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An open letter to the xXx alliance, by Gesundheit


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Dear assholes,


It has come to my attention that you lot have the gall to insult my life partner and alliance mate, mr. Crisse. Such travesties can not and will not be accepted, and the proverbial glove is off

. We're challenging your sorry can-crushing asses to a death match.


Now, you might be asking yourself, "why is this nice man making me so afraid for my health and general well-being?" Well, Timmy (or maybe it's Chucky?!), pull up a chair and listen closely.


*It all started on a beautiful spring day in a not-so-distant past. Butterflies were racing across the fields, puppies frolicking around, and Crisse and myself sharing a picnic basket in the middle of nowhere. Everything was set for a romantic day off from busting bad guys and managing virtual MMA fighters.




Suddenly, I feel a vibration in my pants. Now, this is far from uncommon when I'm with mr. Crisse, but this wasn't an ordinary erection; indeed, it was my cellphone ringing, the musical genius of Phil Collins softly filling the countryside silence. I believe it was 'You'll Be In My Heart'.




Flustered, I managed to flip it open with my sausage fingers. "What is it?", I barked, mildly annoyed that my delicious apple pie would have to wait for another few minutes.


The familiar voice of Franky, sounding like he was at an airport somewhere, screamed into my ear in its nasal, whiny drone: "Manny, have you seen the news?! It's huge, man!"




"Franky, where the fuck are you and why the fuck are you interrupting my romantic afternoon?"


I could hear Franky pausing, choosing his words carefully before, figuratively of course, rocking my world (Crisse and I are monogamous, you see):


"Chuck Grace and the rest of his scumbags are charged with money laundry, tax evasion, and running a male prostitution ring, and they're trying to bring Gesundheit down with them! It's all over General Game Discussion. Man, I don't wanna go to prison, I'm way too pretty for that shit!"


As you can imagine, I was caught completely off-guard by this shocking announcement. The MMATycoon board was renowned for its impressive collection of academics and intellectuals, and a rumor like this, though obviously false, could possibly lead to me and my dear friends being ostracized from the community. White collar criminality is, after all, frowned upon by the left-wing hippies that go to grad school.


"Calm down, nobody is going to prison ...except possibly ZyD, obviously. Anyways, what are they saying about us?"


"They're saying "Clever" Hans cooked the books, Golfer worked the streets and Crisse was some kind of secretary\sex slave hybrid while wearing cat ears!"




Slowly hanging up, I felt anger wash over me. Nobody was going to claim they made Crisse drink their milk, other than me. That's when I started plotting.*


So, as you can imagine, I'm on the war path, and only blood can sate my thirst. In the words of the great Napoleon: Come at me bro.


Fuck you,


Manny Tosen

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If it's fisticuffs you're after, then that's what it shall be. (Wo)Mannetosen, Crisse, and the rest of Gesundheit can't deny their part in what was an epic criminal enterprise any longer! However, it must be pointed out that accepting anything Franky "F-Man" Redz has to say as fact is a mistake in and of itself. As for these "allegations" as you put it of course all these things are 100% true. I mean I'm a motherfucking gangsta from the streets of Alberta, Canada! That's how we roll up here dawg. I got kids to put through school you think running Reach, and this squad of shit fighters I have will put them through an Ivy league school? Not likely! Anybody who knows Crisse knows that crazy Finn is most definitely a male prostitute. I mean he has a fucking website www.crissefrommmatycoonisamaleprostitute.org! Here's just a few of the pics from his site...


Here we see an article that was based on Crisse's life,



One of Crisse's best employees,



One of the poor sex slave workers that made Crisse mad, and you can see his punishment,



An astonishing shot from the CNN report that managed to get inside Crisse's love palace,



Here's one of Mannetosen's many disguises,



Here we see Crisse and Mannetosen clearly scheming their next big move in the underworld,



And finally here we see a shot from CGrace's cell phone from the weekly Bible study group he runs at a local Seniors centre,



I ask you who is really the bad guy here?

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Dear Counsel of the MMA Tycoon Forums:


Please be advised that I, Gable, have never provided any type of legal counsel to Team XXX. I am not on retainer to these individuals and, if I was, it would be an incredibly sizeable retainer as their reputations proceed them. I would advise Team XXX that improper allegations of legal advice are immoral and illegal. Such further useage will be met with swift and harsh punishment. I stand very firmly behind the relationship that Mannetosen and Crisse have. VERY FIRMLY. Lastly, I would never tell Chuck Grace to plead the Fifth in this instance as you may only plead the Fifth in a criminal proceeding. This is clearly a civil matter.


Very truly yours,


Gable, Esq.

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Shiv arrived just in time to see xXx's case crumble around them. Suffice to say, this made him very happy.



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So what's this deathmatch going to look like?


Well if Mannetosen and Crisse get their way we'll be fighting here,



I don't really care where it goes down. Either way this is what they'll be seeing,


(I'm the bear)


And this will be the result,



Not to be confused with the Bears that these two homo-life partners are used to,


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I was really enjoying this letter... till I read one word.





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I was really enjoying this letter... till I read one word.






When it comes to brown sugar like yourself we're homogamous.



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Is that Stanley Cup Champion Tim Thomas in the gay porn magazine?






Chuck grace must be gay to have all these gay pictures on hand.


Haha I actually just finished, or Crissed as I'm now calling it, telling my wife my browser and search histories are fairly disgusting!

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If it's fisticuffs you're after, then that's what it shall be. (Wo)Mannetosen, Crisse, and the rest of Gesundheit can't deny their part in what was an epic criminal enterprise any longer! However, it must be pointed out that accepting anything Franky "F-Man" Redz has to say as fact is a mistake in and of itself. As for these "allegations" as you put it of course all these things are 100% true. I mean I'm a motherfucking gangsta from the streets of Alberta, Canada! That's how we roll up here dawg. I got kids to put through school you think running Reach, and this squad of shit fighters I have will put them through an Ivy league school? Not likely! Anybody who knows Crisse knows that crazy Finn is most definitely a male prostitute. I mean he has a fucking website www.crissefrommmatycoonisamaleprostitute.org! Here's just a few of the pics from his site...


Here we see an article that was based on Crisse's life,



One of Crisse's best employees,



One of the poor sex slave workers that made Crisse mad, and you can see his punishment,



An astonishing shot from the CNN report that managed to get inside Crisse's love palace,



Here's one of Mannetosen's many disguises,



Here we see Crisse and Mannetosen clearly scheming their next big move in the underworld,



And finally here we see a shot from CGrace's cell phone from the weekly Bible study group he runs at a local Seniors centre,



I ask you who is really the bad guy here?


Strange humor

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Strange humor


You do realize I posted this right? Not to mention the "victims" of said strange humor have an openly known about relationship. I was just shedding a little more light on it!

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TWO DAYS!!!! TWO Days! I leave for two days to go to my Evil Warlords and Occupying Klans teamwork retreat and this is what I come home to? You're all lucky I don't take away snuzzle time for an entire week after this stunt!!!

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TWO DAYS!!!! TWO Days! I leave for two days to go to my Evil Warlords and Occupying Klans teamwork retreat and this is what I come home to? You're all lucky I don't take away snuzzle time for an entire week after this stunt!!!


In the words of the immortal Jacky..........u jelly!

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