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Everything posted by Gionet

  1. after having to take some time off, fucken pain killers were awesome tho... ev0l FG will be back within the week
  2. yea same as prime and the other dude said.. hit me up with a pm if u still need, i dont charge so blah yea
  3. http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1254409974americananarchy.jpg http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1254410012canadiananarchy.jpg
  4. http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1254324598punisher.jpghttp://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1254073320anarchy.jpg introducing the Distressed Anarchy Shirt and also ev0lved Punisher shorts
  5. hit 30k bankroll today and will be hitting the shelves with new designs tommorow night so everyone look out for them
  6. http://i702.photobucket.com/albums/ww29/ev0lvedclavelle/klash21.jpg opinions
  7. Brand new White Gorills shirt and shorts set http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253910213wg3.jpghttp://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253910722wg4.jpg
  8. http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253704719gluttony.jpghttp://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253705034sloth.jpghttp://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253705399lust.jpghttp://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253706145greed.jpg ev0lvede Fight Gear would like to introduce its first 4 (out of 8) shirts in the new 7 Deadly Sins line, please be gentle with them
  9. aint no stopping us ... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry was watching old wrestling shit and had a Rey Mysterio flash back
  10. Nice shit man, besides my own line of crap, I like yours the most
  11. so awesome i havent sold any haha -tear-
  12. http://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253571652bloodyhands.jpg and http://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253558166taporsnap.jpg yall kno how I like it, leave some kind of opinion
  13. Gionet

    Need a Logo

    i can do a lil something, check out my stores logo and if you like jus shoot me some ideas u got
  14. White Gorilla has formed a partnership! ev0lved Fight Gear will be providing Official White Gorilla clothing to the masses! This up and coming clothing company based in Montreal boasts some of the hottest designs in the Tycoon world! We are now offering dual sponsorships to quality fighters, which will include both supplement and clothing freebees! If you feel you've got a top notch pugilist on your hands drop one of us a line and we'll take a look. Don't sleep on the chance to have your fighter dressed in the finest gear and taking the finest supplements that Montreal has to offer. If you wish to be sponsered by either company we ask that you allow the other to take up a spot on your sponsership section and please before you contact either of us (by what of Mail please) be sure your fighter at least meets the min. requirments :Min Requirments: Record must be above the .500 mark Must have at least 4 fights on your record Must represent the clothing company by wearing their clothing Must have an over ranking in the top 2000 Also down the line the sponsership will also help fighters recieve a bonus when joining the Org that is also represented in our "Trifecta" of sors (Org to be named later) Now be sure to jump aboard the trend that is sweeping Montreal and soon the entire country
  15. ev0lved Fight Gear officially becomes the top hyped Clothing store in Montreal
  16. http://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253443450bloodyamerican.jpghttp://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253443502Bloodycan.jpg Bloody American and Bloody Canadian shorts, will make diff ones depending on how these sell
  17. http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253365366as.jpg Ok so the upload fucken stretched my shit, but i think it gets the point across
  18. Thats kewl I was jus uploading a small amount to see how they looked and shit.. if yall wanna tell me how many u want i will get the them up there soon
  19. Uploaded the shorts for yall
  20. http://www.mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253222153ecCAN1.jpg Opinions EH
  21. http://mmatycoon.com/images/products/1253105554ec7shirt.jpg Official ev0lved Fight Gear T-shirt released to the public as well
  22. blah not enough options, where is White Gorilla MMA or Seaville MMA
  23. http://mmatycoon.com/images/company/logo/1253075692efg.jpg New company logo that i made last night... what do yall think of it?
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