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change your training in the assistans page for VIP managers


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I was doing my guys training schedual for the week yesterday and I'm ussually doing this with 2 windows open. One assistant page and one gym page open.


I ussually check my assistant first to see what I can pop and what I need to work on and then I change it in the gym pages. But this got me thinking, especially now that you can see the class sizes in the popup where you change what you want to train.


Now how AWESOME would it be to be able to do that in the assistant page? right were you see what your guy is training? just make those clickable with the info from the gym as it is with class sizes and add an update button.


Then I could do all my changes with just the assistant page and not need to open the gym page aswell. I get an easy overlay over what I need to train and also see maintenance.... I see everything!

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Well if it's not doable in assistant page, how about something like an training overview?


Which would contain basically the training area on the gym pages. Just the combo boxes should do the trick as nowadays they show the amount of participants. Still lot of information to fetch, but would definately make it easier to manage the training.

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i got an idea...let's put everything on 1 page. huh, huh? sounds good right?


if having 2 windows open, at the same time, is a pain in the ass...it's a good thing u didn't grow up when i did. lol


Its just a thing to make it simpler, evolution if you may. Before the elevetors there was the stairs. Before the Micro owen you had just the owen. Before there was a remote to tv you had to switch the channels on the tv. Now are all of those things a must or Do they make life better/simpler. You dont need them but you dont mind having then. Same aplies with this. Its easier and more effective which in the End saves you time and if you Do it as often as i Do it becomes a lot of time if you look at it 1-2 years a head. Is it a cant Do without? No but i wouldnt mind having it just like i dont mind having a remote to switch my channels as Its easier and more comfortable.


Anyway mike said its a no go so there is no point in discussing it as it is not happening

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Oki i think I have a solution to the problem.


What if we added an icon to the assistant page just like the onces we already have on the fighter profile with the different info like fight stats, fighter vs records and the mobile view for the slider settings. What if this icon on the assistant page would work the same way?


Meaning that anyone that clicks on the assistant page like they normally would do will not get any extra load time while anyone that wants to be able do adjust the training scheme for all 15 fighters would do so by clicking on the icon and they would get an identical page that loads up but with adjustable training and an update button. So all the people that just want to view the assistant dont get any extra load time while the once that do want to change the training through the assistant page can do so but they are prepaired for the extra long load time for the page.


you could add a save all at the bottom of the page aswell.


Would this approach be more acceptable?

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It would take waaaaaaaaay too long to load the page, I'm afraid. Potentially 15 gyms' info could take about 10 seconds to load every time you wanted to view the assistant, when most of the time you wouldn't even be changing the training.


What about a pop up to only load one fighter's training regimine instead of loading up all your figher's schedule?


Sorta like you have the skill maint. in the tycoon assistant page?

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