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bjornmma1 last won the day on January 11 2023

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About bjornmma1

  • Birthday June 4

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Red Belt

Red Belt (6/6)



  1. I just mentioned it so that people would be aware not to make deals with the guy, but seems like your interpretation is different.
  2. Maybe his famous bathroom has a leakage issue to look after, who knows..
  3. I owned and managed Syn for a while as well. I also helped Devin secure Syn when he wanted to buy it, but he never lived up to his promise on what I would get for having helped him out with the deal.
  4. Harris "The Grandmaster" Reed 16-1-2 I look forward to making my Syn debut at the end of March. Going up against a triple elite red belt, didn't even knew people that skilled existed. However, I also have some tricks up my sleeves. Time enough still to decide a gameplan and plan my moves in detail.
  5. DeShaun Holton Jr 19-2-0 I always knew you were the real deal and that is why I wanted to test myself against you. It sure didn't go to plan, I was way too patient. It seems like the occasion got to me unfortunately. Congrats man on the big win and who knows, one day our paths might cross again.
  6. Keywon Reeves 11-1-0 261 p4p Tell Keyshawn to cancel my current fight for 31/03 and I'll fight you in 3 days in the street, disco, octagon,... pick your spot. I don't fear big men, I embrace the challenge. PS: I love your smile.
  7. DeShaun Holton Jr 19-1-0 98 p4p One hurdle at a time my friend.
  8. DeShaun Holton Jr 19-1-0 98 p4p It shouldn't be difficult for him to keep little Willy out of his mouth. 🤣
  9. Keywon Reeves 11-1-0 261 p4p It is an honor by itself to get a reply from you sir! I would want to wish you good luck in your next fights, but no luck is evolved when you are the best by far like you. Hopefully one day I will have earned my stripes to share the octagon with you, before you enjoy a well-earned retirement.
  10. DeShaun Holton Jr 19-1-0 98 p4p My focus is purely on Adlehyde, a real beast of a fighter. Willie can keep playing with his little willy for all I care. I offered to train together and he declined such offer. Lack of respect for his elders. Young man has a lot to learn still.
  11. DeShaun Holton Jr 19-1-0 98 p4p That red/orange pill size is very optimistic for little Willy..
  12. DeShaun Holton Jr 19-1-0 98 p4p Do you have your finger up all the time to compensate for your tiny willy Willie? From what i heard from the ladies, only your cage performance have any impact.
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