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Everything posted by Grump

  1. I nominate Krum Koev (112888) who in less than 5 months passed me by on manager ranking...and I won the award last year.
  2. what a RIDICULOUS thing to say...QFC abuse and low level orgs.... Where are noob managers SUPPOSED to fight ? For a noob manager to fight in top orgs requires him to get a FA...and that sure as hell aint no test of the manager when he is using a fighter SOMEONE ELSE created and trained..... I consider the noob manager results using FA to be WORTHLESS in determining how well a manager has learned the game. There is so much more to it than the fight itself ha? So lets stay real ok?
  3. Best New Manager of the Year - Dr. Octagon and Rabid Alien (regardless of rules added to prevent it...) Tied maybe...but 2 days later Dr O is banned as a multi so guess it defaults to a WIN for me. Thanks for those who recognized true talent and effort and voted for me. And jokes on you that voted for a multi. LMAO since I give a shit about popularity contests anyway.
  4. well it helps explain or consider something I call "Vendetta Group-Think Mentality". Or in more layman terms u could use the US Democrat party and the term blind-followers" and get a understanding how it works. I been watching it for over a year now....so many parallels....
  5. as Homer Simpson would say....DOH !
  6. well said and same here. I never had any exchange with Aaron...but Wolf was usually helpful if I asked him something and seemed to have basic respect of others.....
  7. oh this sounds delicious...so do tell oh fly on the wall secret agent "Ken is low" just what exactly does Mentor do in secret? tell us precisely....why u seem to be so fascinated and aroused by it? Do u use a large jar of Vaseline a month or what? You seem to have a strange fascination and focus on Mentor and making claims....kinda reminds of a teenage girl in love with her 1st crush.... Im just saying.....lol
  8. "Happy someone cheating this big got caught and pays the price for it." And I pray to hear the same exact words again with the name of focus being HILLARY. And since most rolls are true-blue Democrats I guess this is more troll -bait....here trolly troll troll....lol
  9. FUN TIME !!! I will jump in on that and predict he will be the best president in memory, to get things straightened out and going in the right direction............if he lives 8 years that is. ok thats troll bait if I ever saw it....here trolly troll trolls ! c'mon ! c'mere trolls....
  10. I agree....and end of year awards time coming up....lets make a new category...."Scandal of the year"
  11. 1st of all let me say in regards to this.....DAMN ! and...CONGRATS to Mike on catching this. in regards to quoted comments.....EXCELLENT point. I have seen some fighters out there that I found AMAZING the stats they had for the age....I have a gym for a while now and even my fighters with 1 on 1 elite coaching were substantially behind them.....so I wonder if this explains some of it? More likely Im just a crappy manager and gym operator....and Im sure my loyal fans will back me up on this....LOL
  12. ok....who is interested to see new spin and win awards? Lets try to make them realistic....Mike maybe even like some who knows? My proposal would be to have a "Early Sack" coupon or whatever u could do it same as the avatars or IQ thing.....simply allows a manager to sack without waiting the 15 or 30 day period or spending VIP days. I think a question is going to be asked about if they would also STACK ? Which Im thinking should be the case....not sure if there could be made an argument against it....but by posting in the forum Im sure there some negative Vendetta type lurking nearby to pounce and microscope every detail of what I say to find ways to put me down....so if there a way to argue against this idea IM sure they will find it. So what other ideas are out there? How about a Morale Supp? Happy Juice?
  13. Thats so SWEET !!!! even tho u being "in my head" is total fantasy on ur part and I imagine its pretty much the same as sand fleas in ur underwear.....speaking of which....did ur momma ever get rid of them damn things? My dog never recovered after he got them from her...
  14. Idea 1. Make the QFC fights so they are "worldwide"....what I mean to say is dont make them dependent on the city u are in. eliminate the travel ect and make it so that regardless where the fighters are...they can fight. Considering the basic purpose of QFC fights is to QUICKLY get fighters fights....kinda makes no sense to have to wait a week or two to get a fight which is not that uncommon to have happen. Idea 2. Make a 3rd skill level to QFC. Currently the Total skill level chart upgrades 1x a week....so u can have a fighter u are training right up to the 1000 QFC skill point limit actually pop past that limit and become skill level 2 QFC and completely miss the chance to be tested against other fighters of same basic ability. And skill level 2 has fighters in there that have years in the gym and no possible chance to beat them with a fighter who has total skill points of 1007. Note: My apologies to C Bomb that I didnt use more words in caps. He really enjoys finding something idiotic to pick at and I hate to make him work hard....I hear having mental cramps is a bitch.
  15. Grump

    Sacking Fighters

    Had a thought....probably garbage (or dangerous) like most of them...but was thinking a way to make money....if i owned this game.... But even I am not....was thinking it an interesting idea....no idea what sort of programming nite-mare could be involved. Anyway was considering it something u could attach a fee via the VIP subtraction method like u do for a few other options and what would the customer got for this package? Name it whatever...the "Clean House" Special for what? 50 VIP days? 100 ? The customer then gets to instantly sack HALF his fighters.... Straight deal. Just figure out the numbers and look at the programming issues....maybe post it as a poll in the forum to see what interest there may be in the ability to "mass-sack" and what a fair "fee" would be.... Could be a possible way to make a few bucks for site AND provide an interesting option to the players...
  16. DONT BE SHOCKED....lol But I agree.... Seems to me it would IMPROVE things for all because if I understand this correctly it would help prevent overloading to some degree....and thats GREAT for all I think. I see no real downside to this.... Of course there still the issue of some managers not knowing about overcrowding sessions....but I figure most who can afford a lengthy time in a elite gym will either know...or learn soon enuff and the overcrowding sessions will lessen somewhat....
  17. well..... I see u havent lost ur gift for running ur sewer-mouth and talking fantasy. It was much the same last time we met and apparently u didnt learn to save some energy for the fight and spent ur self out doing trash talk interviews. Well let me be boring and say my game-plan is much the same as last time ( http://www.mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=721851 ) and Im gonna allow u to trash talk all u want and when I piddle yellow water down my leg from fear then Im gonna clean it up with ur FACE...yep same as last time... yawn....
  18. I agree...simple design and caught my eye right away. I LIKED it !
  19. so seldom I arrive in these forums that I almost forget the stupidity I ALWAYS find here. I read the TWW News Christmas edition written by some KBG or GSM or something? and found it vaguely interesting until the last part which was out of place and obvious stupider that the usual I find here...lets review it with a clear mind... WAIT !! I almost forgot where I am so cancel the clear mind part and lets just review.... The Ego Initials writer KGB or whatever says, Surely the Org Owner, JJ Tycooner, would be disgusted with this request, nay, this demand? Well, the plot thickens even further now as it turns out that as part of the deal to sign Tommy Grunge to his org Slaughterhouse, JJ Tycooner told him he could in fact choose all of his own fights! OK now Im confused...seems he is saying the deal was some fighter can choose his own fights...and? thats some sort of issue? Strange to a clear minded person...since it takes the OTHER manager to agree...so who gives a rats ass who "chooses" the fights? I find this fairly common and have several times just this month seen Champs decline fights for various reasons from the other fighter just joined the org (which dont mean crap when in an age restricted org) to needs more training WHO DONT? Bit nobody says anything about that and its basically the same thing. From what I can see there really is no issue here... Most will agree that a Champ dont decline fights...And if he does...without a damned good reason he should be stripped of the belt...so letting him CHOOSE dont seem all that big a deal since the other manager has every right to decline. Also the argument becomes twisted when u consider KGB then starts saying other top fighter will go to that org to fight Tommy Grunge...ok so thats a bit twisted it seems...and then he ends with what is likely the REAL reason behind this silly add-on to an Christmas Edition post...turns out its the COMPETITION tactics he really worried about...that Slaughterhouse will get a load of top fighters signed...oh now THAT sounds like truth to me and rings true and clear...no twists involved there ! And this KGB guy now things he is the GOD who decides what shows an org in a bad light...and then goes so far as to declare it "brings into question the legitimacy of his record" and then adds his GOD-view of the future and states "which we can safely say will never be looked upon as one of the greats.". WOW what EGO ! And it continues! His GOD-ship then declares that Grunge "claimed he would become picky of who he fights should he lose, something that no fighter, or manager, would ever do if they want to even come close to being an all time great." OMG this happens ALL THE TIME in real life as well as this game and he thinks HE is the decider on if such is appropriate or if it can be considered for someone to become even close to an all-time great...seems to me the simple roy jones vs Paciao drama had plenty of declines and BOTH are closer than "close" to all time greats. Seems to me damn near EVERY "all-time great" did some pickin and choosin along the way. Even Mohammad Ali did some pickin and choosin along the way...so the articule was ok up to the point that the initials God let his ego trip fantastic and allowed his hurt feelings because Slaughterhouse stole his thunder and signed someone this "Syn" org wanted...oh OW my PU33y hurts! Kinda seems like he crying over org owner tactics that WORKED and trying to use his soapbox as a place to pick apart the methods thru twisted logic. MUST be a Democrat ! But I may have missed part of his TRUE purpose of crying because it almost seems like he upset at Grunge as well... How DARE YOU sign with another org Grunge!! You so BAD! and the initials God has declared u to "never be looked upon as one of the greats"....but I happen to think u ALL MAN for standing up to a GOD on a soapbox and doing what YOU want to do and not give a damn what the initials God thinks or says....kinda feel like we twins in that way...Hope to run into u someday...never heard of u until now... Speaking of someone I never heard of...this "syn" is an org yes? From what the initials God said early in his rant...Im thinking its an org. Never heard of it but apparently the initials GOD seems to think its pretty awesome??? Maybe someday I will run into it as well...Hey Grunge maybe u an me go tag-team "syn" eh? Sure dont want to run into the initials GOD tho...he might make a post in the forums about US ! OMG! I think I got yellow water running down my leg.... as usual...I wont be returning to see what the initials GOD scumbag suckup followers have to say about my post...cause I simply dont care. That means I got the last word...and by ur own rules that means I win...LMAO
  20. so seldom I arrive in these forums that I almost forget the stupidity I ALWAYS find here. I read the TWW News Christmas edition written by some KBG or GSM or something? and found it vaguely interesting until the last part which was out of place and obvious stupider that the usual I find here...lets review it with a clear mind... WAIT !! I almost forgot where I am so cancel the clear mind part and lets just review.... The Ego Initials writer KGB or whatever says, Surely the Org Owner, JJ Tycooner, would be disgusted with this request, nay, this demand? Well, the plot thickens even further now as it turns out that as part of the deal to sign Tommy Grunge to his org Slaughterhouse, JJ Tycooner told him he could in fact choose all of his own fights! OK now Im confused...seems he is saying the deal was some fighter can choose his own fights...and? thats some sort of issue? Strange to a clear minded person...since it takes the OTHER manager to agree...so who gives a rats ass who "chooses" the fights? I find this fairly common and have several times just this month seen Champs decline fights for various reasons from the other fighter just joined the org (which dont mean crap when in an age restricted org) to needs more training WHO DONT? Bit nobody says anything about that and its basically the same thing. From what I can see there really is no issue here... Most will agree that a Champ dont decline fights...And if he does...without a damned good reason he should be stripped of the belt...so letting him CHOOSE dont seem all that big a deal since the other manager has every right to decline. Also the argument becomes twisted when u consider KGB then starts saying other top fighter will go to that org to fight Tommy Grunge...ok so thats a bit twisted it seems...and then he ends with what is likely the REAL reason behind this silly add-on to an Christmas Edition post...turns out its the COMPETITION tactics he really worried about...that Slaughterhouse will get a load of top fighters signed...oh now THAT sounds like truth to me and rings true and clear...no twists involved there ! And this KGB guy now things he is the GOD who decides what shows an org in a bad light...and then goes so far as to declare it "brings into question the legitimacy of his record" and then adds his GOD-view of the future and states "which we can safely say will never be looked upon as one of the greats.". WOW what EGO ! And it continues! His GOD-ship then declares that Grunge "claimed he would become picky of who he fights should he lose, something that no fighter, or manager, would ever do if they want to even come close to being an all time great." OMG this happens ALL THE TIME in real life as well as this game and he thinks HE is the decider on if such is appropriate or if it can be considered for someone to become even close to an all-time great...seems to me the simple roy jones vs Paciao drama had plenty of declines and BOTH are closer than "close" to all time greats. Seems to me damn near EVERY "all-time great" did some pickin and choosin along the way. Even Mohammad Ali did some pickin and choosin along the way...so the articule was ok up to the point that the initials God let his ego trip fantastic and allowed his hurt feelings because Slaughterhouse stole his thunder and signed someone this "Syn" org wanted...oh OW my PU33y hurts! Kinda seems like he crying over org owner tactics that WORKED and trying to use his soapbox as a place to pick apart the methods thru twisted logic. MUST be a Democrat ! But I may have missed part of his TRUE purpose of crying because it almost seems like he upset at Grunge as well... How DARE YOU sign with another org Grunge!! You so BAD! and the initials God has declared u to "never be looked upon as one of the greats"....but I happen to think u ALL MAN for standing up to a GOD on a soapbox and doing what YOU want to do and not give a damn what the initials God thinks or says....kinda feel like we twins in that way...Hope to run into u someday...never heard of u until now... Speaking of someone I never heard of...this "syn" is an org yes? From what the initials God said early in his rant...Im thinking its an org. Never heard of it but apparently the initials GOD seems to think its pretty awesome??? Maybe someday I will run into it as well...Hey Grunge maybe u an me go tag-team "syn" eh? Sure dont want to run into the initials GOD tho...he might make a post in the forums about US ! OMG! I think I got yellow water running down my leg.... as usual...I wont be returning to see what the initials GOD scumbag suckup followers have to say about my post...cause I simply dont care. That means I got the last word...and by ur own rules that means I win...LMAO
  21. 1stly I have been impressed by the operation of the NY Kids GAMMA org in New York that has sucessfully linked a vital part of the GAMMA chain of orgs and has received/transferred DOZENS of fighters and still manages to provide fair fights and advancement opportunities to fighters, despite also having changed ownership this year. 2nd Despite ownership change, Tradition Fight Club has ALWAYS been a great org since its beginning. And as proof... the simple fact it has survived as a stand-alone org in Vegas where so many of the best orgs are, and so many have failed and vanished this year, speaks loudly. 3rdly Ultimate Pit Fighting (260K+ ID) in Hilo has shown flexibility and focus not ONLY on the org making money like so many orgs...but also consider the fighter when they consider matchups.
  22. Grump

    fighter list

    I think when u go to a manger profile page u should have a button/link that u can click will show a list of the fighters he CURRENTLY has...and perhaps also those he USED to have? Oh sure I know...u can surf the view all on the recents events but thats difficult to spot each fighter and might miss one or 3 of them and its cluttered with other stuff...Im talking a straight out clear list somewhat like the one the manager sees when he uses the My fighters on his profile page. This would be useful for recruiting or sponsorship purposes when an org recruiter or sponsor wishes to see what other fighters a manager has in case he wants to recruit or sponsor ALL or at least those available fighters to a specific manager...Also useful in general...perhaps if someone u wanna spank...u can see WHERE the fighters are and what org they signed with...so u can get ur fighter in that org and then get a fight with his fighters...
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