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Everything posted by mattycrawford09

  1. You've just made a big massive post saying how even though you're a crap manager you've made loads on money in the game and want people to tell you you're the best. Why not start your own business in real life if you're so great and make some real money?
  2. http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=70582 If there are still spaces left can i enter him?
  3. http://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=45052 If he fight is over by the time it starts i will enter him?
  4. Do we really need a poll for evry thing Jin Sen does?
  5. Its funny how the winner lost another fight and retied wereas the looser has recantly lost the CFC lw title-also loosing in a 5 second match
  6. Do you think you'll be here in another year?
  7. I have a fighter who is based in amsterdam and fights in London. He fights on the 16th (6 days). When should i move his location? So that he has 100% energy come fight day
  8. its wierd how his manager is a VIP,yet he has 2 fighters
  9. he quit because he went bankrupt my best guess
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