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BlitzKrieg New York presents Face Off



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  1. 1. Who will win the fight?

    • Moses Diggs
    • Orville Redenbacher
    • BrotherHec...If you don't go to work they will fire you.

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Blitzkrieg New York Presents: Blitz Face Off

Orville Redenbacher vs Moses Diggs for the Light Heavyweight Title

Blitz NY: 132 Descent of Crows (746375

August 25th 2012




BLITZ fans if you are reading this do we have something in store for you! The other night I sat down with two of the best light heavyweights in MMA TYCOON today, Orville Redenbacher the champion of Blitzkrieg and Moses Diggs the #1 contender. It only seemed a few months ago when the two of them squared up in an arena filled with close to 100,000 fans. The LA arena was packed to the brim for Blitz 120 End All and the amount of hype leading up to this was insane. The fight immediately went underway and we witnessed the Light Heavyweight title as Orville Redenbacher shocked the world by knocking out the champion Moses Diggs. Now after two very successful title defenses where he finished both of his challengers in the first two rounds, Orville Redenbacher looks to take on his toughest challenger yet, Moses Diggs. Diggs has worked his way right back up the title contention spot. Many people believe that his work ethic will be the main reason why he will win this fight come Saturday night. With a stacked card full of top class fighters like Peter Tosh, Sam Hall, Tito Hopkins and Others I was able to sit down with the two Blitzkrieg Light heavyweight fighters to talk about Saturday night.

Just a note before we start, Orville Redenbacher celebrated his birthday during this interview and took time to talk with us at the studio before enjoying the rest of his night. So Happy Birthday to you Dwayne Perry aka BrainSmasher! Now lets go to the live event, FACE OFF with Orville Redenbacher and Moses Diggs!


BrotherHec: Ladies and Gentleman i want to welcome you to the first ever Blitzkrieg NY face off and we have two amazing fighters here with us Moses Diggs the Number 1 contender and Orville Redenbacher the reigning champion. How are both of you doing today?


Redenbacher: Couldnt be better.


Diggs: I'll be doin a lot better after Saturday.


BrotherHec: Alright lets get started, So Orville you are giving the former champion a shot to return to glory. Does any part of facing him again make you nervous?


Redenbacher: No, not at all. Everyone i fight is tough and Diggs has earned his shot.


BrotherHec: I couldn't agree more. With two straight victories in the division and holding the title previously he is definitely deserving for a title Shot!

Moses, if i may, what do you think will be the changing factor in this fight?


Diggs: He's the champ for a reason. He kicked my ass. He stole my belt and he earned it. But the changin factor will be me getting my hand raised and bringin that title back home where it belongs. When my fist connects with his ugly face, he's goin to sleep!


BrotherHec: Now there has been a lot of talk about you getting cut open again in this fight and that being the end of the fight, is this you are something you are concerned about Moses?


Diggs: Ya know I shed a lot of blood in my career. Ever since that fight with Macon Jefferson back at AMW, that cut threatened my career but I didn't let it stop me. He might make me bleed, knock me down, poke me in the eye, but it won’t matter because There's nothin that's gonna stop me from takin that belt back.


BrotherHec: ha well i certainly hope pokes in the eye aren't given. Orville, you definitely cut him in the first fight and watched the blood hit the floor quickly, was that a part of your game plan or was it just a consequence?


Redenbacher: When Brick hits skull something has to give!


BrotherHec: Usually blood gives and it gives out a lot.


Diggs: By now everybody knows I'm a bleeder, nothin new. My coaches expect me to get cut in every fight.


BrotherHec: Well see now that you say that, it brings up a question. In the first fight Orville landed more and was a bit more effective with his striking than you. What do you plan on doing to prevent that so it does not get as bad as other fights?


Diggs: I started off good, landed the first few shots. Got hit with a shot in the clinch & the cut opened up. After that it don't get no better. It aint easy landin shots with blood pouring in your eyes & he took advantage of that - my hats off to him - congrats, he won fair & square but it won't happen again. He's gotta better chance of shittin gold than knockin me out twice. I'm gonna take this big black fist of mine and shove it through his face. He can't hit me if he's unconcious. I don't intend on givin him that opportunity.


BrotherHec laughs


BrotherHec: Well thats a very big statement. How do you respond to that champ?


Redenbacher: He has to tell himself that to build up the courage to show up and get in the cage. You heard him at the beginning of the interview when he said he would be doing a lot better come Saturday. Thats because looking forward to a Butt Whoopin is always worse than the Butt Whoopin. He just wants to get this over with and go back to fighting guys that dont have... Kill Power like i do.


Diggs: I'll be doin better after I avenge that loss... and I'll be ready to kick your ass again if you ever wake up from the coma I'm bout to put you in on Saturday.


BrotherHec looks at Moses then looks back at Orville.


BrotherHec: Well its pretty fair to say…


Redenbacher: Thats going to be hard to do when you’re 5 feet nothing, 200 and nothing, and not a spec of athletic ability! Diggs doesn’t have what it takes and I think he knows it.


BrotherHec: Well to be fair…


Diggs: You know he's full of shit. I'm the most athletic specimen you've ever seen and you know it! You won't ever be hit harder than you will when you step in that cage with me again! I'm gonna knock your jaw off and laugh as your teeth go flyin into the crowd! You're gonna need to eat your popcorn through a straw for the rest of your life after I'm done with you!

BrotherHec motions for security as it starts to get a little tense in the room.

BrotherHec: Ok guys we might be getting a little out of hand here. We can save the anger for the cage come this Saturday. In the first fight it was clear that Moses came out very aggressive. Now I'm not trying to destroy anyone’s game plans here but let me just be real, are both of you looking for a first round knockout? Because it certainly seems that way.


Diggs: He's gettin knocked out in round 1.


BrotherHec looks at Orville.


Redenbacher: I attack all aspects and look for a weakness. The sooner is find it or he makes a mistake the better. If it ends early then thats the cherry on top.


Diggs: I'ma hit him so hard pop-corn is gonna pop out his asshole! I'ma knock the black off my hand on to his face!


BrotherHec laughs


BrotherHec: Ok. Moses you said Orville will get knocked out in the first round? Well let’s look at some stats for a second. You went to decision in your last two fights and the last time Orville has been knocked out was back was about a year ago...What makes you think you will actually do what truthfully has never been done?


Diggs: Like I said, I'm the most athletic specimen he has ever fought! Our first fight doesn't reflect that, my last two fights don't reflect that, but they show that I'm a much more versatile fighter than he is. I'm hungrier than ever, there's no stoppin' me! I train with the best, I'm managed by the best, I'm way more prepared than he is. He doesn't have the same chip on his shoulder that I do.


BrotherHec: What do you mean by chip on his shoulder?


Redenbacher: He has a Baked Lays chip on his shoulder and i have popcorn on mine haha


BrotherHec laughs

Diggs laughs


Diggs: He aint get knocked out by me, I'm the one who got embarrassed on PPV. I'm the one seekin revenge. I'm the one comin out to deliver a one sided beat down to show this fool how un-athletic my 5 foot nothin ass is.


BrotherHec: Orville and Moses this a huge opportunity for both of you. Some are saying that Orvilles shot was lucky that Ko'd Moses while others are saying Moses has nothing to offer Orville. How do you both respond to these kinds of critics? Will start with the Champ.


Redenbacher: There is always an aspect of luck in any fight. But when someone has 22 KO's in 30 fights you cant call it luck. It is expected and you can depend on it happening and set your watch by it.


BrotherHec: Very true. What about you Moses?


Diggs: To anybody who doesn't think I have something to offer Orville - boy do I got a surprise for them come Saturday. I've got a one sided ass kickin wrapped up that's gettin delivered to his face personally by my fist. They better have a stretcher & an ambulance ring side, he might not live through the beating he's about to receive.


BrotherHec: This fight definitely does not seem pretty either way and I'm willing to say it…


BrotherHec looks over at Diggs who just stood up.


Diggs: I will punch you, kick you, knee you, elbow you, and slam you through the fuckin mat! Ill do Whatever it takes to win that belt back!


Redenbacher: The event organizers better keep on eye on the exit doors on Saturday! When the lights go out and my music comes on, Diggs' homegrown courage will wear off fast and he will look to escape when he realizes he is in over his head!


Diggs: The only thing that's gonna be over anybody's head are the doctors and medics as they attempt to bring you back to life after I knock you out.


Diggs flips off Redenbacher.


BrotherHec puts the finger down while motioning for security.


BrotherHec: Lets calm down here guys. Last few questions. This is a fight that no doubt thousands of fans will be watching. How do you both feel knowing that YOU are both fighting for the greatest Light Heavyweight Title there is this Saturday night?


Redenbacher: This is the only belt that matters. Everyone who is anyone is in this division! Blitzkrieg NY is where the big boys play! Everyone wants this belt and I am the one who has it and I’m never giving it up.


Orville slings the belt over his shoulder.

BrotherHec stares at the shiny belt.


Diggs: We've both been here before. We compete at the highest level for a reason. We're both elite fighters. I've been the champion before, and I will be the champion again... I have good news for you Orville - you don't gotta give it up - after Saturday I'm gonna pry that belt from your cold dead fingers. Enjoy the belt as much as you can while it lasts! Do everything with that belt before I take it back! I've trained with that belt on! I've partied with that belt on! I've fucked hoes with that belt on! Enjoy it while it last, cuz I'm takin it back this weekend!


BrotherHec: Hoes really? Orville have you done that?


Redenbacher: Unlikely. If you want this belt you better break into my trophy case and steal it. It is the 3rd belt on the left. Because you wont be winning it.


Diggs: If I wanted to, I could take that belt right now and beat you unconscious with it.


Security begin to stand in the middle holding the two fighters back.


Redenbacher: Your lucky security is here to save you!


BrotherHec: The security is for me…


Diggs: Only reason I'm gonna wait til Saturday to kick your ass, is because I'm gettin paid to do it. Otherwise I'd take that camera, drag you outside, beat the hell outta you, and we won't even need to show up for the event cuz you'd still be in the hospital.


Redenbacher: You are right its not worth it. I cant miss my show purse, win bonus, and KO of the Night bonus.


BrotherHec stands up in the middle of security as they hold the two fighters back.


BrotherHec: Alright folks this is the end of our show…


Diggs flexes his guns

BrotherHec: I hope you all enjoyed your night…


Redenbacher throws popcorn in the press row.


BrotherHec: Moses, would you like to say your final piece before the fight?


Diggs: Nothin left to say. Tune in Saturday to watch me beat this popcorn addict into retirement!


BrotherHec: Ok…Orville would you like to say anything?


Redenbacher: I have done enough talking.


BrotherHec: Alright folks well this concludes our show. I hope you all enjoyed our rendition of Face Off and if you enjoy it there will be plenty more of this to come. Good luck to both our fighters come this Saturday night, I have a feeling they will both need it. And tune in ladies and Gents to see what will happen at Blitzkrieg 132: Descent of Crows live from the Madison Garden Arena 8-25-2012 where 20,000 fans have already bought their tickets. Don’t worry you can tune in on PPV! May God continue to bless you and those you love, Goodnight everybody!

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Thanks man I really appreciate it! The two managers that took the time to do this were great. It was a very good fight as well, I'm more than interested to see what happens next

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