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Everything posted by VibeBox

  1. @BlutnedDaily: You really need to read up on the radical improvements in growing that have been made in the last 20 years or so, and is still ongoing today in places like East Coast US. Your facts are just wrong man.
  2. I know there are plenty of strains people have chosen to call Purple Haze, but most people think they are talking about the same strain popular in the 60s. That specific strain is no more, these new ones are not the same thing. That's not to say they are not as good, in fact new strains are just outright better no matter what old hippies say. They were basically smoking skank back then. What they used to think of as "the best shit" is really just mids by modern definitions.
  3. @ Heinen: I think we mostly agree here. I am not advocating that Mike have a "Here is the updates timeline" list on the front page, but rather that he choose to either give a (very) rough timeline, or simply not talk about what he is working on until it is ready. I feel a lot of the anger was generated by a general feeling that this was a change coming in the long term, then being sort of "sprung". If more frequent updates had been given perhaps it would have been better, but as Mike said it was a problem he recently solved and I agree that time is of the essence in instituting this particular change. For future changes though I would say the best course would be to say nothing, then simply make the changes and announce then explain them. It avoids a lot of second guessing and "backseat coding" if you will.
  4. A Quick Note: I am not even actually looking for a response here Mike. I understand if you don't want to post in here and have another argument start with people's responses. I only ask only that read this and give it consideration in the future. Thanks again for all your great work, and I look forward to seeing your new training system. : -)
  5. First and foremost I would like to say that I appreciate Mike's efforts on this game, and thank him for creating it. This is not an attempt to ridicule or berate him, I am merely commenting on recent activity and trying to give input and constructive criticism for the health of the game, and more specifically the community. I am a believer in Benevolent Dictators. I fully acknowledge and support Mike's right to do as he sees fit even in the face of broad disagreement. However, I also believe that with this power comes a responsibility to engage in Open, Honest, and Rational discourse. While I certainly appreciate the efforts Mike has made on this front (and frankly find them a refreshing change from the disconnect many game developers and administrators have with their community, I must admit I was disappointed by some of the actions and comments made by both Mike and the community in the "Sparring Changes" thread. I thought long and hard about whether to make this post, or send a PM to Mike, or to simply do nothing. Call it hubris if you like, but I decided to air this out in public because I feel in some way qualified to play an arbitrating role in this case, as it lies on an intersection of two areas of my particular expertise. Namely Game Theory/Game Development, and Governance. I will begin by stating my basic stance. I support the changes to the game, but take great issue the manner in which they have been "rolled out". Mike has the unique authority to determine at what pace he wishes the game to advance, and given as much, has every right to nerf sparring if he sees fit to, as well as implement change in Training Schedules. This brings me to my first issue though. For some time now Mike, you have been actively soliciting input and outright Votes on issues like "Should fighters of Multi Accounts be Retired, or put into Free Agency" and "Should Managers be allowed to own two companies to stabilize things after MultiGate". You set a precedent for a sort of limited Democratization of decisions that directly impacted players. This is your prerogative, and you have every right to do so, and every right to then choose unilateral decision making in other cases. What you do not have the right to do is to act and speak with cavalier indignation at the insistence from certain members of the community that an important issue be put to vote. You have lead them to believe they can expect this to be the case, and now have taken a hard line and aggressive stance against it. People want consistency, and if you do not want extensive arguments and hurt feelings every time you institute a change you need to deliver it. I am not saying this because I think you should operate in one way or another, I am only trying to help you avoid these kind of pissy arguments that you clearly have a distaste for becoming the default reaction to every change. Make no mistake, on the current course that is the likeliest outcome. I understand you intend to make frequent changes and wish for the game to be constantly evolving. I like this, and am glad you will be taking an active and thoughtful approach to the game instead of letting it stagnate. However, you must set the terms of these changes now, and stick to that format in the future if you want to avoid this kind of forum drama and argument. That brings me to my next point. I'm going to be blunt, and I hope you take it as the constructive criticism I mean it to be, and not a personal attack. Your timing was shitty, as was your attitude. You display the problem yourself right here. Five months is a long time. Longer than many people have even been around. While I am sure you gave multiple warnings about the changes, I have not once seen even a vague timeline for their implementation. (A brief aside: As I said, I have not been around long so if specific timelines were given I apologize for my error, but I feel my basic point stand because of the lack of specific information I have been able to gather in this regard, and poorly distributed information might as well be no information at all) Again, I acknowledge and support your right to do whatever you want, and if that means not giving a rough timeline then so be it. I feel the problem arises when, and I believe this is very close to the heart of the matter, you give only enough information for people to be confused, curious, and annoyed. You actually address this issue a bit in a later post. I appreciate your effort at communicate here, but my issue with it remains the same. You were right to assert that putting the current changes off and giving warning would have pointless. However, I feel you were wrong to give this one week's warning in the first place. Telling people only that "A change is coming next week" without even knowing yourself what the exact details of it would be was simply asking to be bitched at for a week. If you has simply waited until you were ready to make the changes, made them, then made a single authoritative post on the front page about it not only would you have had less people whining at you in a random thread, but I also wouldn't be writing this right now. I'd be posting in a thread something along the lines of "It's Mike's game, he made the decision, I support it, now let's start figuring it out as much as possible". Instead you responded to a random thread, dropped what is essentially a very large announcement with no further explanation (because you really aren't yet equipped to answer the questions people were obviously going to have) and turned this into what degraded into a bitchfest, then acted with disregard for the concerns of the people who are essentially "fans" of your work. I think that previous post I quoted from page 2 yesterday displays this perfectly. It would have "mattered" because as you said yourself later people would have been able to address specific issues they have with the changes rather than fear the suppositions that occur in the absence of information. Better yet, they may have found they didn't have major concerns once they saw the details up front and in full. The second part of this post was downright cranky and angry. There is no nice way to say this. If you aren't going to be able to deal calmly with people who disagree with your decisions...Don't. Just don't responded. You put yourself into this bad situation, and then became disturbingly annoyed by it, as though it were not of your own doing, and everyone with questions was simply making a big deal out of nothing just to break your balls. Frankly, you came off as arrogant and spiteful. I don't really think that's the kind of guy you are, I'm willing to bet your not happy about how things went yesterday. I'm just trying to help you avoid similar instances in the future. I'd like to give you a specific example of where more judicious information dissemination could have avoided an issue. It was posted in the thread yesterday that older fighters would now be an order of magnitude better than new fighters. So much so, the fear runs, that there will now be a serious divide between the two, creating a schism between Fight Orgs that have these older fighter, and those that do not. This is a fear I share btw, but it could be easily avoided or curbed with another piece of information mentioned in that thread. If you would simply give a more detailed timeline of how long these older "Super fighters" are going to last now (or more specifically if you had addressed this issue in your single authoritative explanation I suggested before) people would have a better idea of what they were dealing with, and would probably be a little less hysterical. (Though I admit, there will still be hysterics, and as I said, you're just going to have to learn to deal with that or ignore it) There is one last thing I'd like to address. Your final post yesterday before merging and closing the threads. First of all, I completely disagree with your decision to close them. If you wanted to walk away from them and stop responding after giving your final word on the subject, that would have been fine, and indeed my suggestion would be that you should have done it much sooner. Closing it down, and closing another thread meant to discuss it amongst ourselves was an egregious error. If you don't like the tone in threads or the way you are being treated, then the way to punish these transgressions is to not engage with those you feel are disrespecting you. Make it known your presence and activity in the community are privileges that will be lost if the behavior continues. Trying to quash descent with brute force NEVER WORKS. It will only breed discontent, and cause more of the same kind of events in the future. (That is also why I hope very much that you do not choose to simply lock this thread) You said yourself that this argument yesterday cost you time with your family. (Congrats on the upcoming Anniversary btw) I just want to help you develop methods of discourse that will avoid this pattern you yourself noted of cyclical "abuse" to you every time major changes are introduced. Yesterday was your Vietnam, you escalated a conflict instead of pulling out. I want to help you avoid an Iraq in the future. This post is getting ridiculously long so I'll wrap up. In summation, my advice is as follows: 1. Be decisive and assertive about major decisions. Give all the information about these things at one time, preferable in a front page post that can be referred back to easily, and not sprinkled about in various forum threads. 2. Be judicious about the information you divulge. This doesn't mean less info, in fact I would say it means more. Try to think about what info will be fun for people to try to figure out about the game, and what info will help keep the peace by allaying fears. 3. Take it easy. We all appreciate your willingness to be active with us and answer question, but not every thread deserves an immediate response, and you should not have to be at our beck and call. Movie night with the wife is more important than answering a question that could just as easily be answered tomorrow. : -) 4. Try not to let people get to you on the forums. You've stated very plainly that you will not take abuse, so in the future, just state you are unhappy with the tone and walk away. Mike, I think you're a smart guy and a good game developer. I have faith in your ability to steward this game and continue to implement postive changes in it. All I'm saying is you need to work on your PR, and I want to help in that regard. I sincerely hope you won't view this as more "abuse".
  6. Not trying to be a dick, but just so you know the actual strain known as "Purple Haze" is extinct. Whoever says they have it is just slapping that name on. Most strain names are just tacked on to sell better unless you are either buying from the grower or live somewhere sweet. You have my sympathies about those prices man. : -( I can't wait to move to Oregon. It's gonna be like living in a sane country. btw, if any of you are on the Grasscity forums shoot me a PM and we can chat over there too. : -)
  7. Doctor: What seems to be the problem? You: I have chronic pain. I need an MMJ card. Doctor: It just so happens I came have a form for that right here. Don't forget to pay for this session on the way out. : -) You: <busy running toward a dispensary> I really can't wait to move to the East Coast. It'll be like living in a sane country.
  8. If only I'd come to Tycoon sooner. : -( Really hope this goes well so I can be in next time!
  9. ; -p Nah, I really don't care much about the money, only the testing. But since PSU answered one for us already, and I only have one other suggestion that isn't a "Male Enhancement" commercial, I'll hold of on doing this for now. But if anyone has ideas in the future feel free to necro this thread or PM.
  10. In chat a few days ago someone mentioned a theory about Cardio not being nearly as affected by low Energy during training, ie you could literally just spam Cardio training on a new fighter with high Q supps and get nearly the same result. My immediate reaction was of course "nowai!", but then I thought "Hell, how would I know?" I've literally just been going on what the (sometimes unreliable) wiki and word of mouth on forums/chat say. Regardless of whether that particular theory has been tested, I got to wondering if there were other similar things that haven't. Being the man of science I am, I find the urge to create a fighter purely for purposes of experimenting nearly irresistible. I would be willing to use one of my slots for this purpose if others are interested in a join scientific venture and can provide A.) More testable theories, and B.) Funding for the fighter. (I am poor) Just thought I'd see if anyone else would be interested. You could have Exclusive Data! : -o
  11. You should look into the services we offer at "VibeBox's School 'O Clinch Him To Death!" On a more serious note, as has been said there are just to many factors to judge the Clinch by one fight. In my limited experience it actually seems the Clinch is undervalued.
  12. I actually doubled up from the paltry 500 I started with to just under 1k. Then I got stupid and lost it all again. Broke even, but because of the ability to cash right back out with no penalty there is quite the possibility to do decently at this game by just staking max and cashing out if the number isn't good. Eventually about 1 in 5 or so gives you a string of easy numbers (ie 2,47,8,48) then just cashing out at the first number that comes up between 15 and 35. Tedious, but potentially effective.
  13. Oh Could have swore someone said it was a new feature in chat. ;
  14. 7 for me. About 3 of them are actually fighting even though they shouldn't be. 3 actual promising project guys. I know in my heart I will shell out the 40 bucks for the extra slots eventually. : -/ /newbpost
  15. Also helpful is the new ability to see all Fighters in an Org listed by their WC. Very nice for deciding which WC to make a new fighter for, or gauging the health of a WC in an org you are thinking of signing with.
  16. Semi-Related One of my favorite bits of humor on Tycoon is when you go to create a company and it specifically urges you to reconsider if you're "stoned". Mike knows his audience I think. : -P
  17. Lots of people. They fail at life. A lot like this thread.
  18. VibeBox

    Supp Timing

    This update came in chat the other day: "<Josh_W> Ok, confirmation from Mike, the supplements are checked at the end of each training session and deprecated by .5 in the system. So yes, you can switch supplements out after a training session and use a different supp for your afternoon session and it will show 12.5 days left on each one or something like that. It currently doesn't show the .5s, but.."
  19. VibeBox

    Supp Timing

    Ok, so a Sup is only taken at the moment of use? Ok, good to know. I think I'll make a Wiki page on Using Supps, as it is a bit vague. I really wish you could just set which sups to take for each training session or day through the week. : -(
  20. VibeBox

    Supp Timing

    Hey everyone. I've checked the Wiki and searched the forums, but I was unable to find a specific answer to this question. Lets say I have a fighter who is training Cardio in the AM and resting in PM. I have him on Stamina Supp obv, but I'm wondering if I take him off the Supp minutes after the AM training, will he still get the benefits of it, or foes he need to be on it all day? If he doesn't need to be on it all day, what if I had that same fighter training Cardio in AM and Weights in PM. Can I switch the Supp moments after the AM training to a Muscle Bulk, or will that just put him on one or the other for the whole day. If I go to sleep before the PM training and won't wake up until after midnight, is my fighter doomed to waste a day's Supp because of unfortunate timing? I guess the basic question is "How long in real time does a fighter need to be "Taking" a supp under possessions for him to actually take it".
  21. If no one has bought this from you by the time you read this and you want to get rid of it quick PM me and I'll become its Steward. I will extract a modest sum for this service, and seek out a competent and worthy manager. Hope everything is ok man.
  22. Not trying to be pithy, just pointing out that I did make a thread for this very purpose. : -) http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5543 Glad to hear you may be able to turn a loser around. With Remarkable MT I'd say give him some Wrestling to help him keep in on the feet. Though I noticed he has a lot of KO losses so maybe some Striking D is in order as well.
  23. As j666 posted the double underhooks is also a Muay clinch. I think a lot of people assume that the "Plum Clinch" (which is best used with hands on back of head, not the neck) they see people use is the only one, but there are at least 3 or 4 different clinches used in Muay Thai. I'm not sure if the game engine takes it into account, but I think that Muay Thai and Clinchwork should contribute to Takedown O and D. Though I'd settle for Mike adding Judo! B-)
  24. VibeBox


    These days I prefer a drug that doesn't have the luxury of being legal like alcohol. Back when I did drink though it was usually Rum and Coke at parties or small gatherings.
  25. Haha, I wish Mike had confirmed this as the official explanation. : -P
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