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  1. What do you think about this belt and t shirt? if anyone wants to add any clothing from this topic, send me a pm in game if anyone wants that belt in a org, let me know what i should change?
  2. http://mmatycoon.com/images/company_banners/1390909503nippon_outfitters_banner.jpg We are a fairly new clothing company in Tokyo. We have great things in mind for the future. This company is the result of a mix of ideas from myself, Kojiro Sasaki and Senzo Tanaka. Nippon Outfitters offers great affordable products. We also make custom skins and avatars. For more info about custom products, you can contact Kojiro Sasaki. We guarantee that you'll be very pleased with all of our products. If you have any questions, please contact one of us three founders. Please suscribe to our mailing list to get info about new products. NIPPON OUTFITTERS ( http://mmatycoon.com/clothingpublic.php?cid=4135 )
  3. Tokyo United Fightwear is pleased to announce the launch of new Hardcore fight shorts for only $20 and a new shirt, the awesome TUF Splatter Skull for only $25 and TUF Mother Shirt only $10 - http://www.mmatycoon...ic.php?cid=3959
  4. *I was awakened this morning by an odd phone call. It was Battou Khan, of all people* ...*click*... *I wasn't sure what that was all about or where that came from. I haven't spoken to Battou in quite some time. He sounded very sad though...it was weird. I went about my morning and was finally set to leave the house. I needed coffee in a big way and my boss was on my case about not getting the Danny Power/Otso Jokinen story he wanted. I had some sucking up to do but first, I needed Starbucks and a quick trip off The Strip. I arrived at Muchacho's old apartment but was berated by some portly slumlord. He was clearly upset with the disappearance of Sonny and the emergence of me. After the verbal abuse, I decided to run over to the old shop. As I was heading up the street, I got a text...an unusual text from an unusual person. What was with today?* *What in the hell was going on? This was getting way to weird to deal with. I sipped my coffee and pulled over. Suddenly my curiosity was at an all-time high. Why, out of nowhere, did two former owners of the same company just contact me...on the same day even? I called my boss and told him I wasn't coming in, I had another story in mind...* ...*click*... *I had what I wanted. I knew once I got to the bottom of this, I could then take on another huge story my boss doesn't know about... SYN/IMMA/ASC/EMP coming together in some sort of consortium, conglomerate, collusion, cahoots...you name it, they did it and the face of MMA will never be the same...but for right now, I had bigger fish to fry. I took off from the parking lot I had pulled over in and as I drove, I called JBomb to see if he knew anything...no answer. He must have been out late with the Convicted Crew last night. I tried calling Chuck W but no answer there. He's so busy with Empire though... Sabotage Inc. is about as hard to find as Sonny. They're a shell of themselves and are barely even functioning as an alliance. It probably wouldn't do me any good to call one of them. I was on my own and I was going to have to do this the hard way. Luckily for me, I wasn't always a reporter... I arrived at the dilapidation known as Hellbent Clothing Co. and was immediately taken back. This once great giant was nothing but a deconstructed hovel now...windows broken, bricks on the corner just falling into the alley, graffiti and garbage everywhere...I was beginning to wonder myself: how could Sonny let this happen? I walked around to the back of the store, making sure no one saw me. I doubt anyone paid any attention to this rubble but still, it's always good to be cautious in this type of situation. When I got to the window, one of the few that wasn't broken, I noticed the wires for the alarm system. This must be why the store hasn't been completely ransacked. Anyone can bust out windows and quite a few can pry through the metal bars...but few can navigate an alarm system like this and I was one of those few. It took me awhile, mostly due to rustiness in skill but I finally entered the building and made my way to the alarm box to fully disarm. I either had 60 seconds to figure out the passcode, otherwise the police would be notified, or I could disconnect the entire system. I figured the disconnect would take longer and went for the pin pad...just a shot in the dark told me to type in "420666"... The light flashed green three times but I hadn't typed anything yet...what was going on? The alarm wasn't armed at all? Why not? I could have sworn that... ...*ratchet*... I heard one of the most fearsome sounds as the hair on the back of my neck stood at attention. If the sound didn't give it away, the huge, cold barrell against my temple did...shotgun. It was dark and I couldn't really turn towards my assailant so I spoke out...* Reporter: "Hey man, it's cool. I'm not tryin' to steal anything...just lookin' for Sonny Muchacho...Sonny?...Is that you?..." ...*white light*... *I came to and was tied to an office chair. I think I was in the office, still in the store...my head hurt like hell. I've only felt fear like this once before and that ended up being a joke. This was no joke, this was dead serious. While regaining my senses, I counted about 10 men, all clad in black, body armor, gasmasks and all types of weapons. A few of them were running all over the store, very busy. Two of them argued over the alarm system. I think they were re-installing it. The leader was on the phone, pacing... He looked over and walked toward me.* Reporter: "Look, man...if you just let me get out of here...I...I, I got nothin' to do with this and I didn't see nothin'...just let me go... please? C'mon man..." *He didn't say a word. Suddenly the lights came on, as did the air conditioning. A few of the men yelled out in approval, some slapped five. The leader just stood there, head cocked, looking up to the ceiling. Finally, he took off his mask...I was surprised to see an old friend... Reporter: "JBomb!? What the fuck is...? What are you...? What the fuck!?" JBomb: "Dude...I can't let you go yet. We ain't gonna hurt ya...but I got a job for you...wait here."...*walks away*... *I'm no genius by any means, but it looked like the other guys were...setting up shop? What was going on here? Why was JBomb involved in...whatever it was that was happening? Minark too? Minark was here? It was becoming very clear that this was a Convicted job. I wondered who else was here, concealed by masks...suddenly Avon Barksdale burst through the front doors with Chris Karter. Karter: "J! We're good out front yo!" Barksdale: "Back n' alley set up too! Window crew comes in tomorrow, cleanin' ladies in tonight...you straight now!" JBomb: "Shit yeah! Ay Clever...we good to go yet!?" Clever:...*looks up from a desk in the back*..."Not yet...gimme about 20 more minutes!"...*dives back into the computer*... JBomb: "Alright...we're almost there guys, let's keep it movin'!" Karter: "What about this guy!?"...*points to the reporter*... JBomb: "Oh...yeah..." Karter: "Should I call Manuel?" JBomb: "Naw, dude...I got an idea..."...*hands over video recorder*... Reporter: "What am I doing with this?" JBomb: "Record me. You're going to leak this to the press...break it..." Reporter: "Break what?" JBomb:...*sighs*..."Hit record, dude." Reporter:...*presses record button*..."There..." ...*Barksdale and Karter leave and Minark walks over*... JBomb: "You're breaking this hostile takeover!" Reporter: "Takeover!?" JBomb: "Yes...we're taking over Hellbent Clothing Co.! We ain't givin' it back until Sonny comes back to sell or restore it to it's proper place! We're not lookin' to be number one or make a grip of cash...we got cash n' we got clothes! This is about takin' a major piece of history that has been neglected for far too long! We got all old designs and I been makin' new designs, too! Hellbent is back! Tell everyone you know! This shit is taken over...it's The Takeover!" Reporter: "What about the police?" JBomb: "Fuck the police! Let 'em come and stop us! We got this place on lock n' we ain't goin' out without a fight! MMA needs this! Las Vegas needs this! The world needs this!" Clever: "J! We're up and running partner!" JBomb: "There ya go!" Minark: "BOOOOM!" JBomb: "Once we get this joint picked up and repaired, it's on...an all new Hellbent! Better than ever, new and improved! We bringin the old school Meet n' Greets, The Sunday Special, Thursday Barbecue, The Backroom...and sponsors galore people! All you up n' coming fighters, hit us up for a sponsorship asap (send fighter ID to 3976), we'll get ya covered! Now spread that shit like wildfire!" Reporter: "Anything else you wanna say!?" JBomb: "Yeah...this is for Mickey Knuckles who called me a week ago!" Reporter: "I KNEW IT!" JBomb: It's goin' out to Battou Khan, Chuck W and Sonny Muchacho...Sonny, if you see this shit, get your ass back to Vegas, dude! Run this shit the way it's supposed to be or sell it to me, homie! We want you back! We out, dude..." *I turned off the video camera and just had to crack a smile even though I was still bewildered and in quite a bit of pain. What did I just witness? A jack? A heist? Had Robin Hood just come to life? I handed the camera back to JBomb and he took out the memory card and handed it to me...* JBomb: "Do your thing, dude." Reporter:...*takes the card*..."I will J, promise." JBomb: "Oh dude...remember...it's called Takeover." *JBomb walked off barking orders and I made my way to the front door. I couldn't help but think that something good was going to come from something so crazy...it's happened before. This was a good thing...for Mickey, for Vegas...for MMA.*
  5. Hi all MMAtycoon fan. . I am new to the game, and I need money like all other new managers, so I decided to open a store. I hope it can afford my fighters expenses, and if the store will be a success I dream of helping other new player in the game who is in the same situation like me. I hope you will take a look at my homepage http://bosore.wix.com/tab-out-sport iam proud i just made it, and here you can see some of my drawings and design I have made so far. - I hope you like it. I do my own design, some I do with computer program, but I best like drawing in the old fashion style with paper and pencil(charcoals). I do my best, but there is always something there can be better in a new drawing, so it can be hard to finish etc a design. If you like to have you own custom design, I will gladly try my best to meet you request, just remember I am far from pro, and I don’t even have paint shop or others license editor program. But there are lot of free outside and many of them aint bad at all, you should try them :-) If you have some comment then please let me know Thanks to Maveriq and thanks to purpose.. link to store http://mmatycoon.com...ic.php?cid=3707 Bo Sørensen
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