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Everything posted by Monkey123

  1. Monkey123


    just a quick question about sparring, if i want to spar in a certain skill or several skills how would i do it to improve a fighters primarys?
  2. Could you give an 18 year old wonderful cardio when you create him and just spar in his trade to get his primary up or would you need to train everything else first
  3. RisingStarMMA in London looking for a event partner open to offers, pm me in game if interested http://www.mmatycoon.com/orgpublic.php?oid=2704
  4. Monkey123


    for each fight do people play around with your sliders beforehand and tweek them down to your opponents skills or leave them how they are
  5. Monkey123

    Gym costs

    Just wondering what gym costs, signing 150 coaches and their fees each week
  6. Didn't relise that, and wasn't sure how the free agents were handed out
  7. Monkey123

    Free agents

    Instead of having to wait until the next day to see if you have won, there should be a message sent from the fighter saying if you have been successful or unsuccessful instead of waiting around so you could find other fighters
  8. What's the best why to train balance, as yoga seems to take forever
  9. ive started training secondareis first but when i see other managers fighters which are 18 19 20 they have at least remarkable across the board and i wonder if they have decent secondaries?
  10. when you train your 18 year olds, do people train primaries first to make their fighters look like a beast or do they train their secondaries first. or is it just how you prefer to train your projects?
  11. hi im looking for a clothing company and nutrition company to join my alliance, if interested just pm me mainly im looking for a company which would sponsor fighters and would also be apart of the new system with my events. As an org owner aswell they would be in a great alliance with good successful companies. http://www.mmatycoon.com/managerprofilemanager.php?MgrID=56364
  12. Can you change the details of a fight once it's been confirmed e.g how many rounds
  13. Is wrestiling still the beat base to start fighters off at or doesn't it matter nowadays and it's how you train them and what tactics you use?
  14. im looing for a 155lb fighter to fight this guy http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=76290 my division isnt the biggest and in trying to expand it, so if any 155lb fighters out there willing to fight ir just sign up pm me thanks
  15. Ahh cheers thought the fight tactics were going to be reset
  16. I'm little bit confused on how the training works and tickers being reset Any help would be useful
  17. Heres our smacktalk thread, you can comment on your fights here
  18. Hello RisingStarMMA has just opened its doors in london im looking for fighters of all talents young,old,beginners and experienced fighters. im looking to get some fighters signed up then do a couple of events and see how it goes if you are intrested in signing up just pm me Many thanks mason
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