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White Belt

White Belt (1/6)



  1. And what did Mike decide on? A popularity contest, wherein all votes count as equal. Regardless of affiliation or any of that. If JMFC people didn't like their alliance they wouldn't have voted for it. Even though they do I'm sure some still voted for other alliances. They're a spiteful lot. But the point being just because they're in something doesn't change that they also like it, and in a populist situation their vote counts just as much. Which, in fact, ties back in nicely to the presidential campaign because it is the same situation sans what's actually at stake. Just because they clearly prefer something else doesn't change that their vote is just as important in a popular vote as anyone else's. And now you're getting it. In all honesty the "best" cannot be quantified. Best in categories can be vaguely quantified, but still aren't perfect. Some one pointed out there's a tiny tiny tiny alliance but its W/L ratio is big. As for "sharing in winning of the award" you're still missing something. What did we win? There's not a trophy (Well, maybe the manager got a trophy or something). Recognition? Newbies freak out over the [JMFC] tag. E-Honor?
  2. Okay, let me rephrase that. In the comparison, winning the presidency nets significant control over a country. Winning the alliance of the year award nets... what? Clearly not even recognition. Also, all right, fine. Let's presume that voting isn't a valid way to determine best alliance. Suggest a new way. Is it number of wins? Is it who has the most impact? Is it wins to loss ratio? Is it who's got the prettiest managers? (Definitely us, by the way)
  3. I like to be thorough and explicit. Also, JMFC.
  4. Won what? People in JMFC voted JMFC because they like JMFC over other alliances. It's part of the reason they're in JMFC.
  5. I voted for JMFC before I was in JMFC. In fact, if I remember correctly, JMFC got more votes than actual members. I suppose if you count members in spirit against them. JMFC helped me. When I was starting out, JMFC told me "You're an idiot, here's why you're an idiot, stop being so stupid, stupid". They've given me generous contracts, they've given me fun people to talk to, etc. Maybe the other alliances could have, but JMFC did. Also they got me my tier 2.
  6. It was better when clearing straight to Ragnaros in a night was mandatory.
  7. Good job on the first fight. Not too bad of a decision either. Just a suggestion, you might not want to make fighters average across the board. Focus on two or so primaries (Something like Wrestling and something else) with your next fighter, and spar with a focus with that one. This thread outlines it pretty well.
  8. Now if only I could start a comedy company. Then... well, then I'd be screwed but it'd be funny. Don't worry, your purchased will go towards the funding of bigger, better, and even less legal supplements. I'm thinking embedded fusion generators. Or a bread and stem cell diet.
  9. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/Incubusion/LTLJMFCAlt.png Less than Legal supplements opens in Helsinki, providing a negligible reduction in quality for incredible prices! Ensure your fighters are staying awake with a 100+ volt shock collar! Keep their stamina up with a healthy, healing dose of radiation! When it comes to victory, why chance a loss by holding on to your moral compass? Q: You could be lying A: When it comes to horribly cruel, unethical, mind altering, and potentially crippling treatments, I believe one must have honor and integrity. Q: But doesn't Sub-Zero- A: Die in Mortal Kombat? You're right. He does. Do you wanna die when some goth in a skull mask comes to wreck our planet? Didn't think so. Besides, can you really afford ten more bucks for a meaningless difference in this economy? Q: But the recession never- A: I'm sorry, are you implying this isn't Helsinki, USA, land of the brave and home of the free? Thought not.
  10. Don't do the middle ground. Stick wherever you have the advantage over the other fighter. At the very least, if you have to go middle ground go closer to 5-10%.
  11. Clinch and break clinch are absolutes. So he's going to try and clinch roughly every other move, and try and break it within about four or so moves.
  12. If you don't want him to break the clinch, you have to set it all the way to Stay in Clinch.
  13. Almost wish the first time you made a fighter it'd say "Hey. Hold on. Read this guide." I fucked up my first fighter something fierce. Must have some strong hiddens though, he keeps winning.
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