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Everything posted by Italscratch

  1. Kelly is a girl? Nevermind, great fight, hopefully in sometime rematch will be in session
  2. Nope, he probably wont pass semifinals, that is if he manages to win melting-crown dragonking. I have been in 2 tournaments, both fighters were very promising in terms of winning it but were left short in semifinals. I would go with Bennet or Yance, too bad they are fighting each other next.
  3. After DeAngelo is done with his next fight, I doubt Oath will fight Champion, that is if you still wanna that fight...
  4. Just got word from Neno that he likes to thank Con Waterson for earning him KO of the night bonus. Con fell as Neno's 7th victim to be knocked out cold on his feet, in his 15 KO's total. Also has message/song for his next opponent, evergreen clasic : Puff the magic dragon! Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H59D0mCUaOA
  5. http://imageshack.us/a/img600/9827/3zr.gif One of them after the fight Outcome: 1. Womba trying to buttscoot but Din puts end to it. http://imageshack.us/a/img35/4933/r691.gif 2. Al Din gets downed and Womba steals his soul http://imageshack.us/a/img62/9392/5kzp.gif
  6. Hehe, he has turned his career quite a bit after introduction of counter engine (and new manager) -> 8-1 (right after the Kato loss when I sacked him). I dont see the problem as most of the grapplers have profited from engine change.
  7. Seems Kyle Carlton isn't getting enough of recognition (only thing is that he fought 8 times this year). If he manages to win over Creed he is up there in contention. Apart from Din-Womba fight, the fight I would like to see the most is Carlton-Creel. But all in all, i think din-Womba fight will be one in a long time that i will sign to watch as php
  8. Chris can brag on the forums, godtrash talk, but at least he backs it up. Also nice fella to talk around your fights, discuss game stuff, never had problems with him. He has *ego* effect cast by himself, and aura of piss of excellence but allaround people get too upset with his manners... . . . . . Aaaand has collection of bongs that you can drool on...
  9. Womba is a fighter which proves that BJJ in this game has potential. That's alone speak volumes. Candidate for sure and hell'va interesting fighter. Keep up the good work and hopefully Al Din-Womba will happen rather soon then later.
  10. To be honest, when fight goes into clinch, I dont know what the fuck is going to happen...i can predict(for my fighter) standup mostly, ground game a bit, but with clinch i really dont know what the fuck to expect... Lost against inferior fighters, won against pure clinchers, couldnt get takedown, opponent couldnt get takedown despite me goin 90% aggresive & having competent tdd etc.etc. just put up some sliders and hope it will work...
  11. Ok then, make it happen. Neno vs Samor @ Ascension on 23rd, I'll give 500,000$ to Banger(Versus) and Randall(UPG) to try at least minimize the loss of fight not held in either org.
  12. One of the things that needed fixing long time ago. Perhaps tick box "dont use knees" would be easiest way to do it?
  13. Sorry for not answering,was and am on field trip till tommorow so had no internet connection. If you can make it on 23rd I'm all for it.
  14. Nice one, surely want to see him against grappler. I'd also prefer which ever org could host the fight sooner(tho would like that to be UPG for the act of releasing me to tournament). Could throw 500,000 bucks to the org owner who releases the other fighter.
  15. I know this isn't the place to ask, but if anyone is willing to make some kind of superfight against Neno in a meantime, before this starts, message Randall of UPG. This isnt starting before next month so fight in next 7 days would be nice. Thanks in advance and sorry again for thread stealing. on topic, good luck Con Waterson
  16. As this fighter, age 39, http://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=29365; to KO Marciano after 3 rounds of losing is quite an accomplishment. We could have Randy Couture here
  17. Spoke with org owner, Neno will be available for tournament.
  18. Well, we'll see how this turns out in a first place, if it's indeed planned to start in november he should be ready/free i hope. I'll talk to Randall anyhow, tho judging from previous experiences with the guy it shouldn't be very much of a problem, he's a nice fella.
  19. I could propose Neno, http://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=124396, he still has 3 fights on the contract and next is in 8 days. If this starts in november he could fulfill his contract tho...
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