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Anders Breivik - mass murderer court case

Face Kicker

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i'll admit that i haven't been following this very closely, but i just read this story:




this part struck me: "If found guilty and sane, Breivik would face 21 years in prison, although he can be held longer if deemed a danger to society."


i'm OK with not having a death penalty (although i'd be surprised to see many people arguing against a punishment like that for this type of crime), but a maximum sentence of only 21 years seems extremely weak to me. now, it does say that he can be held longer, but how does that work? after 21 years he has a hearing every year to see if he gets released?

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I see it like he has 21 more years to live. If I had family that got killed by him than I would be eager for him to come out. As soon as he came out I would kidnap him and hang him upside down on a meathook in my basement and give a new meaning to the word mutilation. There's no way that guy survives without protection if he comes out.


Btw, the justice system makes sense. He will always be a danger to society and he will never be released.

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Perhaps there's a max someone can serve inside and the rest spent on license on the outside. Unless they are deemed a continued threat after the 21 years.

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I see it like he has 21 more years to live. If I had family that got killed by him than I would be eager for him to come out. As soon as he came out I would kidnap him and hang him upside down on a meathook in my basement and give a new meaning to the word mutilation. There's no way that guy survives without protection if he comes out.


Btw, the justice system makes sense. He will always be a danger to society and he will never be released.



i guess i just don't understand not having a "life sentence" option, if you aren't going to have the death penalty as a possibility. especially for extreme cases such as this. if he'll just end up being locked up for life, then why not actually have a life sentence available? in any case, unless he's in solitary confinement, i'd be surprised if he's not killed by another inmate.

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In Norway the concept of prison sentences in are not punishment. And they shouldn't be. They're about keeping society safe and rehabilitating people. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. That said, hang that fucker!

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The rightwing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik show no remorse for his kills. He said he would do it again and that the goal was to kill them all.


He saw the politically interested youngsters as marxist and that they promoted a multiculturalsociety.


Socialism or barabari someone said...




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In Norway the concept of prison sentences in are not punishment. And they shouldn't be. They're about keeping society safe and rehabilitating people. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. That said, hang that fucker!




The rightwing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik show no remorse for his kills. He said he would do it again and that the goal was to kill them all.


He saw the politically interested youngsters as marxist and that they promoted a multiculturalsociety.


Socialism or barabari someone said...





Please don't make this about political affiliation. The guy is a fucking psycho and you'll find those on either extreme.


@facekicker: That's due to people misunderstanding the Norwegian prison system. On top of the 21 years we have something called "containment" (forvaring), which basically means we can keep adding 5 years to their jail time until they're rehabilitated and no longer even a POSSIBLE threat. Guys like Breivik will never see the sunlight again because you can't guarantee that he won't strike again. On top of that I'd like to see the psychiatrist and judge who had the balls to let someone who murdered 77 people be released.


i guess i just don't understand not having a "life sentence" option, if you aren't going to have the death penalty as a possibility. especially for extreme cases such as this. if he'll just end up being locked up for life, then why not actually have a life sentence available? in any case, unless he's in solitary confinement, i'd be surprised if he's not killed by another inmate.


He'll end up in solitary containment. The only people he'll ever see again will be the prison priest, the guards and possibly his lawyer. Pretty much every single criminal organization in Norway has put a prize on his head.

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Please don't make this about political affiliation. The guy is a fucking psycho and you'll find those on either extreme.


@facekicker: That's due to people misunderstanding the Norwegian prison system. On top of the 21 years we have something called "containment" (forvaring), which basically means we can keep adding 5 years to their jail time until they're rehabilitated and no longer even a POSSIBLE threat. Guys like Breivik will never see the sunlight again because you can't guarantee that he won't strike again. On top of that I'd like to see the psychiatrist and judge who had the balls to let someone who murdered 77 people be released.




He'll end up in solitary containment. The only people he'll ever see again will be the prison priest, the guards and possibly his lawyer. Pretty much every single criminal organization in Norway has put a prize on his head.


Well he is not considered a psycho in the last psychologicalforensicevalution.

His motives where political thus its all about politics. He is also not alone in his fucked up analysis of the "islamic takeover" and "marxist multicultral society" thesis. There are a lot of people that supports his world view althou they woldnt go to the extreme and kill dozens of young leftwing politicalaktivists.




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@facekicker: That's due to people misunderstanding the Norwegian prison system. On top of the 21 years we have something called "containment" (forvaring), which basically means we can keep adding 5 years to their jail time until they're rehabilitated and no longer even a POSSIBLE threat. Guys like Breivik will never see the sunlight again because you can't guarantee that he won't strike again. On top of that I'd like to see the psychiatrist and judge who had the balls to let someone who murdered 77 people be released.


He'll end up in solitary containment. The only people he'll ever see again will be the prison priest, the guards and possibly his lawyer. Pretty much every single criminal organization in Norway has put a prize on his head.


i guess that's why i don't understand it. if he'll never be released, then why not have life sentences? or just ship him off to an igloo in antarctica.

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Let's get back on topic. How comes that the cops didn't at least shoot him in the nutsack before they arrested him?


He roided extensively so I assume they missed his tiny tiny balls.


i guess that's why i don't understand it. if he'll never be released, then why not have life sentences? or just ship him off to an igloo in antarctica.


The US prison system revolves around punishment. As Steeve said ours is built around rehabilitation. You'll only be forced to stay longer if you're still a jerk.

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The US prison system revolves around punishment. As Steeve said ours is built around rehabilitation. You'll only be forced to stay longer if you're still a jerk.



a mass murderer can be rehabilitated? yeah i don't understand that. i'm totally on-board with rehabilitation, mainly for non-violent offenders, but it seems strange to me to have a system that doesn't punish murderers.

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a mass murderer can be rehabilitated? yeah i don't understand that. i'm totally on-board with rehabilitation, mainly for non-violent offenders, but it seems strange to me to have a system that doesn't punish murderers.

No, he probably can't that's why there's a clause that says they can keep him longer if he's still a danger to soceity. Why would you keep somebody longer than 21 if he isn't a danger to soceity anymore? That's the real question.

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No, he probably can't that's why there's a clause that says they can keep him longer if he's still a danger to soceity. Why would you keep somebody longer than 21 if he isn't a danger to soceity anymore? That's the real question.


if it were up to me he'd be executed. whether or not he'd be considered a danger 21 years from now is pretty much irrelevant to me.


you perform a non-violent crime? absolutely, rehabilitation is an excellent choice.

you perform heinous acts of violence? punishment is just.

you murder people and there's absolutely zero doubt about your guilt? you should die in a fire.

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if it were up to me he'd be executed. whether or not he'd be considered a danger 21 years from now is pretty much irrelevant to me.


you perform a non-violent crime? absolutely, rehabilitation is an excellent choice.

you perform heinous acts of violence? punishment is just.

you murder people and there's absolutely zero doubt about your guilt? you should die in a fire.

But this is the thing that I don't understand. Why does it make it better to make a person suffer because he made somebody else suffer?


And I ment society not soceity.

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But this is the thing that I don't understand. Why does it make it better to make a person suffer because he made somebody else suffer?


And I ment society not soceity.



i could counter that by stating that incarceration of any kind is a form of suffering. so is forced rehabilitation. would you just have them run free?

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the arresting officers should have done everyone a favor and killed this guy. now they have to house, feed, attempt to rehabilitate etc. and tax payers ( i presume, don't know how it works there ) foot the bill for all this. after you commit mass murder, regardless of where you live, you should then be put down. a sick pup there...

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But this is the thing that I don't understand. Why does it make it better to make a person suffer because he made somebody else suffer?


And I ment society not soceity.


You can’t have it both ways Steeve. You either believe the courts, prison service and rehabilitation service are sufficient enough to deal with guy or not.


Just a few posts up you decided that if it had happened to your family and if he was released after serving 21 years, you would be judge, jury and executioner and torture him. Then there’s the reference to shooting him in the nutsack – again giving the powers of deciding the law and sentence to people who’s responsibility is to ensure that those who break the law are brought to justice, not there to pass the judgment.

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. after you commit mass murder, regardless of where you live, you should then be put down. a sick pup there...


I could agree to this, but only if this also applies also to ALL invading military members, from top to bottom, from the president/king/dictator ordering the invasion all the way down to the foot soldier committing the murders.

That Breivik lunatic is a footsoldier of his own fucked up ideology.

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I could agree to this, but only if this also applies also to ALL invading military members, from top to bottom, from the president/king/dictator ordering the invasion all the way down to the foot soldier committing the murders.

That Breivik lunatic is a footsoldier of his own fucked up ideology.



All of your posts remind me of a local hippy who almost died from an acid over dose 20 years ago. Now he walks around the neighborhood in the same dirty clothes every day saying the samethings you do. He also sees UFO's down by the river. When he is done telling people all of this he goes to the Dollar Store and buys a can of paint to huff. He isnt even old enough to be a hippy but has the classic hippy look. Now his brain if fried from all the drugs. :bigshock: :bigshock: :bigshock:

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All of your posts remind me of a local hippy who almost died from an acid over dose 20 years ago. Now he walks around the neighborhood in the same dirty clothes every day saying the samethings you do. He also sees UFO's down by the river. When he is done telling people all of this he goes to the Dollar Store and buys a can of paint to huff. He isnt even old enough to be a hippy but has the classic hippy look. Now his brain if fried from all the drugs. :bigshock: :bigshock: :bigshock:

Well,, I have never been a hippie, but have been working with IT for the last 18 years, and the last 12 mainly with servers.

Right now my job consists of maintaining 43 servers and providing 3rd line support on a reasonably large network with just over 5k clients, with 10 technicians servicing the clients.

I am very materialisitic,, so "hippie" doesn't really describe me in any way. ;)


I am all for fighting tooth and nail to protect ones own, including killing any invading force, but i do despise anyone invading another country, killing their people. Fuckers doing that, are in no way any better than this Breivik lunatic dipshit...


But,, you probably find a great difference in one psychotic individual killing 77 people and another ordering the slaughter of thousands?........... I suppose you find it ok when its done from B52's at high altitude spreading carpetbombs, but not ok when done at land levels by an civil individual??


I find this very similar, with the carpet bombings a "bit" worse,, not to mention the White Phosphorus shit......


Lunatics are lunatics, wheter they are elected, religious or individuals committing heinous acts.....


I just find it hypocritical to condemn one and be in favor of the other....


Both are equally disgusting to me.

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i could counter that by stating that incarceration of any kind is a form of suffering. so is forced rehabilitation. would you just have them run free?

That doesn't compare in anyway. You're arguing to make him suffer for the sake of suffering. I'm arguing to make him suffer to keep society safe. If there was a way to make society safe without making him suffer than I would prefer that. For all I care they have the time of their live in their prison cells as long as they don't run around free in society being a threat to people's safety. Now again the question, because you conveniently evaded it. Why does it make it better to make a person suffer because he made somebody else suffer?


Just a few posts up you decided that if it had happened to your family and if he was released after serving 21 years, you would be judge, jury and executioner and torture him. Then there’s the reference to shooting him in the nutsack – again giving the powers of deciding the law and sentence to people who’s responsibility is to ensure that those who break the law are brought to justice, not there to pass the judgment.

Those posts were obviously not very serious. I'm a bit surpised that you missed that. Anyways, they should hang the guy.

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To be fair it’s not that obvious bearing in mind there are plenty of people who firmly believe one of those 2 types of views. It’s not like you said they should be shot into space from a giant cannon. Both views are views hold by others.

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