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Everything posted by jjsquirrel

  1. The recent created list. So 3 of the accounts joined within 15 minutes of each other, the 4th the next day. So ok, I understand what I'm seeing but maybe not all the implications. I think I've read somewhere it's against the rules or at least frowned upon by the community. But what does it mean practically? Cannon fodder to fill out spots in the org, or something more devious going on?
  2. Didn't someone write somewhere that this game needed a money sink? Starting to get hooked on ingame betting myself.
  3. Ok, should not give that much advantage then I guess, and can still pass as a "Titan".
  4. Hmm, it says your fighter must be 265+ in the first post should we not keep to that?
  5. Knockdown Clothes: We managed to restock 50 more of the previously sold out official SFC t-shirts so they are now available again. Thanks to all fighters helping to push our brand towards the top, for WelnSyd 1 we are making a bonus payout to Siddhartha Sugata for a beautiful victory and for being an excellent representative for Knockdown Clothes.
  6. I see, this is the reason more than one test fight is good.
  7. If I see "KO power" in the first tale of the tape, then in a later fight "Likes musicals" - what happened to the KO power? Should that not be displayed before the musicals?
  8. Right, there it is. Could have sworn there was nothing there before, maybe just my ad-desensitized eyes unconsciously avoiding anything colorful/blinking on a webpage.
  9. I got a lottery win mail after winning tickets on spin & win: When I follow that link to the lottery page I cannot see anything but the top 10 wins. I also cannot see any lottery income under my finances. Is this working correctly? Probably it is and my win was just small enough that I didn't notice it on my balance. But I still think the amount should be visible somewhere.
  10. Impressive, is hype gain linear or does it get harder to increase the higher it is?
  11. Great Tiger: You seem to be a legit fighter Dylan, that's good, I wouldn't want anyone saying my first victory in the cage was some kind of can-crushing. I don't care about your hands, you won't have a stationary target to aim for this time. It's your chin that's about to be tested, let's see how long it will last against some real MT.
  12. Sounds like an odd number for a counter to stop at. Just checked my own profile views which is at 0. Either I'm totally uninteresting to look at or the server task updating the view counters which should (I think) run every hour or so is not doing it's job.
  13. Too lazy too look up EST, but that sounds about right. If you got fighters in different locations and want to micromanage trainings before a fight you will soon be an expert in timezones, another one of those things I would never have expected to learn from an MMA game
  14. Remember to check your sponsorship offers for the next event, I cancelled some that had not responded so I can send offers to other fighters.
  15. Two new T-Shirt designs added. We have reached our production limit now so will likely run out of a number of items before the end of the month.
  16. Seok behind in points but winner by submission, crucifix 2 minutes into round 3 (or if that is not a match engine option he will do an armbar).
  17. Tough competition for 330 orgs now. Will Konflikt down under eventually return as well?
  18. Probably should not be possible for me with one month in the game to beat one of the top manager's with years of experience and a better fighter. But no one told poor Hippo that.. Who knows, I might just be a natural with the sliders or beat him on plain dumb beginners luck, it worked out ok for me so far
  19. Poor Hurry up 329985, I guarantee you he is sitting on a perfect set of hiddens he will never get the chance to use.
  20. Nice to see the Sydney fight scene expand even more.
  21. Slowly recovering my photoshopping, or rather GIMPing skills after years without use. The SFC logo is of course not my work, but yes happy about that shirt too. Never thought I would end up doing graphics editing when I signed up here, but having some fun with it now so there will be more to come. Nice to see how well sales are going, hype is building up. Everything we made so far (and much more actually) has gone into sponsoring. Aiming to establish the Knockdown brand on the market. Not that thrilled about laundry as a way to build hype, feels a bit like cheating. But guess I'll do that too eventually like everyone else. If anyone is interested in a private design made specifically for (and only sold to) you I'm open for suggestions.
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