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Everything posted by Doeboy

  1. Add Kyle Lyle to that list. http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=31372
  2. Hes not a LW, but to help with the tournament count me in. http://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=33592
  3. My guy was a Wonderful boxer going against a Feeble one and he gets KO'd... http://www.mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=51594
  4. It was Wander Braga. Consequently, Gabe is fighting Joe Lauzon in the UFC soon.
  5. it is withdrawn and the manager has only about 5k, so what happened to it all?
  6. Twisting of the facts?? And you just have ALL the facts in line since you were a participating party in all this right? Go fuck yourself with yourself righteous indignation. I presented ALL the fact, something Dynasty failed to do. Furthermore, he ASSUMED who I was talking about and threw dirt on Orgs that had no dealings with this at all. I in no way backpedaled or "threw dirt" on SEC. I maned up and took responsibility for my actions, as I told groovemonkey, either accept it, or don't either way, I don't care what you think. The FACTS were laid out there, whether you choose to see them is entirely on you. And take our heads out of our own backsides?? If I am not mistaken, you are usually the one who people have to tell to shut up cause you go on shit rants just like the one above. You were not a participating party PERIOD. YOU have no clue as to what the FACTS are. Nice try to tho.
  7. Nothing to be sorry for, its an open forum and as a result any and all opinions are welcome and encouraged. I am not happy with myself for what I said to Dynasty nor am I proud of it, cause I really am a nice guy, which is why I released his fighters upon request and having done such for him, I just asked and note ASKED for a little courtesy of the same gesture to me, however, he was in his right to say no.
  8. Look I have no beef with you. I already said what I did was not right and made amends for it. Either be a man like Dynasty was, accept it and move on or don't either way your opinion does not matter to me. Your attempt at humor or a dig at me was a fail. Tell you what, crack open another cold one, give it about 20 minutes then go attempt to make another 158 recovery supplement... Tho a 158 Muscle Bulk mess up is not so bad in and of itself, could turn out to benefit you in the long run.
  9. And I guess you missed the thread that pointed out Rhon's follies as well huh? Not surprised..
  10. Once again you jump to conclusions and speak on things you know nothing about. It was something I said out of anger, I had no intentions of trying to get anyone to poach on SEC. Im sure a stand up guy like you has NEVER said anything in an argument that you didn't actually mean. Like I said ask ANY of the managers I have dealt with, I am a good guy, believe what you want. You want to know the true character of the guy playing victim here, check out two threads, "WOW...Really?" and "Robert Mitchell aka Dynasty" Even ask Petro and Louie if I am a good guy and while you are at it, ask them what they think of Robert...
  11. Ok you are jumping to conclusions here, so let me set it straight for you. NOWHERE in my emails did I EVER say what city, let alone what ORGS were my friends. THAT is an assumption that he made on his own. So leave Petro, Rhon and Louie out of this. Secondly, We did not abandon Elmer when we moved to LA, in fact Elmer had a fight with us AFTER we moved. READ the entire thread BEFORE you go casting dispersions you nothing about. Elmer made us a promise and that is something WE have to straighten out.
  12. Different manager and different time, but this is what happens(ed) http://mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=139998
  13. As I said my friend, Mike was just backing me, I made the initial threat, not Mike, I did it in an email. Not Mike's fault I got ill tempered. I apologized for my antics and yes, it is the fighters manager AND my own fault for not giving SEC the heads up.
  14. Agreed. It is his choice to make. I NOW respect that decision and can understand his view point. It was cause of CFL and RMF when Mike ran it, that I made it this far. I wish SEC the best of luck, but he didn't reveal all the facts to the people on this forum, he tried to make me the bad guy, when in reality I did ask nicely, just got heated towards the middle of the conversation. He is and was well within his rights to say no.
  15. Then after its creation, and after my initial apologies you should have conveyed that to the forums as well. It matters not why you didn't but now they know there was an apology made, probably not long after this was created.
  16. Yes Long live SEC, but don't go throwing dispersions at someone else when you have had your share of shady deals revealed as well. I asked for a common courtesy from you, that i showed to you twice before, and even told you that you could have Elmer back after his fight, and you chose to be nasty about it. What I said was wrong about threating your Org, BUT I did then and am now apologizing for that. What you choose to do with Elmer is up to you, I will wait for the 4 fight contract to end if that is what you so want. However, as I said before, if Elmer asks to be released to defend his belt, then that does make you in the wrong some what. Yes Elmer should have told you about our arrangement, he didn't and thats the where the rubber meets the road, that is something He and I will have to work out when the time comes.
  17. To further clear names, Mike was not involved in this either, he had nothing to do with it until it hit the forums, and like a GOOD friend, he was just watching my back. Believe what you will, but ask ANY manager that i have dealt with, and I am always polite, understanding and do what is asked of me, cause with out the fighters, there is no Org. I release when asked to release, I arrange fights that are asked for and I do my VERY BEST to accomodate my fighters. Hell I had a new manager take over one of Jonny Karp's fighters after he left, and the fighter was flat ass broke, I sent him a new contract so the guy could train his fighter properly. I did ask politely, and he was within his right to refuse, I was in the wrong not Robert
  18. I would further like to iterate that Hells Playground had no knowledge or dealings with this matter, so please do not sully HP's name over a conversation turned wrong between two Org owners.
  19. I tried to pull up the conversation history but for whatever reason it is not there. Yes the conversation did turn ugly at some point in the middle, yes I said something I should not have, BUT I did apologize for that, and told him that if Elmer so chooses to stay in SEC that was his choice. The very beginning of the conversation I DID indeed ASK if Elmer could be released in about a month for a 1, 1, fight deal to come defend his belt, then he was free to come back to SEC and be their Champ as well. I have no problems letting Elmer hold multiple belts in multiple Orgs and I conveyed that to Dynasty. Dynasty had two personal fighters in my Org and upon his request I released them so they could go fight in his Org, all I asked was the same courtesy I showed him with my Champ ( and I am sure soon to be SEC Champ). All I need is 1 fight, he can have him for as long as he can get him to sign for, I am not and was not trying to pull Elmer back and keep him strictly to PCEC. In fact, I gave the blessing at Derek's request to go elsewhere to fight while we established a clear cut contender for him, which he did agree to come back and defend the belt. I realize after cooling down, that is not Dynasty's problem and even SAID as much to HIM. But it does take some kind of nerve to deny a guy who politely at first, asks for a 1 fight for his Champ to defend and then he could come back, and say no. THEN go crying on the forums about it. To me its a desperate move trying to sully my name and Org name cause he was outed by EJ over his money laundering questions. I admit, some of the things I said was wrong, and I did apologize for them, and it is not Dynasty's problem that Elmer didnt convey the plans to him, that is our problem, but given the courtesy I showed his fighters and the fact that I asked, was I wrong to expect the same level of respect?
  20. With the little dealings I have had and read of the law (and I mean very little) it is my understanding anything posted on an open forum/website/personal web page, can be used against you in a court of law. Should Jonnydogooder, get busted for pedophilia and came on here and joked that "he likes to rape kids" can be used against him. SO internet talk is not always "not real life" cause it can very much affect your real life. And don't tell me I have taken it to the extreme, you can find guys even on XBOX Live network who's gamertags are "Babyraper" or "baby kicker" or something to that affect. My whole point of this rambling is just because it is internet doesn't mean it can't and doesn't get taken seriously whether it should or not.
  21. still lookin for sign ups. Have had some internet problems so havent be able to maintain this thread at the top like I need to, should be better now. But yes still lookin for sign ups.
  22. Kane FTMFW! And I don't say that just cause we are alliance buddies. Kane is an animal.
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