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Rolen Spliffs Interviews


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Reporter: *coughs*..."We're here with Convicted fighter Rolen Spliffs of the NEFC in Los Angeles"...*cough*..."How's it goin' Rolen, what's with all the smoke?"

Rolen: "I jus finished up mah Green Meditation n' den you guys show up. How you hangin'?"

Reporter: "Green Meditation?...*coughs*..."Do you care to elaborate?"

Rolen: "2 days before each fight, i cut trainin' n' shit.
I come back to da pad, isolate myself, light up some chronic n' watch Bruce Lee movies non-stop until da weigh in...Green Meditation suckah."

Reporter: *coughs*..."That doesn't sound healthy. Anyway..."

Rolen: "You got a problem wit da way I train foo?"

Reporter: "No, no, no...Speaking of training, how's it been goin'?
You got Selby Campbell comin' up and he's 2-0, all by submission...*coughs*...Have you been gearin' up for his ground game?"

Rolen: "Look man...I train how I train. Yeah, i do my cardios and my weights n' shit, but for me...trainin" is more about stayin' wit what got me here...
RAGE...I go back to dat same rage dat I had when I was on da streets of Riverside. It ain'tt about reps n' sets, ya hear?...it's about findin' dat anger point."

Reporter: "So what you're saying is..."

Rolen: "I ain't finished yet bitch! Dayum man, PAY ATTENTION!...You gotta know YOU. If you ain't know you, then how you gon' know your enemy?
If you ain't know your enemy, then you lost man...you lost. So I know who Rolen Spliffs is...n' i keep myself knowin', ya hear?"

Reporter: "But Rolen, I can't help but think that you have to round out your...*coughs*...game or you're gonna come up short against
all these jiu-jitsu studs that have...*coughs*...virtually littered the MMA world."

Rolen: "MUTHAFUCKAH!...You come up into MAH crib n' start dissin' mah game!?
da way I focus!? da way I train!? da fuck is wrong wit you?! Get da fuck outta here dawg!"

Reporter: "But Rolen...YOU called US here...remember?"

Rolen: *chuckles*..."Oh yeah...mah bad dawg."

Reporter: "So let's get down to it. What is it that brings us here?"...*coughs*...

Rolen: "Convicted..."

Reporter: "As in...Tony Harris and Chris Karter?"

Rolen: "Nah man, as in Mike tyson n' Plaxico Burress...OF COURSE, Tony n' Chris ya dumb fuck!
Is there another Convicted Crew I ain't know about? NO! N' if there was, dey wouldn't even matter!"

Reporter: "Easy there Rolen...it's just a question...*coughs*...So what about Tony and Chris?"

Rolen: "Dey da shit son! Actually, it ain't jus them though. It's da clothes, da store, da gym, da lifestyle...da whole damn crew, ya know?"
...*lights a spliff*..."We roll deep son, in L.A., Vegas, New York...wherever da fuck we at...we deep n' we loyal. Dem 2 dudes...dem 2 dudes take care of me man.
Well, dem and mah man JBomb but dis ain't about him. Dis about Convicted. I hope I do 'em proud man. If it wasn't for them, I'd have nothin' man.
I gotta give it up to those 2. Dey hook it up."

Reporter: "Soooo...anything else?"

Rolen: "Yeah man! I ain't jus some dumb fighter! I got shit ta say dawg!"...*takes a hit*..."I could go on about how I'm gonna woop Selby's ass tomorrow, but I won't.
He a good fighter n' I don't worry about winnin' n' losin' ya hear? I step into da octagon wit a clean slate, let instinct take over and let the chips fall where dey may. If I win, I win n' if I lose, I lose.
I could go on n' on about Tony n' Chris n' the whole Convicted Crew but I won't. Everybody know how we roll n' dey either down wit it or dey scared, ya hear?
Nah man...I ain't wanna do all that.
I jus wanna show Convicted some love n' let Tony n' Chris know dat mah ole high school potna, Phil DeBlunt, be tryin' ta get in dis...*receives a text on his blackberry*...
I got him in da Cardio Station in L.A. right now n' he got what it takes. He a big muthafuckah too dawg.
He like 6'5" or so n' go about 280 wit a massive mean streak. One of the meanest muthafuckas I know!
N' he right up they alley too. He know all da hotspots from L.A. ta San Diego n' all da way down into Tijuana n' shit."

Reporter: "So is this some sort of...endorsement?"

Rolen: "Call it what you want dawg...I'm done wit ya. Now get da fuck out man...I gotta bitch on her way n' I gotta handle mah business."

Reporter: "Alrighty then Rolen...thanks for your time."
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Reporter: "We caught up with Convicted fighter Phil DeBlunt at a local Oceanside Starbucks. Phil, Phil! Can you give us a minute?"

Phil DeBlunt: "Guess so..."


Reporter: "How do you feel about the Rolen Spli.."


Phil DeBlunt: "I don't wanna talk about it. Kinda pissed off right 'bout now."


Reporter: "Sorry, didn't mean to..."


Phil DeBlunt: "Rolen's mah boy n' I don't like to see him get screwed by the judges n' shit but he just fine. He gotta get shit sorted out but he just fine. You win some, you lose some and NOBODY understands that more than Rolen."


Reporter: "We talked to JBomb yesterday and he mentioned you have signed with Combat Pro West. Would you like to give us a bit more insight?"

Phil DeBlunt: "Insight? What else is there. They know the skill level and they hooked it up?"


Reporter: "But Tony Harris wanted you to sign with Konflikt and..."

Phil DeBlunt: "Konflikt doesn't have a Super Heavyweight division which is where I wanna be.

JBomb has ties with Combat Pro Worldwide so I figured that's the place to be. It never hurts to get a sweet deal either. Big ups to Semore Butts for the contract."


Reporter: "Any word on if you will be training at the Convicted Fight Club?"


Phil DeBlunt: "Rolen n' I will train wherever we want. It doesn't matter where it is. Tony did give us a head's up on a new gym and we checked it out.

We'll make our decision soon but until then, the Cardio Station is workin' out just fine.

Eventually, we'll see about getting into the Convicted Fight Club...but we can roll up in there whenever we want n' chill, smoke n' drank whatever. Chris be cool like that."


Reporter: "I see...do you have any inside information on what is going on between JBomb and Constantine Wakinov?"

Phil DeBlunt: "All I really know about that Russian bastard is he jack off more than anyone I know and he a asshole when it comes to contract shit.

I only know what JBomb has told me and there are some contract issues between JBomb and him and that's they shit...I don't need to be getting into that.

I tell you what...JBomb got an eye on this new guy out in Mexico. Supposed to be some kinda bare-knuckler badass.

We goin' down there to check him out when JBomb get back from Tokyo. I know the dude from WCC L.A. was real interested in him but who knows...?"


Reporter: "Thanks for your time Phil. We'll let you get on your way."


Phil DeBlunt: "No problem."


*reaches for his Blackberry*...

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*We caught up with newly signed Konflikt fighter Rolen Spliffs at the Konflikted Fight Club in Los Angeles.

Hopefully, he'll be willing to answer a few questions about Konflikt, Convicted Inc., CROWN and anything else on his mind...let's hope his mood is good.*

Reporter: "So Rolen, congratulations on your Second Round KO over Randy Robinson."

Rolen Spliffs: "Thanks man, fo' real. I needed dat shit after dat bullshit decision. On da real 'doe...I thought I was fucked at first.

Dude clinched me up n' shit, I had a helluva time wid it. Dat's why I knew when da bell rang for Round 2, I had to put dat shit away."


Reporter: "...And put it away you did. So that was your last fight with NEFC then?"

Rolen Spliffs: "You know, I really thought I had one mo' fight leff but I guess I overlooked some shit huh?...*chuckles*...


Reporter: "Apparently so...So you finally got your long awaited deal with Konflikt. You happy?...excited?..."

Rolen Spliffs: "Yeeeah, yeeeah...I'm real stoked on it man. No disrespect to da NEFC 'doe. Paul Bruens hooked it up n' I had a great time fightin' for 'em.

I just been wantin' ta work wit Mr. Bradley fo' a long time now so ta finally get da chance yo?...I'ma bring da pain...fo' real."


Reporter: "We'll be looking forward to discussing more victories with you. So now for the big question...where are Chris Karter and Tony Harris?"

*laughs a hearty laugh and lights up a joint...*

Rolen Spliffs: *exhales a huge cloud of smoke*..."I don't know. Ain't nobody seen 'em. I spoke wit Avon Barksdale a few days ago n' he ain't seen 'em neither.

If Avon ain't seen 'em, who knows where da fuck dey be? Paul Bradley don't know...he be wantin' ta put they pictures on some milk cartons n' shit...*laughs*...man, I wish I knew man.

Convicted is mah boys. I hope nuttin' major happened to 'em in dat scuffle dey had helpin' JBomb out."


Reporter: "You mean the shootout? Have you talked to them since then?"

Rolen Spliffs: "Actually, no. I ain't. Never really thought uh dat. Damn man...I hope dey okay. Hopefully dey jus caught a case, or maybe dat mu'fuckin' swine flu shit."


Reporter: "Any word from Phil DeBlunt?"

Rolen Spliffs: *takes a hit*..."I talk ta dat mu'fuckah ey'day. He aint' seen 'em since dey

had dat big shootout, but he be layin' low fo' da moment cuz he got major heat in L.A."


Reporter: "Well, we certainly hope they're ok. So have you heard the rumors of JBomb moving his nutrition store to L.A.?"

Rolen Spliffs: "I ain't heard dat but I wouldn't put it past him. He ain't even ever out in St. Pete's anymo'.

Too mu'fuckin' cold out dere.


Reporter: "Well, the word on the street is, he changed the shop name and is soon to be moving to Los Angeles."

Rolen Spliffs: "I seen he changed da name to 'CROWN' when I was surfin' da web last night. Looks good.

He finally got his own thing after Combat Pro went under."


Reporter: "Yeah we heard about the Combat Pro fallout. It's a shame what happened."

Rolen Spliffs: "Some shit ya jus can't plan fo'. From what I heard, Johnny Sep was a good guy but me n' him ain't never met.

Still 'doe...hope he okay. Damn man. A grip of major playaz been comin' up missin'.

Makes me wonder if some sort of MMA Killa be on the loose."...*laughs*...


*checks his Blackberry*...


Rolen Spliffs: "Time ta go handle mah business. Gotta bounce yo."


Reporter: "Thanks Rolen."


Rolen Spliffs: "Anytime."...*grabs gym bag and heads out the door*...

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*I met up with Rolen Spliffs at 4 Play Gentlemen's Club in near Santa Monica and was very impressed

with his taste in strip clubs, alcohol, women and most importantly...his Konflikt debut.


A very beautiful young lady, probably just working her way through college, led me to Spliffs' VIP room

where he was flanked by Phil DeBlunt, Paul Bradley, Suga Free, Clayton Kosh and a bevy of beautiful women.


Kosh got up and started dancing with two brunettes and Phil DeBlunt receieved a phone call, right after he cracked open

another bottle of champagne, and had to step outside. Spliffs waved me over and I took a seat, we talked, we drank, he smoked...*


Reporter: "So Rolen, nice place here."

Rolen Spliffs: *lights a joint*..."Thanks dawg...but it ain't mine."...*laughs and reaches over to turn down the music*...

Reporter: "Well, you know what I mean. Do you always come here?"

Rolen Spliffs: "Yeeah, yeeah...especially after a win."...*pours me a drink that looks to be Cristal*..."Chris Karter showed me da joint.

We still tripped out dat ain't nobody heard from dem two in long time."...*hands me the glass of champagne*...


Reporter: "Thanks...They still have not been seen since the shootout?"

Paul Bradley: "...or heard from..."*goes back to his lapdance as Rolen takes another hit and shrugs his shoulders*...

Reporter: "Well, we certainly hope they're alright. Back to the interview though, you had a great debut for Konflikt.

Were you in any way nervous?"

Rolen Spliffs: *takes a huge hit*..."I ain't ever nervous dawg, fo' real. I know what I can do in dat cage.

Paul Bradley know what I can do in dat cage."...*exhales a cloud*..."Dat's why we put da ink on it. He saw da skill and made da deal."


*Kosh disappears into a private room with the two brunettes*...


Reporter: "Mason Storm was your first opponent. Do you got anything to say about him?"

Rolen Spliffs: "Yeeah...he hard to kill!" *Spliffs, Bradley and Suga Free explode into laughter at the movie reference.

Amongst the commotion, Phil DeBlunt screams out "Sosa's pissed! Pittsburgh just lost in overtime to Baltimore!"*...


Rolen Spliffs: "Awww man. I bet Marcello be pissed dawg. He love the Steelers. Flew out to the game n' everything."


*Paul Bradley's Blackberry rings*...


Paul Bradley: "Ay! It's Marcello now! He's fucking livid! HAHAHAHA!"...*walks away from the table*...

Reporter: "So back to Mason Storm. Was there something you saw on tape that led you to the knock out?"

Rolen Spliffs: *takes a hit*..."Naw man. I just don't like to be on da ground.

I know going into every fight dat I need ta knock a mu'fuckah out befoe' it hits canvas, fo' real."...*exhales*...


Reporter: "Isn't that a dangerous philosophy though, knowing that most fights go to the ground?"

Rolen Spliffs: "I ain't sayin' I don't know what ta do or I ain't got no ground skill."

...*Suga Free interrupts as he introduces a young woman barely wearing any clothes. They exchange pleasentries and Free takes her back to the dance floor*...

"Sorry 'bout dat. I jus gotta get a lil somethin' lined up ya know what I'm sayin'?...anyway, I know my Jiu-Jitsu n' I got some wrestling skill too.

I can do ground, I just don't like ground, nah mean?"


Reporter: "I see. Well..."


Rolen Spliffs: "Look...dey got some major talent over at Konflikt which is why I wanted to fight wit 'em.

I ain't gon' say I'll dominate, but i'll definitely be addin' to it, ya know what I'm sayin'?


*Phil DeBlunt walks over*...

Phil DeBlunt: "FUCK DAT SHIT KID! DOMINAAAAATE!"...*pours a bottle of champagne all over Spliffs and the room breaks out in more laughter*...

Suga Free: *from across the room*..."Rolen! Rolen!"...*hold up the phone as if to summon Spliffs*...

Rolen Spliffs: *getting up off the couch*..."Shit...I gotta take dis call man. Feel free ta stay n' party, enjoy da bitches n' shit.

I'll get back to ya later...gotta handle some business.


Reporter: "Thanks Rolen..."


...*an obviously drunk Phil walks over to me*...




*I get showered by Cristal as two blondes come over to me and begin taking off each other's clothes...and mine.

It didn't surprise me though. Hanging out with this crew, I knew this was gonna be in for one hell of a night.*

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this one was actually 3 days prior to chris karter and tony harris' disappearance. lol. i jinxed them!


*At his request, I met up with "JBomb" Smith in a seedy dive bar in Downtown Los Angeles. Why he prefers these types of places is beyond me.

Seems like everytime I go to get a story from him, it's always in the proverbial "shithole" or a haven of mediocrity at best...beats me, but i need my story.


As I make my way through the bar, a voice calls out, "AY!"...I looked to my left and saw a man at a booth waving me over. It was Jason Smith.

As I approach the booth, I noticed 2 men sitting with him. One of the men was as huge as huge can get and by the looks of the handlebar mustache, it could only be Convicted fighter Phil DeBlunt.

I did not recognize the the Latino man sitting with them but he too had a handlebar mustache. Perhaps JBomb had an affinity for the handlebars?


I had a small chuckle with myself as I sat down in the booth...*

JBomb: "Sup dude? The fuck you laughin' at?"


Reporter: *clears throat*..."Nothing, nothing...So how's your evening?"

JBomb: "Goin' good, goin' good. I just got into town and needed some grub."


Reporter: "So you came...here?"

JBomb: "No...we didn't. We went to a Chinese joint around the corner and then Phil wanted a drink, so we came here...low key.


Reporter: "How you doin' Phil?"


Phil DeBlunt: *finishes guzzling*..."Good"...*burps*..."Good! How 'bout you dawg?"


Reporter: "Just fine. Congratulations on your fight the other night. Didn't get much work in huh?"...*chuckles*...

*everybody belts out a laugh*

Phil DeBlunt: "Yeeeah dawg. Homeboy went down like the bishop's daughter on prom night ya know what I'm sayin'! HAHAHAHA!"...


*a couple minutes of laughter ensues as the server comes to our table with another round

of whatever it is they're drinking...and if I know Phil, it's got to be some type of Cognac*

Reporter: "So JBomb...who's your friend?"

JBomb: "Oh shit! Yeah, my bad dude...this is the newest addition to the crew, Martin Cristos."


Martin Cristos: "Sup holmes?"


Reporter: "Nice to meet you. So this is the guy you were tellin' me about?"

JBomb: "No. That was a different Martin Cristos...Yeah it's him man!"...*laughs*..."What the fuck?! Ask him some shit dude...i gotta hit the pisser."


*JBomb exits the booth and heads through the bar*

Reporter: "So Martin, tell me a little about yourself."

Martin Cristos: "Normal bullshit. Grew up in Mexico. No plumbing, dirt floors...the works holmes.

Started fighting por la feria in a back alley in Ensenada when I was 14 years old, best in town at 17...then my moms died."


Reporter: "Sorry to hear that."

Martin Cristos: "Don't be. She couldn't provide. She always wanted me to come to America, get smarts, go to college...you know.

Anyways, after she died, I jumped the border with a friend of mine and we made it all the way to L.A."


Reporter: "You speak excellent English for an...ill..."

Martin Cristos: "Sssssh...I'm workin' on it holmes. I came to L.A., went to a good school, got my diploma...all for my moms ya know?

So yeah, I speak alright and if things go well, I'll be fully legal in 3 weeks."


*JBomb returns from the bathroom*...

Phil DeBlunt: "Have fun in there?...*chuckles*...


JBomb: "Sorry guys. Ran into an ex...friend on the way."...*smiles*...


Reporter: "So what about after school Martin? Did you go back to Mexico?"

Martin Cristos: "Si. I went back to help my hermanos out with some things. That's how I ended up fighting again.

People knew me there, wanted to see more action...and honestly, I missed it.

Ever since this MMA...explosion...the money is a lot better. I found a good gym to workout at and I hit it with everything I had holmes.

Before I knew it, I was in Tijuana, where I won the tournament and it was over to Mexico City. Ay, Mexico City is muy largo holmes...soooo many people ay?


Reporter: "So when exactly did you and JBomb meet up?"

JBomb: "I got a call from Convicted fighter Marcello Sosa. He knoes some dudes that frequent these Mexican Bare-knuckle Tournaments and said I gotta check this dude out.

I called Chris Karter to see if he wanted to go scout the guy because he has a wonderful eye for talent.

Anyways, Chris was busy as usual so I headed out alone. When I arrived in Mexico City, I saw flyers all over the city with "Cristos" written all over them...

I knew right there I was on to somethin' great and was kinda glad Chris stayed in L.A. HAHAHA!"


Reporter: "And the rest is history?"

*Phil Exits the booth and begins talking to a lovely blonde that was eyeing him earlier from the bar*...

Martin Cristos: "Si."


JBomb: "Yeah man. I watched 3 or 4 fights while I was there and I could just see the potential. All I could think of was 'I gotta get this guy in L.A."


Reporter: "But you don't live in L.A.?"


Martin Cristos: "Nah holmes. I got some major beef up here from school ese. It's not the best idea for me to be livin' here holmes.

I actually wanted to move out to Las Vegas or maybe even fight in New York city."


Reporter: "So why L.A. then?"


JBomb: "After the Constantine Wakinov debacle, I felt a bad about what happened with the WCC-St. Petersburg. I found out they had a WCC-L.A. and I began talking

with Mac McNutty about a possible contract deal.

Martin has plenty of juice in Chula Vista so I figured it would be safe enough for him to live there.

The commute for fights isn't bad and Chris n' Tony from Convicted said they would handle security from airport to arena."


Reporter: "Tony Harris n'Chris Karter are in on this too?"

JBomb: "Well, We all in together ya know? We all wanta a piece of that pise right?

So I slide them some extra duckets for my guys security out here in Gangland and they make sure the dude's alright...it's all business man."


*Phil returns to the table*...


Phil DeBlunt: "A little bird jus told me that it might be wise if we bounce."


*JBomb gets on his Blackberry phone, stands up and walks to the side window*...

JBomb: "Yo Tony! This is JBomb! We might need an out dude...quick. Alright...uh-huh...yeah...around the corner...yep...ok...later.

Okay guys we gotta sit tight for a few but when Chris gets here, we gotta rock n' roll alrite? Phil how much time we got?"


Phil DeBlunt: "Hard to say dawg. Could be any minute now."


Reporter: "wh, wh, what's goin' on? Are we in danger?"

Phil DeBlunt: "We never in danger. We 'bout ta have some fun."


JBomb: "Phil, we better get him outta here just in case."


Phil DeBlunt: "Right...follow me dawg."


*We head for the back door when a commotion comes from the front of the bar.

The sounds of scuffle and glass breaking erupt amid the high pitched screams of the female servers and patrons.*

Phil DeBlunt: "Get the fuck outta here quick...AND NO COPS YA HEAR!?"


Reporter: "Yeah, yeah...n,n,no cops."


*Fearing for my life, I run and hide behind a dumpster a few blocks away...keeping out of the light.

I desperately wanted to know what was going on, would they be alright and who was starting all the trouble. I heard the screeching of tires followed by the clack, clack of gunfire...

I knew right there, Chris Karter's boys had showed up.

My curiosity was still not quenched but my fear had pretty much subsided. With Convicted on the scene, it was anybody's guess...I just hope it's enough to make the evening news.*

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*We heard there was some backroom action going on at CROWN this weekend so we begged JBomb to slide us an invite so we can get a peek into the infamous "CROWN Backroom Parties".

$500 and a bit of groveling was all it took and we got our finally invite.

When we arrived, the music was loud, the smoke was thick and the women were plentiful...as were the fighters.


Rolen Spliffs, Marcello Sosa and Dre Battle were at the poker table and it appeared that Spliffs was losing and not happy about it.

Phil DeBlunt was lying on the floor with 2 bikini-clad blondes and Rocky Stone was wandering the room with a 6 foot beer bong.

Tyler Durden, Clayton Kosh and Paul Bradley looked to be discussing business at the stripper pole along with Luke Cage, Ray Jones Jr. and Michael Balboa.

Eric Legion was tending the bar where the Tilthammers, Henry and Felix, were pounding vodka with Lucas LaVey and Eaton Cox.


JBomb was in Las Vegas for the Fidel Puno fight but assured us that he, Avon Barksdale and Chris Karter would be here later in the evening.

We won't hold our breath for that as the 3 of them can get sidetracked at the drop of a hat.

I made my way over to the poker table to talk to Rolen about the upcoming Konflikt World Cup.*

Reporter: "Rolen, Rolen...got a minute?"

Spliffs: "Yeah man...fuck dis game!"


...*the table erupts with laughter and then gets very serious as Phil Ivey sat down in Rolen's seat*...

Spliffs: "Oh yeah...y'all fucked now! HAHAHA! Yo Phil! Where Shiv at?"


Ivey: "He's in New York with Hellmuth. They got the DEF 30 out there."


Spliffs: "Word."...*turns to me*..."Walk wit me."


...*we began to"cruise" the room*...

Reporter: "So this is the "CROWN Backroom huh?...impressive."

Spliffs: "Yeah. After dat shootout, JBomb had dis shit built up so e'ybody could lay low and stay outta trouble. We ain't need no mo' bullshit cases.

Dis be our personal VIP...invite only, foe real."


Reporter: "So are you pretty pumped for the Konflikt World Cup? We heard you're representing Jamaica."

Spliffs: "Foe real...glad dat shit's goin' down. I ain't know much about soccer but I do know 'bout kickin' ass so I be aight.

Mah Momz told me dat my fam has Jamaican ties so I went wit Jamaica fuh sho. I jus got back from dere a few days back.

Had ta do some 'Green Meditation' n' get ready for Filho."...*looks over at Paul Bradley*..."YA HEAR DAT PAUL!? I'MA BEATCHA BOY! HAHAHA!"


...*Bradley raises his glass of Champagne and returns his focus to the dancers*...

Spliffs: "Dat's what I dig 'bout Paul man...never loses focus, hahaha! After the Filho fight, Me, Phil n' Sosa gon' head out ta Miami foe da Super Bowl, hit some

parties out dere wit Karter n' then me n' Phil movin' base out ta Las Vegas."


Reporter: "Why Las Vegas?"


Spliffs: "Shit real hectic out here wit da feds n' dem suckas that landed Chris n' Tony in da joint. Cristos is already out in Vegas cuz shit real fucked foe him now.

We gon' let Tony's people do dey thang n' get shit settled down."


Reporter: "So what's gonna happen with CROWN? Is JBomb going to move the store again?"

Spliffs: "Nah man...he sellin' it. Dat's why he let you here. You witnessin' da last CROWN party in L.A. foo.

He gon' build a gym out in Vegas...n' I bet he puts a backroom in dat joint too, hahaha!"


Reporter: "He's selling CROWN?"


Spliffs: "YOU DEAF MU'FUCKA!?"


Reporter: "No, I was just..."


...*Felix Tilthammer breaks a vodka bottle over the bar and twirls toward LaVey. Henry holds his brother back and Paul Bradley and Luke Cage run over.

Paul begins to talk to both men and Luke Cage steps in and suddenly, Tilthammer drops the weapon.


Cage leaves the room and returns shortly with a weight bench with Cox following behind with some weights*...

Spliffs: "Crazy mu'fuckas...looks like we gon' have a contest. Let's peep dis shit!"


*The party all but stops as everyone gathers around for the 'lift-off'. Everybody's yelling and holding up their money and Ivey begins taking bets.

I couldn't really get a good view of the action but it appears that both men get one turn to see how many times they can lift 250lbs.

After a huge roar of applause and a handshake between both men, it seems Felix Tilthammer won and is now as calm as one could be.

He then offers LaVey another drink and everyone goes back to what they're doing...including Phil DeBlunt, who lays back down on the floor.

Rocky Stone walks up to him with the beer bong and Phil says he's ready.*...

Reporter: "What's Phil doing?"


Spliffs: "He's workin' on his ground game! HAHAHA!"


*Phil finishes off the obscene amount of beer that Stone dumped into the funnel*...

Reporter: "His ground game?"




*everybody laughs and starts pouring beer and champagne all over Phil*...

Reporter: "Phil's a funny guy. Anyway, how do you guys feel about JBomb joining The Fighter's Pit?"

Spliffs: "Aw man...Fighter's Pit be great! When we get out ta Vegas, we gon' have some serious mu'fuckin' parties wit dem crazy fucks.

I can't wait ta see how dey roll!...and show dem how we do it in L.A.!"


*Michael Balboa walks up to Rolen with 2 beautiful women, one on each arm, and whispers into Rolen's ear*...

Spliffs: "It's been nice chillin' wit'cha but I gotta go handle some business. Feel free ta hang out n' chill. Legion got da drank at the bar, stay n' have a few.

JBomb say he gon' be here later."


*Spliffs and Balboa walk the ladies into another room with an unmarked door.

I decide to go talk to Eric Legion but when I get to the bar, everyone starts throwing drinks down my throat and before I know it...I'm no longer in work mode...it's time to party...*

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*After a 2 month "gag order" on his fighters was lifted, JBomb called us down to Primal Concrete Gym so we could do some long awaited interviews. We got to the infamous "backroom" and it seemed empty.

JBomb walks out of the unmarked door in the far left corner*...


JBomb: "You're late."


Reporter: "I know. I'm very sorry but traffic was hectic. Is anyone still around?"

JBomb: "Naw...you're lucky tho. Rolen and Phil just got off the plane and are en route. Feel free to have a seat, pour a drink n' get comfy. I gotta split."


*JBomb turned on some music and left the room. After about 10 minutes, I poured a drink and sat on the couch near the stripper pole.

It seemed like an eternity before i heard the side door open.

I jumped up, finished my drink and grabbed my recorder...i've been waiting for this for a long time.*


Rolen: *with blunt in hand*..."Chill...have a seat, no rush...we ain't goin' nowhere foe a bit."


Reporter: "Okay..."


Phil: "Whatcha sippin' on? I'll get ya another..."


Reporter: "Cognac...thank you."


Phil: "Aight...yo Ro! This reporter is thugged out! HAHAHA! You want some yak!?"


Rolen: *from the locker room*..."Yeeeah!"


*Phil pours the drinks and has a seat next to me*...

Reporter: "So Phil, how are things going over at CFC? Do you like Montreal?"

Phil: "Montreal is cool fa sho'. Shit been goin' rough 'doe. I been gettin' fucked up. They got some major badasses over there."


Reporter: "You won your last fight there though."

Phil: "Yeah but I don't really feel too good about dat shit. I shoulda finished him off in da first.

He jus threw me around after dat shit n' i lucked into a win, but it is what it is...I'm not too sure what this means foe my job either.

If I don't start puttin' mu'fuckas down soon, I may be lookin' foe a new manager."


...*sips off his drink, leans back on the couch and draws a blank stare*...

Rolen: *returning from the locker room*..."Man! Shut da fuck up wit dat shit! You ain't goin' nofuckinwhere! Pass me da yak!"


Reporter: "So Rolen, how have you been? We haven't heard from you since the Konflikt World Cup win."

*True to his name, Phil begins rolling a blunt*...


Rolen: "Yeah...I got dat shit, got a shot at da title n' fuckin' blew it. Mu'fuckin' Hopkins took me ta school, yo.

I was real busted up after dat fight. I didn't wanna see nobody.

I was GLAD JBomb had us on da gag order...shielded me from all y'all foe a bit...much needed, foe reals.

Even tonight doe...I got da win on Suvorov but I don't feel good 'bout a split decision. I shoulda put it on 'em but couldn't. Dude's a bad mu'fuckah."


Reporter: "A win is a win right?"


*Phil lights the blunt and hands it to Rolen*...


Rolen: "Yeah but..."...*takes a HUGE toke and exhales a massive plume*...

"da fans wanna see me knock a mu'fuckah out, not kick legs n' get hit mo' 'den him. I think I landed 4 is all...4!

What da fuck is dat shit?"...*takes another hit and passes to Phil*..."I mean..."...*exhales*...

"I'm Rolen Spliffs yo. I should be landin' mo punches n' shit, ya know?"...*exhales*...


*Phil's phone rings*...


Phil: "It's Mr. Bradley...says he been tryin' ta get ahold of you all night."


Rolen: "Fuck man....hand me da phone."


*Phil hands Rolen the phone*

Rolen: "Yo Paul."


Paul Bradley: "Rolen! Where ya bloody been?"

Rolen: "Sorry...had ta git back ta Vegas. Sorry bout dat fight man...i jus been in a funk or some shit....I'm..."


Paul Bradley: "Take it easy mate, you won."

Rolen: "I know but..."


Paul Bradley: "Listen up...I figured you left for Vegas. You need to calm down n' party! You need to celebrate the bloody win!

Get back to what got you to where you are.

Quit being so bloody down on yourself...now tell me...where we going from here?"

Rolen: *takes a long pause*..."I want Tito again. I know he jus beat Farantini's boy...wasshisname...Larkin...

but I want anothah run at dat mu'fuckah!"


Paul Bradley: "I'll see what I can do but..."

Rolen: "I ain't wanna hear dat shit Paul! I want Tito!"


Paul Bradley: "Well I can't just..."


Rolen: "Yo Paul!...GIMME Tito!"


Paul Bradley: "Feels good huh?"


Rolen: "What?"


Paul Bradley: "Anger, confidence, swagger...whatevah you yanks call it..."

Rolen: "The fuck?"


Paul Bradley: "HAHAHA! That's right! You're bloody back! Now get ready...Chris sent a victory gift. It'll be there soon."

*Bradley hangs up and Spliffs looks at the phone as if he didn't know what it was anymore*...

Phil: "The fuck he talkin' bout?"


Rolen: "Fuck if I know..."


Reporter: "So Rolen, what's this JBomb gag order all about?"

Rolen: "Oh dat? He jus thought we was all lackin' focus.

I ain't sure if dat was da case but I trust JBomb when it comes ta shit like dat, ya know?"


Phil: "Me too. I still think it was dat Sikblood mu'fuckah doe...dat dude was crazy unfocused! Prolly why he got his walkin' papers, yo."


Reporter: "JBomb released Sikblood?"

Rolen: "Yeah...dat suckah had some issues. He be hangin' wit dat..."


*Spliffs was interrupted by a knock on the side door*...

Rolen: "Phil, grab yo strap."


*Phil runs behind the bar and grabs a black 9mm pistol, Spliffs flips the couch and tells me to stay down.

Phil creeps behind the door as Rolen approaches*...

Rolen: "We closed, who dis?"


*a muffled female voice behind the door says 'Convicted 4 Life'.

Rolen n' Phil exchange a look, Phil aims the weapon and Rolen opens the door*...



*Phil drops the weapon and tucks it in his pants as Marcello Sosa and 5 scantily clad women enter the room*...

Rolen: "Yo! Get out from behind dat couch! You bout ta see how we do!"


*Drinks start flyin', clothes get shed and music gets loud...I was in for a long night, and I couldn't be happier...Rolen Spliffs is back.*

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*We caught up with Rolen Spliffs at his gym in Las Vegas. Bubba's Barrel of Beatdowns was very busy as the morning

sessions got over with. Rolen was in need of some "snacks" and told us that Bubba's didn't have a smoke room, but

Primal Concrete Gym did. We all decided to go across the street to JBomb's gym for the sit down.*

Reporter: "So we hear you got your opponent for the Synchronicity Millionaire's Tournament. Who'd you get?"

...*Spliffs lights up a, well...spliff and exhales slowly*...

Spliffs: "Jeremy Tonal."


Reporter: "That seems like a good matchup."

Spliffs: "I dunno about all dat but, at least he gon' throw down. I'm so sick of mu'fuckahs like Tito Hopkins, yo."


Reporter: "Speaking of Hopkins, you've dropped two against him now and both were for the belt. How do you feel

about that?"


Spliffs:...*inhales*..."Fuck dat mu'fuckah."...*exhales*..."He can keep dat belt, it's tainted now. My niece

hits harder'n him. Anyone can scoe points doin' dat shit. I'm a fighter, I like to fight, not chase some asshole around

a cage while he taps away fo' points. Fuck all dat."


Reporter: "So you don't like the technical part of his game?"

Spliffs: "Yo...I don't like da fact he scared to throw a hard punch. He whoop up on points n' den backs up

da rest of da fight. I mean, c'mon man...we know u got dat defense on lock but don't be scared yo."


Reporter: "Well, on to Tonal. How do you see this one going down?"

Spliffs: "I ain't never heard of him til dis tournament but he a bad mu'fuckah, man. He been under da radar, over

at GAMMA, but dis dude can finish. He don't know how to go to da judges. Ten wins, ten knockouts...dat's some shit.

Never been knocked out, dat's some shit."...*inhales*..."Plus, da mu'fuckah has some nice wrestling skill."...*exhales*...

"He'll shoot in from time to time jus to keep you guessin'. Dat's tough to game plan, yo. I'ma have my hands full, fah sho."


Reporter: "Do you like your chances?"

Spliffs: "Oh, of course I do...but dis shit ain't gon' be easy. I feel like my hands be better den his fah sho, but he much

mo' well rounded n' dat may be an issue, an issue I'll handle if it come up. Hopefully, I can get to him early n' test dat chin."


Reporter: "So what's your thoughts on the rest of the fighters in the tournament?"

Spliffs: "Yo, E...L...S..., man. My man Swagger is a monster. I'm not familiar wit alotta dude's in dis but Swagger, Justice...

Diddy's boy, Millen..."...*inhales*..."Muhammed, Ewert..."...*exhales*..."A couple my alliancemates,

Alarcon and Wahoo, yo...it ain't get much nastier. Dis shit gon' be a chin check fah sho.

In fact, I may change my intro music for dis."


Reporter: "To...?"


Spliffs: "Chin Check by the world's most dangerous group...N.W.A., hahaha!"


Reporter: "Excellent choice. You recently gained the highest degree in a unique style of Jiu-Jitsu. Care to explain?"

Spliffs: "Yeah man...I just got my 420th degree Green Belt in Budda-Jitsu. It's the 'highest' degree to say da least."

...*inhales*..."Now I be workin' on more traditional styles of Jiu-Jitsu and it's goin' aight."...*exhales*..."I ain't no

young buck anymoe. I'm kinda set in my ways n' it's hard to pick up summa dis shit, but I keep it movin'."


Reporter: "Well Rolen, I gotta get goin'. Good luck in the tournament, there's a lot of money at stake."

Spliffs:...*inhales*..."Thanks, yo."

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