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Everything posted by nwo

  1. Recently started a gym and I want to clean it, however I can't seem to find a way to pay and get the gym cleaned. By tomorrow It will be a pig sty. There is no explanation as to how to address this problem!
  2. Problems coming! Lets see here, I registered my first fighter on April 23 and got my first fight on may 2, great. My second fight is June 6th. If you can count, thats 34 days. No more gym, no more money. My 4th fighter (May 12th), two weeks later, no contract no fights. Didn't even join a gym for fear of pissing my money away. There is certainly a disproportionate number of people being offered contracts and fights vs being offered nothing. So lets do the numbers on this. If there are 3000 managers each with 4 fighters, that will be 12,000 fighters. If each fighter gets only 2 fights per month that would be 6000 matches x 2 = 12,000 matches/month. Divide that by the 6 days x 4 weeks (24 days) on our calender for fights and what do you get? At this stage of growth, you need 500 fights a day just to accommodate the current roster and provide 2 fights a month per fighter. The other day I came across a manager with VIP status. His 3 week old fighter is already waiting for his 4th fight. So the key to this game is to register as VIP, give all the best contracts to your own fighters and then match them against weaker fighters. If your fighter never gets hurt, just how many fights could he potentially get.
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