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Fight Engine Improvements


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yep, i completely agree. from what mikes says, aggressive is the way to go. why you wouldnt go 100% aggressive beats the hell out of me?.....it's going to take all scouting out of it and just make it a standard skills contest. it plainly states that as long as the aggressive fighter has varied strikes that he'll win. so it seems pretty cut and dry to me


just train punches, kicks, boxing and muay thai and then set your slider to aggressive and 50/50 down the board so that have 100% varied strikes and there's nothing else to it.....


honestly, i cant believe that shit whorra has actually been able to persuade mike into sucking the dot on his forehead, but he has (and that is NOT a racist remark towards shit whorra or any markings, moles, dots or anything else that may or may not be in the middle of his face :sad01_anim:. just a commonly used expression)


Why would you throw such a shortsighted, uneducated statement out there? When has any game tweak been so one sided like that?

You have guys in 100% counter landing 200/200 strikes, doing no damage, you can't take them down, you can't clinch them.... and they are winning fights like that. Guys that are 100% counter are making guys that are 80% counter look reckless.

I had a guy lose last night. He was 80% counter. "sloppy, off balance, falling down" of his 0/21 strikes landed and 0/20 clinch attempts, he was struck 17/21x all by counter. No damage done, No cuts, never even a statement about being tired- just loses a weak ass decision in a super boring fight? Is that the game you want?


Quit being so selfish.

"waaah, counter won't be uber anymore, someome might actually win an occasional fight being more aggressive"

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Why do people keep claiming Machida is this 100% counter guru?


There was nothing "counter" at all in






two of his most famous fights, and he is the one initiating contact in both.

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Why would you throw such a shortsighted, uneducated statement out there? When has any game tweak been so one sided like that?

You have guys in 100% counter landing 200/200 strikes, doing no damage, you can't take them down, you can't clinch them.... and they are winning fights like that. Guys that are 100% counter are making guys that are 80% counter look reckless.

I had a guy lose last night. He was 80% counter. "sloppy, off balance, falling down" of his 0/21 strikes landed and 0/20 clinch attempts, he was struck 17/21x all by counter. No damage done, No cuts, never even a statement about being tired- just loses a weak ass decision in a super boring fight? Is that the game you want?


Quit being so selfish.

"waaah, counter won't be uber anymore, someome might actually win an occasional fight being more aggressive"

just putting it all out there man. sorry you miss the points behind it.



i told you what the problem is. "the more you do something the better it works". that's what happened in your fight wasnt it? you went 80% and your opponent WENT MORE, and you lost to it. i cant make it any clearer than that.....but that's the difference between what i believe is actually tyring to help the game, and what shit whorra does. because shit whorra doesnt actually try to help fix the issues that cause the problems. he just tries to shift the balance of power over to fit HIS particular style of fighter. not really focusing at all on what actually needs to happen to make the game function better

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just putting it all out there man. sorry you miss the points behind it.



i told you what the problem is. "the more you do something the better it works". that's what happened in your fight wasnt it? you went 80% and your opponent WENT MORE, and you lost to it. i cant make it any clearer than that.....but that's the difference between what i believe is actually tyring to help the game, and what shit whorra does. because shit whorra doesnt actually try to help fix the issues that cause the problems. he just tries to shift the balance of power over to fit HIS particular style of fighter. not really focusing at all on what actually needs to happen to make the game function better


So what you're saying is that people going higher counter than their opponent should win most of the time?

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So what you're saying is that people going higher counter than their opponent should win most of the time?

no, im saying that that is where the problem stems from

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I am very much in favor of these changes, think they are damn cool.

Hope they work out as well as they sound.


The only issue i have with it, is the change to the effectivity of the tall fighters.

I know that it is from a selfish point of view, but i find it pretty crap to have my tall fighters effectiveness cut, without having any chance to modify the fighter according to the changes.


When i built my fighter for the Blitz TUM tourney, I built a long fucker,, but before the tourney even starts he has already been cut down in "size", in relation to the the size effectiveness, meaning if this info had been available a few days earlier, i would have built him differently,, e.g. a bit shorter.


That pretty much sucks to me. :(


But as i said, this is a selfish point of view, and i do agree with the changes, even if they hit me hard in that sense.

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And we all agree. I don't see why fixing that is a bad thing.

not a bad thing....only issue i have is when ppl say that 100% counter is unbeatable. that's irritating. because it is very beatable. i have no problems if mike chooses to switch up his game. but doing it because ppl say that one strategy is unbeatable when it's not, isnt the way to go.


yea, is counter stronger than aggressive in most cases? yes. but is counter a 100% win against ALL strategies? not even close.


i've always been a component for letting things sort themselves out. because they will. just like when high counter/control on the ground was the thing to do. i knew how to beat it before anybody (cocky, but true). why? because i took chances (losses) to learn and figure things out. then when ppl come to the forums and cry things are broken when they've never even ventured into the idea of trying anything besides what they've always done and when they keep getting the same results and dont understand why, they complain.


it's just like with the training changes. how many times did ppl complain they didnt like the changes and they werent working for them and then when mike checked their training schedules they hadnt even attempted to adapt to it? several times i remember. so i wouldnt put much stock into what ppl say on the forums. because chances are they havent even tried to adapt.....


my point is that just like with counter/control on the ground, everybody was complaining that it was unbeatable. i think there were actually 3 threads created about it at the same time in the improvements section of the forums it was apparently such a big issue. but in all reality counter/contol on the ground was the easiest strategy ever to beat. do you realize that? it was actually almost a flaw in the game because it WAS so easy to beat. it just took ppl trying different things that they hadnt tried before.....just as i said before, i've faced another manager on this game that has beat me 100% of our fights when i've used 100% counter. if we faced one another again would i use 100% counter against him? no way in hell. it would be another loss for sure. because he's figured out how to beat it

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not a bad thing....only issue i have is when ppl say that 100% counter is unbeatable. that's irritating. because it is very beatable. i have no problems if mike chooses to switch up his game. but doing it because ppl say that one strategy is unbeatable when it's not, isnt the way to go.


yea, is counter stronger than aggressive in most cases? yes. but is counter a 100% win against ALL strategies? not even close.


i've always been a component for letting things sort themselves out. because they will. just like when high counter/control on the ground was the thing to do. i knew how to beat it before anybody (cocky, but true). why? because i took chances (losses) to learn and figure things out. then when ppl come to the forums and cry things are broken when they've never even ventured into the idea of trying anything besides what they've always done and when they keep getting the same results and dont understand why, they complain.


it's just like with the training changes. how many times did ppl complain they didnt like the changes and they werent working for them and then when mike checked their training schedules they hadnt even attempted to adapt to it? several times i remember. so i wouldnt put much stock into what ppl say on the forums. because chances are they havent even tried to adapt.....


my point is that just like with counter/control on the ground, everybody was complaining that it was unbeatable. i think there were actually 3 threads created about it at the same time in the improvements section of the forums it was apparently such a big issue. but in all reality counter/contol on the ground was the easiest strategy ever to beat. do you realize that? it was actually almost a flaw in the game because it WAS so easy to beat. it just took ppl trying different things that they hadnt tried before.....just as i said before, i've faced another manager on this game that has beat me 100% of our fights when i've used 100% counter. if we faced one another again would i use 100% counter against him? no way in hell. it would be another loss for sure. because he's figured out how to beat it


It's not 100% unbeatable, but it's ridiculously broken right now.


Counter\control got nerfed, bro. Your ascent to the top didn't happen BEFORE that happened.


It was possible to LnP against it, but the problem with that particular tactic was how way inferior grapplers completely neutralized any meaningful offense from a much better one.

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It's not 100% unbeatable, but it's ridiculously broken right now.


Counter\control got nerfed, bro. Your ascent to the top didn't happen BEFORE that happened.


It was possible to LnP against it, but the problem with that particular tactic was how way inferior grapplers completely neutralized any meaningful offense from a much better one.

lol what? that change happened in april. i really started beating EVERYBODY in september of last year? it just takes forever to move up in this game because fights come around so slowly. i remember telling my partner at the time, dexter dalit, in middle of last year that i was gonna be top 10. it would just be a matter of time. i didnt know that it would take THAT much time. but yea, go back through and look at the losses i've taken since last summer. under 15 i'd bet. go back through and look at the losses i'd taken from january to april. two losses i believe.


but anyways, in my opinion, all mike did when he changed the ground game was make it so that instead of scouting your opponent on the ground, you just simply can run (almost) the same strategy for every fight. i've said it ever since the changes happened that the game was much more strategic BEFORE the changes than after....that's what i believe that will happen here as well. as i stated before, it's going to be nothing more than aggressive and varied offense that will make the difference. that's not scouting in my opinion. that's not strategic. that's just training your fighter to do good at punches and kicks and then using the same sliders for each fight. maybe im wrong. hopefully i am

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I think what everyone is forgetting here is that edswarshick and ducky chan are the only ones that have any sort of clue how the sliders work. They are the only managers in this game who have nailed every little variance that us other "pleb" managers wouldn't even have a clue about.


NO FIGHT ENGINE in ANY game will EVER be 100% balanced because even the most brainiest programers can not create an artificial intelligence of our fighters, no amount of mathmatical formulas can ever account of ever situation in a simulated fight all that cam be done is tweaks made to the engine to improve the balance. (which is EXACTLY what is being done now). In 2 months 3 months whatever if more tweaks need to be made to continue to get close to the "balance" then just like ever other time Mike will make the necessary changes.

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I can't wait till the day I can put more project strikers at 95-100% aggression like when i first started playing and actually win fights...100% aggression FTW!!! :)


It's my understanding that 100% aggressive in the new system will not be as fool proof as everyone is making it seem. 100% aggressive against a fighter with amazing strike def and speed will still get countered to death. So go ahead with your 95-100% aggressive and see how it works for you. Mike isn't going to render the counter/aggression slider useless with this change. It's going to mean proper scouting and a gameplan based on your specific fighter.

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Mike isn't going to render the counter/aggression slider useless with this change. It's going to mean proper scouting and a gameplan based on your specific fighter.

i agree with you. i think that mike was at first going to make a hasty change just because he didnt know what all was going on with counter and all the capabilities that it offered. pretty much what he told me was that 100% counter will never work in the future. but he was only going off of what a few ppl informed him about at the time. but i think now that there has become a much bigger stir about the whole situation than at first, and he's taking more time to do it the right way and understanding all the different values of different slider settings. which he should. listenining to just a few ppl on a issue is only going to solve a few ppl's problems. so the more opinions the better

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i agree with you. i think that mike was at first going to make a hasty change just because he didnt know what all was going on with counter and all the capabilities that it offered. pretty much what he told me was that 100% counter will never work in the future. but he was only going off of what a few ppl informed him about at the time. but i think now that there has become a much bigger stir about the whole situation than at first, and he's taking more time to do it the right way and understanding all the different values of different slider settings. which he should. listenining to just a few ppl on a issue is only going to solve a few ppl's problems. so the more opinions the better


Agreed. This is a big change that needs a lot of input from everyoen with some experience on the field.

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I actually used to like this game, but atm I wouldn't be able to tell a friend a reason to start this game. This counter faggotness is just so over the top.


Renewing VIP? If game engine wont be fixed, hell no.


But hey, lets just keep planning housing and other shit from sims. :|


Hmmmm you mustn't read much, the counter IS being fixed, says it all over the forums and says it on the spoiler page too....

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