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Everything posted by YungGreazy

  1. This weekend's JAG event told me a lot about the future of JAG. Some fights went as expected, while others...well let's just say upset is an understatement. Anything can happen in JAG. We posted 4 good matches that ended in submissions and a couple knockouts. The main event ended in an armbar, actually as the manager of Martin Sedlacek predicted...and ended with with Martin screamin,"Now, we gangbang Mabo's mom." I wonder if Mabo...or His mom, will take that lying down. We'll see...we will see.
  2. Let's have some fun and tell everybody how you're going to whip your opponent's ass.
  3. Much appreciated. But we're 334k+. I would love to have your guys otherwise.
  4. You have fighters stuck? Have you ever contacted me and asked for fighters to be released? And, what reason do you want them released? Have I done something wrong to hurt your fighters careers? If you want fighters released, just contact me.
  5. JAG's clothing store is looking for someone to help run the store. Contact Nate Baker for details.
  6. JAG is currently looking for someone to share in the managerial duties. If anyone is interested, please contact me, Nate Bake, in game.
  7. If you're in need of someone to sponsor your fighters contact me with their name and ID
  8. 5500+ units of laundry for 10%. 2000 more on the way.
  9. I'm a clothing store owner on Montreal. I'm currently looking for a designer to help expand my clothing line. Compensation is negotiable.
  10. I believe I can handle matchups and events. I'm thinking of help with recruiting fighters.
  11. Not as much concerned about the money as I am with creating a great org. An org that it fair with it's matchups and title shots. Also, will be looking for people who would like to help me run the org.
  12. I'm planning on starting an org. I see some places have only 1 or 2 orgs. And some places have inactive orgs. Where would be a good place to start an org?
  13. My in game name is Nate Baker. Roman is looking to sell the org to me. Any managers who read this, please message me in game to help me out with what needs to be done with the org.
  14. Juggernauts and Gladiators Clothing store is looking for a designer. Contact me or manager to negotiate pay and things as such.
  15. Still looking for designers and writers. Designers have full creative control of their designs.
  16. I'm still looking for staff to help build my clothes store. Any designers or writers please contact me.
  17. Our company is looking for a talented writer to help with advertising. Please PM me.
  18. We are a new clothing company. I am new to the game, but have had help from game veterans that helped catapult our company into a good amount of hype. I'm not greedy but, I want to go higher. That being said, I'm looking for gifted artists for our product, and talented writers for newspapers, sponsorship and interviews. If interested, PM me.
  19. Is the noon fund still active? I need Juggernaut Gear start up money.
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