


On two occasions Shirtless Rob was finger tip away from title shot. And twice he broke under the pressure, losing most important fights. If he can KO Erin Dolor, he will put himself in race for a title shot. But Dolor is determined as well , he wants to be known as a top dog in the Welterweight division. Both are heavy handed, both proved that they can KO everybody in the division. But can they finish one another? They will try – that’s for sure. They will hit each other with everything but the kitchen sink…an guess what – we will enjoy it. My pick for that fight is Rob by KO.


Grigoriev Maxim and Cedric Chippleworth are both well known KO artists, trying to make their way up to 155 title shot. For Cedric that is VFs debut, for Grigoriev – that’s shot at redemption, after losing 2 first fights. 5 combined victories with 5 (T)Kos means that this fight WILL NOT survive to see what judges thinks about it. It will be pure brawl until one of them will go down. Who has bigger power in his hands, and harder chin? This will be known after that event, but until then we can only predict. And my prediction is Cedric by KO.


Inspectah Knuckles made his way to a 205 belt quickly, with two amazing victories in a row, before being stopped by Alex Anderson in a title fight. Joe Machida on the other hand was consider top contender since his debut – but he lost to Brian Baxter and Mark Munoz, and now he has to build his status once again. And it seems like beating former contender is best way to do this. Can he finish him? If yes, he may be next in line to get a piece of Anderson. But for now he has to focuse on Inspectah Knuckles, because my pick is Inspectah by way of (T)KO.


Jack Balance is amazing fighter, no doubt. But he has one thing on his record that he don’t like. One loss, that he would love to avenge. But he has to earn that chance – and who knows? Maybe he will do this against Georgy Degratov. 2-0 boxer with some wrestling background has 2-0 record, and he isn’t ready to get his first “L”, so be ready for close fight and even more close finish. Can they finish one another? Probably yes. Can they outwork one another? For sure. Are they confident that they can win? Hell yeah. This fight is important, so they will do they best – and I think that it will be Jack walking out off this building with a Unanimous Decision victory.


Gianpaolo “Gladiator” Cassano didn’t taste defeat yet. 2-0 with 2 TKOs fighter from Rome is looking to make 3 in a row, when he steps to the cage against always dangerous Jay Warner. Warner didn’t make first impression as he wanted – but second and third couldn’t be better. Now he will battle for a shot at the title, and we will see best Jay Warner thus far. And best Cassano thus far. Grappler Vs Striker matchups are best, when guys MUST win, so expect fireworks. And Submission victory from Jay, alongside with a title fight in his future.


When you can expect fight of the night? When both guys NEVER goes to distance. 11 fights – 11 finishes. That’s combined record of our Main Eventers tonight – Alexander Anderson Vs Mark Munoz. Light Heavyweight Championship on the line…so, let’s do this! Last thing you want, if you are VFs 205 fighter is Alex on top of you. Because he will beat the shit out of you. What you don’t want as well? Being in Munoz’s guard – because he will take your arm home with him. Both are undefeated, both finished every challenge they had, so now it’s time to make sure that one of them will have a first loss on their records. Who will it be? In my mind – Mark Munoz. Because of next Alex’s TKO victory.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Reporter: I have to ask, what about Alexander Anderson?


Baxter: I've already fought him twice, and lost both times. I need to do enough to deserve another shot, and that means convincing fans that I'm good enough to beat him. Usually if you beat someone twice, that's the end of the story, so now I have to beat pretty much every other top contender before I deserve another shot. I think everyone else should get a shot before I get another one. It's only fair.


I will say though, look at the difference between my first fight and my second fight. It's like two different fighters were in those fights. The contrast in the third fight will be just as definitive. It's a long road to that point though.


Reporter: Have you thought about if you win, when you finally do get the shot?


Baxter: To remain fair, he would get three shots at me, too. So it's going to turn into a feud that will define our careers. That's going to be grueling.


Lets not overlook everyone else though. Who says he will still be champ by then. Bam Neely's submissions are slick. He is comfortable on his back, right where Alexander puts you. Gabriel Douglas is on fire. You should really be keeping an eye on him. I think Al Cassidy has all the tools to beat him. He's definitely dangerous. If I end up fighting one of them for the belt, or on my way to the belt, those fights will be just as difficult.



Reporter: So then who do you want next?


Baxter: I'm glad I'm fighting Erik Zarkov. It should be a good striking match. I have all these wrestlers coming after me because of the Alexander fight, so it's nice to be able to have a standup war with someone. Who knows, he might come out and have a surprise for me, trying to take me down. I'm pretty sure you're going to see a battle of fists though.


After that, like I said, I want other top contenders. I'm still in the top 5 of the division. I have to prove I'm #2 before I can take on #1, and all of the top 5 fighters at 205 deserve to be there.

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VFN 24: Anderson Vs Klipinen will test our Light Heavyweight champion once again, with a serious contender. It will be a place for the first Featherweight title defense, when John Barris will take on Jakob Kellerman. It’s gonna be amazing night, so let me tell you what we will see more on this card.


First fight will set weight limit at 145lbs, when Jack Lane will face IP Freely. Both are young rising stars at 145, and believe me or not – you have 290 combined reasons to watch this fight. They won’t stop, they will go after each other until one of them will get KOed, or submitted. That’s a fact. It’s gonna be nasty fight, with tons of action and no breaks besides of these between the rounds. Featherweights just started new chapter in VF, and they will show you why you shouldn’t mess with these little guys


Tomohiko Tanaka isn’t stranger to VF – his all 5 fights took place in VFs cage, currently 3-2 will look to make another winning streak with a impressive victory over new Lightweight – Cody Duncan. Duncan is a highly hyped boxer, with purple belt in BJJ, so he knows how toput you to sleep either with his punches or chokes. Tomohiko is a brown belt and has very good muay thai to go alongside with his grappling skills – so no matter where fight will be, it’s gonna be exciting lightweight war. Both can roll, and both can hit…could it be better? I don’t think so.


Marco Da Silva came to VF and make an impact. 3 fights winning streak and back-to-back Fight Of The Night Awards build his hype – but it was crushed by TKO loss to Brian Baxter. Now he looks to back on track with another dominant victory, this time against Bruce Hogan, who lost his last fight as well. Both has a wrestling base with good boxing skills, I think it will end up as all out brawl, with amazing KO finish for one of them. No matter which one of them will win – it will be KO Of The Night nominee.


After going 2-0 as Featherweight Boris Berezin decided to move up, to 155 division. VF gave him a chance to do so – against another VFs Vet, 3-2 Jarni Kutsoo. Two well rounded, quick and strong Lightweights with awesome cardio – it’s perfect description for what should be Fight Of The Night. What will happen? We can count on amazing action, they know how to roll, how to deal with a clinch and how to find their reach. It will goes down to who can do it better, and that’s a beauty of MMA. We can find out which one of them is better.


Rhaegar Thargaryen is back, after decision victory over Scott Taylor Williams he decided to drop down to 170, to fight Jeor Mormont – but meanwhile, he said he wants to squash someone to stay busy. And Andry Andrianampoinimerina stepped up to fight him. This gonna be fun fight for sure, and winner of that one will move up in rankings for sure. And ultimate goal is that gold strap around your waist. If you think you saw the best of them, think twice – because they just warm up, and they will be better with every minute. Sit back and enjoy two great warriors going after each other.


When Nicklas Bendtner fought Giorges Papadopoulos first time, it was VFN 16 and Giorges walked out with Unanimous decision. Now, it’s time for a rematch and for Nicklas it’s gonna be much more better opportunity than before – because now he is fighting former title contender, and victory like that will put him in title contentions. But now, with new champion in town, Giorges feels like he is ready to challenge for the belt against – as he is the only man to beat Sune Folkeson thus far. But first, he needs to prove he deserve another title shot. So…let’s do this!


Fred Nyholm is 6-0 and he is definition of Welterweight elite in VF and if you can beat him, you are next in line for a shot at the title. That’s why Mohammed Sissoko asked for this fight. He wants another shot at the title, and he wants it next – so he chose quickest way. Not the easiest – but the quickest. It’s gonna be tough to defeat Fred, and after 2 straight loses he needs a big victory to get back to title contentions. I don’t think Fred will make it any easier for him…who wants to lose? They will do everything to walk out victorious, so just let them fight. It may goes either way.


Since moving to 145 division John Barris became 4-0 including victory in Vicious World Featherweight Grand Prix that gave him that belt. Jakob “Killswitch” Kellerman won his last fight and was called to fight for the belt. His answer? “Hell Yeah!” and that’s how they landed against each other on that card. John is favor to win it, but I don’t think you count “Kilwsitch” out. If he switch that button and go for a kill – you have a lot of problems. Do what you have to do to win – that’s Jakob’s fighting philosophy. Simple, right? John will have his hands full with him, that’s for sure.


Vasara Hai and Grigoriev Maxim defeated top guys in their last fights, and they came back to the elite of 155. With Johansson and Warner set to fight on later date for title, this fight may produce next title contender with one of the most stacked divisions in VF right now. Both are great wrestlers and it will be really entertaining to see which one of them can control the other. They will need really amazing wrestling to win the title, no matter who will walk out victorious of next 155 title fight. But forgot about titles and big fights – just focus on that battle of wills here.


Jaakko Klipinen was near to title shot twice. But he said enough – and KOed Inspectah Knuckles with brutal knees to secure his title shot. Now, he is set to fight Alex Anderson for 205 belt. But problem with Alex is – he never stops. He just keep coming after you, take you down and beat you up there. One takedown may seal the deal, and give victory to Anderson, so Jaakko will have to watch out for this. No matter how good wrestler you are, or how good your BJJ is – you don’t wanna Alex Anderson on top of you. You just don’t. Way to win for Jaakko? Use his amazing muay thai, and do same thing as he did last time to Inspectah and just finish Anderson. Easier said than done, right?

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Once again, after quite some time, Chris Garcia sat down with reporters for post-fight presser


Chris: So, long time, right? First, Of The Night awards, KO landed in Mohammed Sissoko’s pocket, Submission went to our Featherweight champ, John Barris, and Fight Of The Night Bendtner Vs Giorges. Each gets 2k bonus, gratz guys. So, we can start now with questions


Reporter: What do you think about whole card? Lot of people thought it won’t deliver without big names, besides of Anderson, and it will not be really great night


Chris: Guess what – lot of people missed their call. Card was outstanding. Alex delivered another awesome title defense, Mohammed Sissoko came back BIG TIME, with that nasty TKO, Barris and Kellerman went on a war against each other, and other guys? Listen, never – NEVER – since I start working for VF, I haven’t that big medical suspensions.


Reporter: In preview show it was mentioned that victory for Sissoko may bring him back to title contentions, any details?


Chris: Yeah, I already texted both guys about it. Fredrikson Vs Sissoko II will happen, no clue when for now, but it will happens. No one will get title fight at 170 before Mohammed, no way. He didn’t knocked to a title shot’s doors. He punched the freakin whole in them and screamed for that. And I heard him. Actually I just received a message from Johan – and he agreed to fight Mohammed. So it’s up to him now.


Reporter: Any plans for next fights? For guys from this card of course


Chris: I would like to see Giorges rematching John Kruger. It should be fun, and Giorges needs that fight. Victory over former Middleweight champ will put him right there for another shot, and keep in mind that current champ has only one loss, and it’s to Giorges. So if he beat Kruger, we will see another exciting rematch.


Reporter: Few new guys just showed their skills – Andry “The King”, IP Freely…and recently signed guys, that have some fame on their account. What do you think about new guys?


Chris: To be honest – they are amazing. Lot of people underestimate young guys, but think about it – they are young, hungry and they have a shot to prove themselves. That’s opportunity for them, and they want to use it. Will they be successful? For sure. No doubt in that.


Reporter: Targaryen and Mormont were really loud about their wish to fight each other. Now they are free to fight, will we see them?


Chris: Next question please. (laughs) just kiddin, yeah, for sure. They want to fight each other, both coming of a losses…that makes sense now, so when I set the date for it, it will be official. It was last one? Okey, so see you next time, guys and remember to watch VFN 25: Moon Vs Gonzalez. First heavyweight title defense!

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Catching him as he's leaving Qube Striking, the featherweight champ John Barris gave this interview:


Reporter: So, with this impressive submission you've not only defended your belt, but also improved your winning streak to five, all by submission. How do you feel about that?


John Barris: Pretty good, although i was hoping for a TKO by the end of the first round. Didn't work out that way, Kellerman was tougher than I thought, and I just couldn't beat him out. So I went back to my bread and butter, and getting another sub is always nice.


Reporter: According to most mayor sources you won every round of the fight, even the third round which saw no ground action. Are we seeing a new side of you?


John Barris: Well take a look at the gyms name, i've been working on my standup skills for a while now. But I know what got me where i am. Grappling is my specialty, but Kellerman's takedown defense was better than i thought. So I had to show what I can do on my feet. It's not where I'm best, but I'd like to think I'm better than most give me credit for.


Reporter: So with your first title defense in the bag, what's next?


John Barris: Well I'm the champ. That means I fight whoever they put in front of me, no exceptions. Although if I find Sang Eek Moon or Alexander Anderson on the other side of the cage, I might reconsider that policy.

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VFN 26 will mark fifth title defense for Light Heavyweight champion Alexander Anderson, this time against Gabriel Douglas Key. Co Main Event will be proving ground for EPL 4 competitor “Big” Duncan McAlister who will take on Ascension’s Middleweight Craig Rave. These are just 2 fights, and we have 8 more on this card. Ready? Let’s go!


Tim Gates waited months to make his Pro debut. And he will finally gets a shot, against 0-2 Grayson “American” Pierce. Grayson wants to pick his first win and prove that he isn’t useless, and he has a potential to be someone more. He had tough times to use his awesome wrestling successfully, and Tim will not make it any easier now. Expect hard-hitting battle of these two up-and-coming stars of Welterweight division.


Mike Wazowski wasn’t happy with his debut, so it’s natural that he couldn’t wait to make better impression on fans and VF management. Rhodri Wilson stepped up to give him that chance. Or spoil it. It’s not a secret that 185 division is looking for top contenders now, so both of them want to prove same thing – that they belong here. Wrestler with Polish roots will look to take fight down as soon as possible, and even if Rhodri isn’t that good with his wrestling, he may now thing or two about it. And stand up edge? Definitely in hands of Wilson. Mike will fight hard for takedowns, before it’s only way for him to win.


When VF announced World Heavyweight GP, it was clear – Heavyweights will stay here for a while. Stan Berg is perfect example of what VF is looking for. This huge guy is speed and agile as hell, and he holds 2 submission victories – both came inside first minute of his fights. Livana Jalo will have to stop him from taking fight down, and do what he does best – punch his opponent’s face repeatedly. Semifinalist for GP has something to prove, and he wants to prove on Berg’s expense. Will Stan allow him to do so? Watch VFN 26 to get your answer!


Welterweight stand-out Max “Mad” Pein edged Daniel Haukka with Split Decision when he stepped to that cage last time. Now, he will take on “The Ripper” Jack Campbell who won’t allow him to throw him around. Both are strong and lethal with their striking skills, so we may expect KO finish, but…okay, let’s face it when two bangers collide, they don’t want to risk getting KOed. They may very well try to score a takedown, and do something on the ground. Everything may happen in that fight, and that’s why it’s so exciting


Luiz Silva is on his way to a title shot at 145lbs, 3-0 with 3 dominant performances thus far. He is probably the smallest Featherweight in VF, as he used to fight at 135lbs. First fight at 145 against Jakob Kellerman showed, that his size may be his advantage. Now Rajesh Koothrappali will test him. Will his 22cm of height advantage will decide about Luiz’s fate? “Pequeno” is a amazing boxer, but with a that big reach disadvantage , it seems impossible to overcome it. Is it really impossible? Luiz has a hard task in front of him, and Rajesh feels confident with it. He believes that Luiz will be just another victim of his skills.


Wazza Rooney needed combine 1 minute to knock out Jhiury Ajniafh TWICE. With these back-to-back wins he build quite a momentum. Now Krzysztof Jarzyna will try to steal it. Former Featherweight has a tough Lightweight debut in front of him, but wrestling background should make it easier for him. Everyone at 155 knows that Wazza don’t enjoy rolling around, as he prefers knocking you out asap. Krzysztof has a natural advantage in it, and he will use it for sure. Question is – will he has a time for it, before one of the Wazza’s punches finds its mark on Krzysztof’s chin?


Rafinha Capoeira shocked the world with a nasty 58 seconds KO of Steven Larkin, and now it was time for him to be shocked – when he lost his title to Jens Johansson. He wants that strap back, but he needs to build his way up. Chris “The Slugger” Hughes will do his best to stop Rafinha, but we saw that Brazilian wrestler – who was meant to take you down and hold there – can deliver fast and nasty KO in a blink of an eye. But it seems like Chris was just waiting for opponent like that, and he is not afraid of it. They are set for 3 round fight – and it will be scrappy one for sure.


It was biggest night for Sune Folkeson, when he KOed John Kruger and take Middleweight belt from him. KO artist will now face the challenge of 4-1 submission-magician, Sio Nutis. Pure grappler Vs striker match-up scheduled for 5 five minutes round. Imagine what may happen in it. Sune has one loss on his record, and it was via submission. Sio’s lone loss came by way of KO, so it shows you that Sio may be able to submit Sune – and Sune for sure can put Nutis’ lights out. They will have to be careful, but if you saw them fight before – you can count on high-paced fight.


Duncan McAlister will be one of 14 mans to compete on season four of European Premier League. But before that – Criag Rave will challenge him in Openweight fight. For Duncan it’s just warm up. For Criag – chance to get back on winning streak, as he is coming of a win in Ascension. They are nearly equal in there striking, but McAlister can swing his huge hands with a power of a nuclear bomb. On the other hand – Rave may use that, avoid Duncan’s punch, take him down and do his work there to submit him. And that’s how it looks like – either KO victory for McAlister, or submission victory for Rave. Simple, right?


Since joining VF Alex Anderson never saw third round. He barely saw second. Everyone at 205 knows what Alex is going to do. Drag you down to the ground, and beat you up, forcing ref to save you. Simple? Yeah, but still – no one was able to deal with it. Gabriel Douglas Key believes that his wrestling will be enough to stop Anderson’s attempts, and his boxing will seal the deal and give him the 205 world title. If you doubt that he can, go back and watch his highlights reel. This guy is riding 4 fights winning streak of first round KOes. How you want to argue with that? You can’t. But you nether can argue with Alex’s wrestling and ground and pound. Will Gabriel be a solution to Anderson’s style, or will it be just another nasty TKO for the champ? It’s time to find out!

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On December 20th we will have last chance to watch Johan Fredrikson as a Vicious Fights World Welterweight Champion. We already know that this fight, will be his last on his current contract. With that fight, we will say goodbye to one of the greatest Welterweight in VFs history. He came to us as a promising rookie, with roofless potential, and he lived up to the hype, winning his 10 fights, 4 by submission and 6 by (T)KO. He proved himself, cleared the division – and now he wants to go on, to become one of the best Welterweights ever.


But there is one man, who plans to spoil his farewell party and hand him first professional loss. This man – is Wolfe Larson. Muay Thai practitioner who secured his shot at the title with 3 amazing finishes, including TKO victory over former VF Lightweight Champion Steven Larkin. Now, this young fighter looks to step up in the competition, and take 170 crown from Fredrikson.


The Countdown to VFN 35, Starts now!


Born in Oslo, Norway, Wolfe Larson fought for his chance to fight for the belt with everything he got. But he didn’t start his journey in martial arts.


I was a Mogul Skier, didn't really care about martial arts back then, I was focused on Olympics. I was 18 year old, and I thought, I will conquer the world with my skills, I wanted to win at Olympics and become world-wide known skiing sensation. That was my plan for life…but didn’t work out well for me


At the age of 18, he was a part of Norway’s Olympic Team, getting ready for biggest moment of his life – when tragedy stroke. His mother passed in his childhood and just weeks before Olympics, his father had a stroke.


It was devastating, you know? In one moment your life is like it should be, just to turn into hell in next moment…I knew what I have to do, that wasn’t easy…do I regret it? I don't really know. It was big chance for me, but my mom passed away when I was a kid, and my father was my only close family back then…


Wolfe decided to leave his passion and Olympic dreams, to help his dad. Lot of people thought that he just made a huge mistake, but in Wolfe’s eyes – he did what he should do. 2 years later, he took another hit, when his father passed away.


I forfeit my dreams to take care of him, and after two years, when he was gone…I lost him, I lost my dreams…I had nothing left. I lost everything when I was 20…It was like end of the world for me. I was looking for something, what could help me take all of this anger out of me. Something that will help me control that…and I found it. I found MMA.”


He joined Oslo’s Fitness and MMA, using his agility and speed from previous ski career, to become a amazing striker. Called by lot of sparring partners “Hitman” or “Sniper” went on to become 5-2 as an amateur in Norway.


I was a natural, you know? Striking, wrestling, BJJ…really, I learnt fast and I didn’t have a problem with anything. Maybe I wasn’t superior boxer or wrestler, but I was tough, quick and accurate, and you couldn’t just go through me. “


Wolfe moved to Finland, where he was offered his first professional MMA bout, against one of the Russia’s premier wrestlers, Alexander Mankiev


I was overconfident…I was cocky SOB then, you know? I thought I won’t have a problem with him, I will knock him out easily…I was so wrong. He showed me what MMA really is, and proved me that I wasn’t ready yet to fight as a pro. But I didn’t care, I kept training, and kept improving, and that paid off – when I submitted Jon Waters…that was incredible feeling, finally my moment. But after that…well, it wasn’t best part of my career


After going 1-1, he went on 3 fights losing streak, including submission loss to Thomas Raith in his VF Debut.


I knew then, when they woke me up and said “son, you lost…” I knew one thing. Im done. I was 1-4, I just lost another fight…and I knew it. I left cage, head back to the locker room, and wasn’t surprised when Chris Garcia came to me. I knew he will come, to deliver me pink slip…but he didn’t


I knew this kid is special, just the way he fights, it shows you how bad he wants it. He came to VF to fight, not to sit back and enjoy being MMA fightersaid ChrisI knew that if I cut him, I will lose promising Welterweight.


Wolfe was shocked with that visit, but not for long – as he jumped back to the cage as soon as he could, defeating Luis Guerra and Adam Kazim Belcher, what put him back on track.


Chris basically came to me, and said “Kid, I know you have a problem. You need some help. Just call me if you need something, and I will do my best to help. Keep your head up, because you are hell of a fighter” and that was something. I felt like he gave me more than he fought, I felt like I just CAN NOT disappoint him. I picked victory after victory, and came back to this game


Wolfe was able to combine 5-2 record inside VF, which put him in title hunt. He submitted Tommy McTowlie, and TKOed Alchuk Andromov and Steven Larkin, showing his perfect Muay Thai, and always-improving Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. But even know, when he is one of the best 170 pounders in VF, he doesn't forget about his roots and his first love.


I'm in the gym as often as I can, doing everything to be better fighter. But sometimes, I need to calm down, to relax a little bit to get me head back to the game. That's why I'm always has my skies with me, I still love it. I know I won't make it to the Olympics anymore, but I still love to do this. It’s this rare moment for me when I can really focus on my life, and now I need more than ever before.


Johan is amazing fighter. Best Welterweight that we have, no doubt about it. I never fought anyone with wrestling skills like his, but It won’t stop me, you know? I already showed what Im capable of, and that’s just 10-20% of what I can do. You can’t feel save against him, on his feet he can knock you out, and if you left your arm for him on the ground – he will take it home with him, and with another submission victory. I need to focus, be 100% focused on what Im going to do. I will leave that show with Welterweight belt. Don’t take me wrong, I respect him and I know how great he is, but I believe in me, I believe in my hands and I know I can do this



But he isn’t the only Welterweight here, who wants to walk out with that belt. Helsinki’s own, Johan Fredrikson is riding amazing 10 fights winning streak, and he is yet to be defeated. Grapplers tried, and they failed. Boxers tried and they failed. It’s really hard to find chink in his armor, but Wolfe believes he found it. But can he overcome Johan’s wrestling, that he is so proud of?


Johan started to wrestle when he was 6, when his father – national wrestling champion himself - brought him to local wrestling gym. Johan always wanted to follow his father’s footsteps, and become outstanding athlete. And everything was in line, for him to achieve his goal. And he would probably achieve it, but his friend invited him to his gym, where Johan saw brand new combat sport for the very first time


I came to his gym, wondering what’s this weird they are doing. He didn’t tell me lot about it, so I was curious. And then – I saw them, rolling on the mat, trading punches, kicking each other…And in the same moment, I fall in love with that sport. I knew that this is what I want to do. I sign for MMA class, and used my wrestling skills to overpower and dominate guys there. I had amazing ground game, I picked up boxing and combined it – to become 4-0 as an amateur. It was awesome. It was pure fun


Fredrikson made his pro debut with Armbar victory over submission specialist and then undefeated John Tyler. This fight marked the first, and only time, when Johan’s fight entered 3 round. His second fight was against Myles Lagman, when he needed two rounds to TKO him, expending his record to 2-0. He impressed a lot of people, scoring himself an invitation to fight for Vicious Fights. Submission victory over Jeffrey Dahmer, and another TKO of Jake Paulsen made him 4-0 and top of the division, securing his shot at the vacant Welterweight title.


I was in the gym, training to stay in shape for next fights, when my manager called me, and said “Hey, Chris called me, he wants to book you against Tyler again, 5 round for vacant belt, what do you think?”, I asked him why even asks dumb question like that, of course I want it. It was first Main Event fight for me, but wasn't really that hard. And I claimed that belt


Well earned victory put target on his back, and now every single Welterweight was going after him, and his belt. Jeor Mormont, Steven Larkin, Jeffrey Dahmer and twice Mohammed Sissoko – this is list of title defenses for him. Best guys tried, and they failed. And he impressed more with every single fight.


Fans had a lot of opportunities to saw Johan as a fighter, as a force to be reckon with at 170lbs. But when he isn't in the gym, or isn't destroying another fighters - he is normal 26 year old man. What he does when he wants to relax? Simple. Have fun with people he likes. He is well known guest in a few clubs in Helsinki, as well as isn't stranger to the...soccer pitch.


" Yeah, I like to play soccer sometimes (laughs) It's something different from what I'm doing in the cage. In VF it's only me, and my opponent. On the pitch - it's me and bunch of guys that I like to hang out with, it's just...fun. Maybe it's not very popular here in Finland, but it's pretty cool thing to do. Besides that, I like something that people are shocked about. I don't know why, but they are really shocked when they see my bookcase (laughs). I'm human, I like to read as well, I can dive to other world thanks to it, and completely forget about everything"


It's hard to believe that this intelligent young man is the same brutal and merciless machine, standing at the top of Welterweight division. Johan holds two personalities, inside the cage he is ruthless and aggressive fighter, who always looks for a finish, and outside of it - he is funny, smart and cool man to hang out with, play football or talk about newest bestsellers. He earned respect of fans all over the world, thanks to his outstanding skills and roofless potential.


Since I took over the division and start to work for VF, Johan is best P4P fighter I had hereGarcia said about him - Say what you want, and throw names – but he is top of the food chain here. He never decline the fight offer, never asked for time off, never complain about opponent…it was like he doesn’t care. He just came to that cage, stopped his opponent, and walk out with the belt. Same story, fight after fight. He will leave huge gap, and a lot of space at 170. I wish him best, and I hope to one day see him again fighting in our cage.


But it’s always, in a life of a champion, this one moment. Who I can fight now? What challenge I can take? After cleaning the division, and becoming one of the most dominating force at 170lbs, he decided to leave VF, to look for new challenges. But before he leaves, there is one more challenge for him.


I saw Wolfe’s fights, I know how vicious he can be, how brutal and how effective. But I don’t see how he can defeat me. He may be better striker, but I will take him down, he can’t stop that. Every single time when I wanted to take someone down, I did it. No one could even defend my attempts. And I don’t feel like he can. I like this kid, but he’s going down


Vicious Fights gave me the chance, and I did everything I could to return the favor, delivered amazing fight and being loyal. Im thankful for what they did for me. This company is amazing, if I needed something, they were there for me, helping me out. I want to thank Chris and Scott. It may be my farewell for now, but Im planning to walk out still undefeated, so expect fireworks!


Johan and Wolfe are two determined fighters, their lives were different, but one thing that they have in common, is passion. They love this sport – but there can be only one winner. One of them will walk out as Vicious Fights World Welterweight Champion. For Johan it’s last fight and last title defense. For Wolfe it’s opportunity of a life time. With motivation like that, you can expect one of the best battles that VF’s Welterweight Division ever saw. Get ready world, because on December 20th there is gonna be war!

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