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  1. It's 7:16 pm ... I'll watch my favorite television program. And laugh a lot of suckers face you have.
  2. Inside the JMFC, all top managers know how to enrich their organizations, doubling revenues. That is why this gang of crooks have so many organizations. The script allows the manipulation of number of viewers and revenues. However, I have developed allows me to do this remotely, without ever owning any organization. Just I want to ... hahahahaha. I'll do it for all competitors JMFC Organizations. Actually, I keep doing it, but not with Mma Brazil who is very concerned.
  3. The managers of the game know that you are bandits. So much so that Leo continues the game. And if he was the only villain, you'd be laughing by his account was deleted. He continues playing. I'm seeing him on MSN. Is offline, but there was not three hours ago.
  4. Use the same scripts that you used, however, perfected the original file. After I drove the alliance, I promised to me... And you're completed fucked. I always leave someone in charge of the business fuck you.
  5. Fool, I'm not Barros. My original profile is July 2009. I think Barros was not even born in the game. I was a member of the Jungle Movement for three months, enough to know that they are all members of a gang of thieves.
  6. My money is still in the game, spread across various locations. Invested in leading companies... hahahaha. LEOCBARROS was only one captured. Mike can delete the account of all of Mma Brazil. Can delete the account for all of Steel, True North, Jungle Fight Movement, Cobra Kai ... I'll keep smiling!
  7. Everyone knows this and is inert. The reason is simple: a bunch of shit. These alliances of shit in this game will end it here and never will be good until they wipe out the true evil that is present: http://www.mmatycoon.com/alliancepublic.php?ali_id=46 I say this because I've been MEMBER OF THIS SHIT.
  8. All the game knows that JungleMonkey Alliance uses scripts to cheat in the game. They have to break the script source code and it is this reason that allows them some fighters, with only 0-0-0, are unbeatable in so little time.
  9. No, asshole. I am accusing some users who have written here as having multiple accounts. Re-read, stupid.
  10. The truth of all truths: many who have written on this topic have multiple accounts and this is an unconditional rule of the game. I'm already investigating one by one and will report to Mike Tycoon. Some owners, including who opened the topic, put Sparring Dummies - multiple accounts - to fight their own fighters.
  11. A bunch of motherfucking liar speaking on this topic. Hypocritical liars. http://www.mmatycoon.com/managerprofileman...php?MgrID=21675 This manager has about a month into the game. Has opened a private gym. And he had no other business before. Where he took money to keep on playing the loss of money ... a tree of miracles, probably. "16 Aug, 2010 Monday - Created a new fighter - Henry Hopkins 16 Aug, 2010 Monday - Released the fighter - Devin Nguyen 05 Aug, 2010 Thursday - Started a new Premium Gym - Shin to the Chin Private Academy 01 Aug, 2010 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Andrei Shibanov 01 Aug, 2010 Sunday - Released the fighter - Hector Lebarticus 01 Aug, 2010 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Gabriel Machado 01 Aug, 2010 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Devin Nguyen 31 Jul, 2010 Saturday - Mauricio Rua celebrated his birthday - 19 today! 30 Jul, 2010 Friday - Vitor Belfort celebrated his birthday - 24 today! 27 Jul, 2010 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Kru Henry"
  12. These opinions are contrary to Superfights pure jealousy and fear. There are people afraid of the audacity of Leo C. Barros and his team. I believe this is because they proved they are more competent than those who were the longest in the game. I have fighters recruited by SF New York and am very happy for them. It is the best organization that my fighters could be. Congratulations to Mr. Piter.
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