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Everything posted by AdamHolland

  1. I wish there was a way I could buy the roster without having to take the organisation itself, maybe I should suggest that as a game improvement. I would certainly love to add the roster to my own, it's a good fit all round and you deserve to be compensated for all the time and effort you have put in so far, I hope someone picks this up Lyle.
  2. As the game population gets smaller over time it makes sense to have things happen a little faster and have options for this kind of thing to ensure the rest of us still playing have a solid list of potential opponents I guess, I'm not against it.
  3. Just seem's like you want to spam for the sake of post count to me, listen that's great and all but if you provide some content to the post it will make people more likely to want to engage with you. Make some fighters and join an org and then take part in some regulated smack talk and I'm sure you will get all the attention you desire.
  4. Noticed this with my gym also today.
  5. Hi Ted (And honestly anyone else reading this may appeal towards), last week myself and Tyson from Aspire Clothing decided to form together with JB from JB MMA and re-brand under the Aspire name, we are very much a new venture looking for a few good people, we are not looking for anyone who is or has been involved in any forum level drama's so you won't have to worry about people like that. From a business standpoint we are looking to get some good people we can trust that we can invest into and get some infrastructure going, but even if you are the type of player who just wants to run and live in his own private gym and fight we are mostly just up and coming guy's looking to fight some MMA fights and learn the game, maybe you have something to teach us and we are eager to learn it. For anyone else reading who may be 100% brand new to the game I feel I have a solid grasp of what it takes to be successful early on and I would be over the moon to help people along with the early game so go ahead and jump on board if people reading fall into that category! But we do not have a great deal to offer in the terms of infrastructure at this time, we are just a clothing company and a 280k ID org with a dream to been something bigger than that, but passion? we have plenty of that and a desire to learn, if you think you can help us along that would be fantastic if you would consider us, if not I wish you the very best in the team you decide to play with. [/salespitchthreadhijack]
  6. If he had been 280k+ I would of been all over it mate, he looks like a good one so I'm sure you will get that big money.
  7. Jackie Chan scene confirmed. Listen to my song, it recounts Humors night perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MpiyqpAu-Q
  8. I mean in the grand scheme of things its a minor thing, ill get over it. I just wanted to post it up as I wasn't sure, the fact you can fire a fighter from the Island at anytime does explain how this went down, new info for me!
  9. It's a post from 2011 so I assume no time soon
  10. Yeah it seem's super strange to me that anyone would want to by choice restart but if he's happy doing that more power to him.
  11. You necro a thread from 2013 to test something?
  12. What benefit would someone get from starting fresh tho?
  13. If clinchwork is cheating I have pretty much never won a fight without cheating
  14. When you mess with substances like that it's amazing how fragile it can make your mental state, I would not be surprised that he went on a rampage if he was doing PCP or Meth, but seem's like a weird location to do them?
  15. I have never had problem's buying services like extra fighter slots, always been instant but it may have something to do with the payment method or standing or the paypal account, in either case you will be fine I'm sure, just be patient.
  16. Not too sure about the implementation but anything that adds more depth and flavor to the game is good with me.
  17. I'm amazed this is not already a thing.
  18. Hey buddy, Just Bleed MMA 280k+ in LA is now re-branded Aspire MMA , still 280k+ etc
  19. Lefty, that is legit the most useful post I have read on the forums, thank you for sharing that insight, I would absolutely love to sit in a room and just listen to you talk about this game for hours, the things I could learn.
  20. Hey Jay I found this picture when posting a response in a smack talk thread for my tournament fighter Emmet Brickowski that we had previously done an avatar for and it seemed better than the last lego based image we tried to use, perhaps we might be able to make something that would pass the check with it? any face is fine. http://image.prntscr.com/image/f754dba306054554b4a6f7faec6e5efb.png
  21. Great write up, looking forward to fighting Pekka in the second round. I got something for you buddy and it's awesome! http://image.prntscr.com/image/f754dba306054554b4a6f7faec6e5efb.png
  22. Kevin Innard (303907) Free agent with a fight booked against Arlie Sampson (298168) for 2016-10-04 @ the QFC, Kevin is the only member of the now defunct 135lbs division @ Just Bleed MMA 280K and is currently on day 137 of his 30 day inactivity clause, I assume this fight will never take place and I'm as the topic suggests unable to release him from the contract, if someone could do so manually on an admin end that would be fantastic Thank's for reading. edit: link http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=303907
  23. People in the industry? maybe more than you think I would say, it's a very interesting game and I'm sure over the years a number of people interested in the sport who were part of it or went on to be part of it most likely came across the game, stands to reason to me. I assume the smart move would be to stay anonymous.
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