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Don’t trust Lance Templeton.

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Just to add to the convo , i've never get any issue with Steel Penn alliance, or any steel penn org.


AH HA! Oh wait a minute....never mind. Nothing to see here folks.....


You are very biased.


I don't think neither I nor Lance have to apologize. Because we are "org manager who keeps fighters in prison and throws them only impossible matchups" and "a cheater who uses ingame glitches" :smile_anim:


I think you're confusing Dead Disney with Gable in this reference. No big deal we've all heard about Gable Cheat Org New York Mad Jelly.

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You really do make your alliance look like shit. If it wasn't for dealing with managers inside your alliance such as Jay Low, Jeff Warbringer and Xyel Pain (i am sure there more decent ones there that iv not dealt with) i would be sure to avoid your alliance like the plague. Ignorance to what? Steel Penn's Dominance in the game? That we should all hail the mighty Steel Penn? Please tell me what i am ignorant too. Because as far as i know i paid 30$ a year to enjoy a game without getting called ignorant by some deluded motherfucker who acts like he is 10.

Sir you are indeed ignorant to rant and rave with the hate you show towards me and you dont even know me, never dealt with me either. Any idea why the managers you talk of in my alliance deal with me? Its becoase I do try to do the right things, its becoase I help ppl out all the time and ask for nothing back. You all sit there at your computer with this idea of how evil I am when the fact is I most likely help and give more then most all managers in this game and this fact make you ignorant in your beleives of me.


Oh and just to put this out there, 3 years ago I sold fake nutritional product in this game and became hated by many, do you know what the cosiquence was? Today Steel Penn has the top nutritional company in the game, we have been #1 for a while now. We have more fighters signed under Steel Penn then any other orgs out there so tell me more about how im hurting my alliance?

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yes, i am actually surprised by how much this game has changed from a "fight simulator" to a "drama simulator". absolutely amazing...


Very true JBOMB. This isn't the game it was just over a couple years ago!!

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