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Paul Ryan is Not Feckin' Irish!


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You have no idea of what socialist looks like. Belgium is socialist. France is. Norway is, which happens to have the best education in the world and a higher GDP per capita than the US. Socialist would be when your city gives a "free drink" on new year's day. When it makes bikes available for hire for "free". When it pays artists to perform for "free" concerts. When public transportation is "free". When above $1 million earnings per year you pay a 70% of your income.


You can make it just as crazy the other way. You pay taxes to lend money to the banks for free, just so they can lend it back to you with interest. The one is socialist, the other is being a crazy right winger. Reverse Robin Hood is what that is. Steal from the middle class to give it to the rich. Vote in your own best interests, not in that of rich people. I'm a right winger in my own country and I always wanted my country's policies to be more like the US, but those republicans and even democrats are often too extreme even for me. There should be more personal responsibility for people of all classes, poor and rich, but you should still allow everybody an equal opportunity to do well.

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But please do pardon me for using the term asshat. I respect your beliefs, just don't want them infiltrating my country.


No worries bro.


This has nothing to beliefs though.

It is simple logic to me, by collectively supporting the weak.

Yes, there are many that can't be arsed to work, but i can't see any fairness in having the handicapped suffer an undignified crappy life because of that. I would prefer to crack down on the losers, but it hasn't shown to be effective.

By removing or cracking down on welfare, you create a massive crime wave, as obviously a very large part of those losing their welfare check will turn to other means of creating an income, usually crime if there are no jobs to be had.


Hence, the reason why the crime rate is much higher in the US than in most countries in Europe, especially the parts with traditional socialism, like Denmark, Norway and Sweden, whom are some of the richest countries in the world per capita over the last 40 years.


Like Steeve, I'm considered to the right of the middle when it comes to politics, but i see myself as right in the middle.


Regardless of where you look, balance is key and extremes fuck things up.

Whether you look at the very small quantum elements or the huge cosmic ones, balance is key to everything.

Politics are no different, far left communism obviously sucks balls and the same can be said for Ultra neo conservatism.

These extremes only favor certain elements in society.

It's completely retarded for someone who isn't rich or very close to being rich, to vote for a far right wing party, just as it's completely retarded for a major shareholder in a company to vote for a communist party.


A mixture of it is needed to obtain balance, that's partly what a democracy is about.

Democracy (benefits of the majority, while protecting the minority) and neo capitalism (benefits of the rich few while screwing the poor) don't really mix, as they clash at their core being.


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LOL Pothead Propaganda!!!


As someone who grew up dirt poor. And i mean dirt poor and whose family worked their way out of the gutter. I could care less about 90% of the poor. They dont want anything and are content to do everything(nothing) to keep their lifestyle. They want no responsibility at all. There is a couple i know. The guy used to work for the state. A good middle class job. His girls firend worked in a doctors office for 15 years. He lost his job because he kept "getting hurt" and drawing workers comp. They layed him off. He had a friend get him a job with his company and within 2 weeks he "hurt" his hands and was drawing workers comp. So they had to lay him off. Now he works under the table at a garage part time while he mooches unemployment. His girl friend got a settlement for a car accident. Nothing wrong with her. Just getting something for nothing. So she gets a check for like $20,000. Now she doesnt want to work. So she now has a bad attitide and gets fired after 15 years. She blew her money mostly on gambling. Now both are always broke and complain how everyone is out to get the little man. Someone asked her if she is going to go back to work and she said "Depends on how much it pays".


This is typical of most of the people i meet. Or they are on welfare while they make money selling drugs. So basically walfare is funding their ability to stay home and sell drugs.



I spent most of my life working minimium wage jobs only to have free loaders be better off than me by sitting on their ass and not even trying. They get cheaper rent. Free food, and a check every month. My 7 bucks an hour paid pull price for rent, paid for food and busted my ass to have nothing to show for it. I worked hard to better myself and never took a hand out from anyone. I never took unemployeement even though i could have many times. When i left a job i never expected to not be working very long. Now people get it and do their best to not get hired for 2 years while the bleed the system. I never got any assistance even when i went to school.


I will never favor a system that rewards failure, ignorance, and selfpityy. While it punishes sucess, hardwork, and education. Opportunity is there for anyone willing to work for it.

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The good thing is that you had the chance to work yourself out of the gutter. That hasn't always been possible. Never forget labour history. I often times find myself disagreeing with the unions and their terrible management, but it were them who fought for better conditions and safer work environments. As I work in one of the biggest chemical plants in the world in one of it's biggest harbors I know that you can't take all of that for granted. A buddy of mine works in Evonik. His deparment consists of only 60 people. In the last five years 3 people died and one lost his arm. If it wasn't for the unions fighting for more safety and regulation Evonik wouldn't have changed a thing. There are so many examples of this. Remember Monsanto dumping toxic waste in a river near Anniston for decades giving almost the entire village cancer. They kept on fighting regulation with tooth and nale.


My colleges who have worked in the US are often talking about how unsafe work is there in comparison. How the people that work there are crazy. And it's the same damn company on a different location! And if that's crazy than I can guarantee you that it's nowhere nearly as bad as what would've been in Asia or Africa. If businesses can save a dime on crushing you they will. Their best interests are not guaranteed to be your best interests and on your own you don't have a chance against these massive organizations. A country ruled by the businesses is in no way better than one ruled by government. At least you still have something say when it comes to your government. It should serve to protect your freedom, safety and chances to do well in life, and not to take it away.


Both of my parents are self-employed in different businesses and I'm currently looking into starting a one myself, so I'm not prejudiced against business in any way. You just have to keep it real.

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The good thing is that you had the chance to work yourself out of the gutter. That hasn't always been possible. Never forget labour history. I often times find myself disagreeing with the unions and their terrible management, but it were them who fought for better conditions and safer work environments. As I work in one of the biggest chemical plants in the world in one of it's biggest harbors I know that you can't take all of that for granted. A buddy of mine works in Evonik. His deparment consists of only 60 people. In the last five years 3 people died and one lost his arm. If it wasn't for the unions fighting for more safety and regulation Evonik wouldn't have changed a thing. There are so many examples of this. Remember Monsanto dumping toxic waste in a river near Anniston for decades giving almost the entire village cancer. They kept on fighting regulation with tooth and nale.


My colleges who have worked in the US are often talking about how unsafe work is there in comparison. How the people that work there are crazy. And it's the same damn company on a different location! And if that's crazy than I can guarantee you that it's nowhere nearly as bad as what would've been in Asia or Africa. If businesses can save a dime on crushing you they will. Their best interests are not guaranteed to be your best interests and on your own you don't have a chance against these massive organizations. A country ruled by the businesses is in no way better than one ruled by government. At least you still have something say when it comes to your government. It should serve to protect your freedom, safety and chances to do well in life, and not to take it away.


Both of my parents are self-employed in different businesses and I'm currently looking into starting a one myself, so I'm not prejudiced against business in any way. You just have to keep it real.



I dont disagree Unions had their place but not anymore. We have federal regulation for everything that when enforced make for a fair and safe work place. Believe me i live in a coal region. The mistreatment coal miners by the coal companies is one fo the first things were are taught. But today union kill companies. They bleed them for every penny til bankrupcy. Often give employees so much protection they turn into lazy bums and are dead weight further killing the company. A customer of mine brags that he does one part which takens an hour and then takes a nap until break. Does another part and takes another nap til lunch. He is a lazy fat ass who sleep 4 hours of his 8 hour shift. He works double shifts and sleeps through on over time also. He makes almost 100K a year and doesnt do jack shit. The company has went bankrupt 3 times under 3 different owners. My friends dad works there and lost his retirement. Normally you could see the lazy ass wasnt getting any work done and fire his ass. But nope he is protected by the union. Been getting paid to sleep for 10 years now while others bust their ass.


Unions played an important role in our history. But much like the horse and buggie we dont need them any longer. Of course if you are in one they are great for anyone else they are not.



Also jobs here are not dangerous. We have way to many agencies to over see safty to anything to be more dangerous than it has to be. I worked in a machine shop for 2 years and the government was always checking up on safty and we had to do all kinds of stuff. OSHA was always checking up on us. Plus with Workers comp, Law Suits, and Disability businesses dont want you to get hurt any more than you do.


"With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance."

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Also jobs here are not dangerous. We have way to many agencies to over see safty to anything to be more dangerous than it has to be. I worked in a machine shop for 2 years and the government was always checking up on safty and we had to do all kinds of stuff. OSHA was always checking up on us. Plus with Workers comp, Law Suits, and Disability businesses dont want you to get hurt any more than you do.

How do you think that government regulation came to be? You think it was the company that lobbied for them? Also unions do still have their place. I agree that it's often badly mismanaged, misused, but without unions the working conditions would go back to the 19th certury in a blink of an eye. The example I gave of my buddy at Evonik is a perfect evidence of why unions are needed. Also the dangers at a machine shop are not comparable to the dangers at a chemical plant. When you say always checking up on your safety I'm pretty confident that relative to the size of the shop it could've been as few as once or twice a year.

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LOL Pothead Propaganda!!!


As someone who grew up dirt poor. And i mean dirt poor and whose family worked their way out of the gutter. I could care less about 90% of the poor. They dont want anything and are content to do everything(nothing) to keep their lifestyle. They want no responsibility at all. There is a couple i know. The guy used to work for the state. A good middle class job. His girls firend worked in a doctors office for 15 years. He lost his job because he kept "getting hurt" and drawing workers comp. They layed him off. He had a friend get him a job with his company and within 2 weeks he "hurt" his hands and was drawing workers comp. So they had to lay him off. Now he works under the table at a garage part time while he mooches unemployment. His girl friend got a settlement for a car accident. Nothing wrong with her. Just getting something for nothing. So she gets a check for like $20,000. Now she doesnt want to work. So she now has a bad attitide and gets fired after 15 years. She blew her money mostly on gambling. Now both are always broke and complain how everyone is out to get the little man. Someone asked her if she is going to go back to work and she said "Depends on how much it pays".


This is typical of most of the people i meet. Or they are on welfare while they make money selling drugs. So basically walfare is funding their ability to stay home and sell drugs.



I spent most of my life working minimium wage jobs only to have free loaders be better off than me by sitting on their ass and not even trying. They get cheaper rent. Free food, and a check every month. My 7 bucks an hour paid pull price for rent, paid for food and busted my ass to have nothing to show for it. I worked hard to better myself and never took a hand out from anyone. I never took unemployeement even though i could have many times. When i left a job i never expected to not be working very long. Now people get it and do their best to not get hired for 2 years while the bleed the system. I never got any assistance even when i went to school.


I will never favor a system that rewards failure, ignorance, and selfpityy. While it punishes sucess, hardwork, and education. Opportunity is there for anyone willing to work for it.

That's some generalization of the poor.....


But, i've never been on the dole, barring 2 months in between jobs once.

Last 20 years, in more or less constant IT employment in 3 different countries over that period of time.

Prior to that i had done fuckloads of different jobs, from pizza delivery boy to electrician.

I could do that work because there were plenty of jobs when i was seeking, but now, there are no jobs, at least not here.

I have a job and consider my self lucky, while there are loads of others like me who don't have a job and cant get a job.

Each job vacancy in my field gets hundreds of applicants, but only a handful even get an interview.

Of course I happily pay my taxes so that everyone can have some sort of a life without having to turn to crime to feed themselves,, of course.


You say you're religious, talk about your church on this forum, but you couldn't care less for the poor????

This is exactly the attitude of a true Christian,, selfishness to the core.

The biggest reason they are Christians, is so "they" go to heaven and not to hell.

Basically me, me, me and only ME!


Well, screw you Brain, you can keep your church and your bad arse selfishness.

The rest of us who actually care for our fellow man will just have to carry them financially,

so you wont have to shoot their scummy poor arse for being in your way somewhere...


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You are the biggest cry baby I have ever seen. I didn't say I don't care about the poor. I am always helping the poor which from my experience people like you don't. What I don't like is people like you destroying the lives of the rest of society to force people to give by taking. I love helping people and I do it because I want to. There are lots of people who are the same way. When people are forced it takes away those good deeds. Look at our taxes. 99% goes to shit we don't want to support. When right now I can donate my money to the cause I want or help the people I want and see it being used.


Turn to crime or drugs to feed their family? That is the typical bullshit I expect from you. There is never an excuse to turn to either in this day and age. People like you make excuses to justify their actions. We have to many systems in place to feed and shelter people to ever need to do that. I had a customer who told my mother the same thing. Normal people don't say shit like that. She said "I'll steal if I have to my family won't starve". Of course find out later she's a crack head and husband has a good job. She come in a week later and tried to scam me on the ATM lying saying it double charged her. I daughter her up in it and she said she forgot she used it twice. 3 days later she come back gambled them tried to say the machine ate her money. Looked at the cameras and saw she again was lying. I had to ban her. This isn't someone who was hungry. This is someone who went to drugs by choice like you did and now can't control themselves. While they fuck over everyone around them. So kill of ambition and punish success to reward people like this? No thank you!

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Also you don't do shot for your fellow man. It is take from you by force you are not given anything. You can say you are happy to pay taxes but like everyone else you would love to pay less and botch if taxes were raised. Have fun being a fake ass liar.

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You are the biggest cry baby I have ever seen. I didn't say I don't care about the poor. I am always helping the poor which from my experience people like you don't. What I don't like is people like you destroying the lives of the rest of society to force people to give by taking. I love helping people and I do it because I want to. There are lots of people who are the same way. When people are forced it takes away those good deeds. Look at our taxes. 99% goes to shit we don't want to support. When right now I can donate my money to the cause I want or help the people I want and see it being used.


Turn to crime or drugs to feed their family? That is the typical bullshit I expect from you. There is never an excuse to turn to either in this day and age. People like you make excuses to justify their actions. We have to many systems in place to feed and shelter people to ever need to do that. I had a customer who told my mother the same thing. Normal people don't say shit like that. She said "I'll steal if I have to my family won't starve". Of course find out later she's a crack head and husband has a good job. She come in a week later and tried to scam me on the ATM lying saying it double charged her. I daughter her up in it and she said she forgot she used it twice. 3 days later she come back gambled them tried to say the machine ate her money. Looked at the cameras and saw she again was lying. I had to ban her. This isn't someone who was hungry. This is someone who went to drugs by choice like you did and now can't control themselves. While they fuck over everyone around them. So kill of ambition and punish success to reward people like this? No thank you!

Yes, lets remove welfare for those in need because there are fuckheads in between scamming the system.

Fuck the handicapped, they can just care for themselves, fuck them, because you don't like taxes and cant buy ammo for your guns if they are raised..


may your non existent god bless you with all his glory you fantastic Christian you.....

now go to some corner and pray for some bullshit....


Hypocrite! .....


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Also you don't do shot for your fellow man. It is take from you by force you are not given anything.



I have no clue what you are trying to say here.

You can say you are happy to pay taxes but like everyone else you would love to pay less and botch if taxes were raised. Have fun being a fake ass liar.

Of course i would prefer not to pay taxes over paying taxes.

But I'd much rather have the welfare system we have here in Denmark and pay the taxes i pay currently, than half the tax and half the welfare.


It literally means nothing to me whether a hypocrite thinks that I'm a fake ass liar.

But i do understand why US Citisen would have a hard time understanding this way of thinking.



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Yes, lets remove welfare for those in need because there are fuckheads in between scamming the system.

Fuck the handicapped, they can just care for themselves, fuck them, because you don't like taxes and cant buy ammo for your guns if they are raised..


may your non existent god bless you with all his glory you fantastic Christian you.....

now go to some corner and pray for some bullshit....


Hypocrite! .....



Keep making yourself look like a fool. I dotn have any guns and i am not totally against welfare. What i am against is giving poor people money. I believe you help them get a place to live, feed them, get them things they need. But never give them cash. To much of it goes to drugs. Im tired of people selling their food stamps which are now on a credit card for 50 cents on the dollar so they can buy drugs. There is ways to help people in need without being used by the low lifes. Im sure you dont agree because you are the low life im talking about.


Noone gets more from the system then scumbags. We had a storm come through and knocked out power for weeks. The people in charge to giving out food stamps allowed people to come in and tell them how much food they lost and they could get it replaced up to the amount they get for the month. If you havent spent anything you cant get anything. Most honest people dont blow all their foodstamps the first few days of the month. They live on them throughout the month. The ones who benefited the most were the people who sold them all off as soon as they got them. Only to be able to get it all given right back to sell them for more drugs. Its not hard to put a system in place to assure the people who need help get it and stop supporting criminals.

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I have no clue what you are trying to say here.


Of course i would prefer not to pay taxes over paying taxes.

But I'd much rather have the welfare system we have here in Denmark and pay the taxes i pay currently, than half the tax and half the welfare.


It literally means nothing to me whether a hypocrite thinks that I'm a fake ass liar.

But i do understand why US Citisen would have a hard time understanding this way of thinking.



Thats because you are the people who benefit. There are citizens who agree with you. But it isnt the hard working ones. Its the low life dead beats who life a system that favors them regardless if they deserve it. I have never wanted handouts and never will no matter how poor i am. I am all for helping those who need it. But i am also for a balance that doesnt encourage them to become deadbeats. If they get just enough to survive they have reason to work and put an effort into supporting themselves. You cant go giving them everything because they will never want to work. Hell who would? In this country the poor are already better off not working than working for minimium wage. They get so much assistance they lose money by getting off their ass. So why would they ever try?

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Kid, i'm 47,, lmao


And yes, i call you ignorant, bordering on stupid for calling Obama a socialist.

It simply means you don't have a clue what a socialist is.


I enjoy socialism very much over here and hate all this privatization robbery that our right wing politicians have been doing for decades now.

All by the American model, a model that's long bankrupt, both financially and morally.

I pay my 50% income tax gladly, although find my taxpayers money completely wasted by throwing it at soldiers running around in foreign countries killing their inhabitants, especially since the money is needed at home.


You do realize the "rescue packages" the bank sector has received since the crash, started and pushed by the republicans and continued by the Obama regime, are a socialist action.

The US could run free healthcare for hundreds of years, just for the amount of money that was spilled into the bottomless financial sector pit.

Having a public fire department, police etc... is indeed socialist, but no US democrap or republicarse politician can seriously be called a socialist, as they are very far from it,, especially the ones running the parties.


US Politics and politicians are very right wing, some to the farthest extremes.

Here, usually the extreme fuckers don't get many mandates.




So you do not think that Obama has a socialist view on how society and its goods and services should be allocated? Well, then there's no POSSIBLE common ground for me to debate you there. If the world's flat, then it's flat, I guess, huh?


Denmark, awesome place! I was in Copenhagen in 1988, as a young man so you're talking to no kid here fella. Anyway...Denmark has a much smaller population, and the average citizen is much more literate/educated than the average American citizen. I'll go ahead and guess that there are many other factors than may allow Denmark to operate with greater distribution: less per capita crime, maybe higher median per capita income (dont know?), way lower poverty level, etc. It just can't operate here. There are of course safety nets but a country this large is bound to break when so many people will undoubtedly learn to take advantage of what are supposed to be programs that HELP people in need, not programs that spoonfeed people into longterm dependence at the expense of hard working people that would like to keep the money they worked their asses off instead of giving handouts to people that feel as though they're OWED something from the Gov.


The simple fact is the so called superior socialist way of doing things will slowly drag this country down. We're not the greatest and most powerful nation on earth for nothing or from leaning so far left...works great for Europe,(so its said) I guess, good for you but that's not how it works here, never will. Really it doesnt matter what we label Obama. The simple difinition of totally inept failure will do just fine. Hopefully in two weeks we'll be washing our hands of this misguided socialist American hating failure.


And if not.....we're in BIG trouble.

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Agree. He isnt getting my vote. A lot of things have happened on his watch that i think embarraced the country and he has to take responsibility for. Like the secret Service prostitution scandal. The way he disrespects our allies while kissing the ass of our enemies. The jobs lost then to pass on things like the Keystone pipeline at the worst possible time. Mean while in my state that is already a very poor state with few jobs all of our coal miners are being laid off by the thousands because Obama and his war on coal and fossil fuels. What ass clown kills jobs and causes high energy costs without a realistic replacement? None of the alternative fuels are ready for large scale opperation. But that doesnt keep him from punishing anyone who uses coal and oil. The guy has done nothing but fail his entire term and make excuses one after another.

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Having good basic education is also because of the government. I guess you can call it socialism if you want. The same for the military and police.


We're not the greatest and most powerful nation on earth for nothing

That's true. The US is the most powerful nation on earth for a lot of reasons, but there hasn't ever been a danger of being too socialist. The US biggest economic growth happened in the post-war era, in which taxes were the highest that they have ever been. They went up to 70%. I feel that debating you on this would kinda be like debating BrainSmasher on Science or anything else for that matter. You don't seem well informed enough to have a reasonable discussion or to rationally defend your position.


Agree. He isnt getting my vote. A lot of things have happened on his watch that i think embarraced the country and he has to take responsibility for. Like the secret Service prostitution scandal.

Haha. Come on... How is it Obama's fault that secret service went to hookers? And how does it affect you?


Thats because you are the people who benefit. There are citizens who agree with you. But it isnt the hard working ones. Its the low life dead beats who life a system that favors them regardless if they deserve it.

That's just plainly false. I'm pretty confident that I work at least as hard as you and I have a decent salary. I'm as good as certain that I pay more taxes than you and I still don't agree. Those playboys with rich parents who never had to work for anything aren't any better. So why would you do away with estate tax? Steal 100$ and go to jail, steal a million and the government protects you. The same laws should apply to everybody. Anyways, I don't agree with you on most things as usual, but I don't have the energy to take you on to it.

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Having good basic education is also because of the government. I guess you can call it socialism if you want. The same for the military and police.



That's true. The US is the most powerful nation on earth for a lot of reasons, but there hasn't ever been a danger of being too socialist. The US biggest economic growth happened in the post-war era, in which taxes were the highest that they have ever been. They went up to 70%. I feel that debating you on this would kinda be like debating BrainSmasher on Science or anything else for that matter. You don't seem well informed enough to have a reasonable discussion or to rationally defend your position.



Haha. Come on... How is it Obama's fault that secret service went to hookers? And how does it affect you?



That's just plainly false. I'm pretty confident that I work at least as hard as you and I have a decent salary. I'm as good as certain that I pay more taxes than you and I still don't agree. Those playboys with rich parents who never had to work for anything aren't any better. So why would you do away with estate tax? Steal 100$ and go to jail, steal a million and the government protects you. The same laws should apply to everybody. Anyways, I don't agree with you on most things as usual, but I don't have the energy to take you on to it.



Really? I contribute over $250,000 each year in taxes. Im pretty sure you dont pay that much. Im not opposed to an estate tax. But i do think it is a very slippery slope. Should someone not be able to pass the family farm to the next generation? What about a company that is taken over by the family. Should the company be broken up to pay the tax? Should those jobs be lost? Should the givern take over the company and run it? Lots of problems.


You want to help people then stop people from abusing the system we got. I see 10 people abusing it for everyone person i see who needs it. There are people who choose to live like they do by choice and the decisions they make. We will never understand it. But we should tear apart society feeling sorry for these people who have exactly what they want.


When i was in school we took a field trip to the local auto repair shop. The owner was telling us about an emplyee who makes $40 per hour. They said he works just long enough to buy beer for the week and go fishing. He works like 8-10 hours. The guys doesnt want anything else. While the other employees want to make as much as possible. Now none of us will every understand why someone would want nothing. To me that doesnt make any damn sense to have a good job and waste it. But there are people out there who are like that. It is counter productive for us to look at this guy in his shit home and his junky car and empty bank account and feel sorry for him.



I have 2 uncles. One spent his life in city missions. Until the last 2 years of his life he never worked. Not even odd jobs for extra money. He had lots of mental problems i guess from the war but he was a nice person. But there was nothing anyone could do to help him. He physcially could work but didnt want to. Wouldnt even want to clean himself up. Ask BankRupt he has worked with them before. Most have to be forced to take a shower. It seems some prefer that life for what ever reason.


My other uncle was a licensed contracter. Very good. Built his own home. Can do about anything and did so for a long time. The last 20 years he has only done odds jobs because he dont want to work until he has to. So no one keeps him or hires him. He has never paid child support and owes taxes so they suspended his drivers license. Now rather than pay on those and get his drivers license back which wouldnt cost him maybe 1200 bucks. He has went the last 8 years without them bumming rides from people. I rcently hired him to put a roof on and he took the nearly 3,000 he made and used it to pay his electric bill that had been off for the last 6 months and pain pills which he is addicted to. The guys has done everything he could to lose everything and refuses to change. He could have a great life anytime he wants and chooses a miserable life.



You want to help people then create more middle class jobs. Better education system. Thats really all we can do. Give the ones who want better a way to earn better not be given better. The ones who dont want better unfortuneately there isnt anything we can do about them. A place to sleep and food in their belly is really all we should do.

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Really? I contribute over $250,000 each year in taxes.

No, you don't. Maybe your company pays that in taxes, but you don't. Perhaps you do, but I don't believe that. And no, it's not the same thing. I pay 55% of my income in taxes. It's nowhere near $250k, but it's considerably more than most. I wouldn't at all mind being taxed at that rate if it was spent on our public healthcare system, good education and to stimulate the economy in responsible ways. I don't mind social security as long as there are very strict criteria and follow-up.


And again, I'm much more concerned with the leaches at the top than with the ones on the bottom. Bernie Maddoff scammed $18 billion and lived his entire life as a king. How many poor people could steal $100 for that? The worst thing is that most of the time if you steal a $100 you go to jail, but if you do it with a million the government will protect you and treat you like a king. When your bank account reaches a certain number politicians will come over and suck your **** for a campaign donation and you become untouchable.

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No, you don't. Maybe your company pays that in taxes, but you don't. Perhaps you do, but I don't believe that. And no, it's not the same thing. I pay 55% of my income in taxes. It's nowhere near $250k, but it's considerably more than most. I wouldn't at all mind being taxed at that rate if it was spent on our public healthcare system, good education and to stimulate the economy in responsible ways. I don't mind social security as long as there are very strict criteria and follow-up.


And again, I'm much more concerned with the leaches at the top than with the ones on the bottom. Bernie Maddoff scammed $18 billion and lived his entire life as a king. How many poor people could steal $100 for that? The worst thing is that most of the time if you steal a $100 you go to jail, but if you do it with a million the government will protect you and treat you like a king. When your bank account reaches a certain number politicians will come over and suck your **** for a campaign donation and you become untouchable.




LOL whose taxes do you think my business is claimed on? No its not all income tax but it is taxes and it goes to the same damn thing. Also Maddoff scammed other rich people who you pretend is the enemy. Love how you quote extremely rare situation and think it has a huge impact on society. First, poor people dont steal just $100. They scam thousands per month not to mention the other impacts they have that bleed the system. There are millions apon millions more of them.


Also im not against any of those things you want. Education, Healthcare, and Social Security. But when has the government dont anything responsibley? Thats why Private school blows away public school. We have all that now and it sucks. Everything the government gets its hands on turns into a mess.



I dont mind government programs or those same programs organized by business. As long as the public isnt taxed to far. As long as people still keep enough percentage of their money to control their destiny and better themselves. When you start taking 50%+ of people income you force them to become stagnant. It becomes very hard for them to change their life. I dont mind taxes at all. But not when its to the point people lose their freedom and freewill and are forced into a cookie cutter society. All because the taxes we already pay are pissed away on personal interests that go towards things few benefit from. If all of society doesnt benefit then all of our taxes should be funding it is most cases.

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LOL whose taxes do you think my business is claimed on?

I have stock in companies. Should I include all the taxes that they pay? It's not the same thing. You're buying and selling with the company's money. That's not yours. Often times and certainly in the beginning that comes from investors and banks. It only becomes yours when you spend it as income to yourself. If the company's money was yours than you could've spent it on whatever personal matter that you desired without getting problems with the IRS.



I never claimed that the rich were the enemy. I wondered what would've happened with Maddoff if he stole from the poor instead of the rich. I don't think he would've been in jail. It's a bit stunning to me how much blame you put on the poor smuck in soceity who's basically victim of his own stupidity and at the same time give a total pass on the rich criminal who damages soceity thousandfold.

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You don't know what your talking about. It's my company not stocks. It is my money and everything is claimed on my personal taxes. I can spend the money on anything I want. I just have to put it in the books at payroll. I can pay myself anything I want. At the end of the year whatever profits are for the business are reported as income on my taxes wether I paid it to myself or not. Wether it's in the company account or my personal account it's still my assets.



Also when did I give a rich person a free pass?

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Also when did I give a rich person a free pass?

Maybe you don't, but you spend a lot of time bashing leaches and when you do I only hear you mention poor people being too lazy.


I don't know how laws in the US are, but can you buy gold clubs and a beach house in the Bahamas with company money? If that's so than laws are very different than in Belgium. I still don't think so. It would also still the company's beachhouse and not yours. That makes it different. If the company's assets were the same as your own than the Lehman Brothers and Donald trump would be living in a box, instead of being stinking rich after bankrupting a company (or in Donald's case several).

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Maybe you don't, but you spend a lot of time bashing leaches and when you do I only hear you mention poor people being too lazy.


I don't know how laws in the US are, but can you buy gold clubs and a beach house in the Bahamas with company money? If that's so than laws are very different than in Belgium. I still don't think so. It would also still the company's beachhouse and not yours. That makes it different. If the company's assets were the same as your own than the Lehman Brothers and Donald trump would be living in a box, instead of being stinking rich after bankrupting a company (or in Donald's case several).




I believe at a curtain point a campany becomes its own entity. But my company isnt at that point. Right now everything th company makes is my income. Of course i can minus expenses and payroll. BUt i have to claim everything it makes. Yes if i wanted to bankrupt my small business i could cut myself a check for every penny in the company account. I still have to pay taxes on it either way. Not all business are like that.



If i remember correctly Trump filed bankrumpcy which protected him from losing his personal assets. No different than a middle class individual who does the same thing to protect their home and their cars. I dont know any of the details about it so i really cant say.


As for not saying anything about the rish and bashing the bad guys who are poor. Its pretty simply. The rich make up a very small number of people. You guys like to call them the 1%. The number of that 1% that isnt making an honest living and hurting society is extremely small. Maybe a few thousand. Compared to the millions who are poor and killing the system. at least the wealthy one spend money and create jobs with business which gives a little back, not that that excuses what they do. BUt they do help the system at times rather than the poor who only bleed to system.


% years ago there was 5 million people on disability. All those years it existed 5 million people were getting it. In the 5 years that the economy has been down and job have been hard to find. That number has went to 10 million. Thats 5 million more people who decided that rather than find a job or wait for one to come open. They decided they are no longer able to work. Thats 5 million people who used to be in the work force but have had themselves declaired Disabled and will now get paid a full work wage to sit at home and do nothing. Those 5 million people alone are going to get $60-90 billion a year for the rest of their lives to do nothing. How in the world can the economy cause people to turn disabled? It cant.


Now factor in millions more who are getting unemployment and dont even try to get a job. The millions of dead beats who cheat the welfare system. Its not just a few thousand people selling their food stamp cards. ITs millions of people doing it. Thats not even getting into the crime rate among the poor. Like i said im all for helping within reason. But not when it punishes success only to take away any responsibility from the poor.


We dont differ that much in what we want. Nothing makes me more sad than to see someone standing on the street asking for money or sleeping on a bench. I give them money knowing it might only make them happy for a moment and its going to booze or drugs. But when i feel led to do something i do. The difference is i want these people to be better people. Taking someone with issues who hasnt earned anything thing and putting nice things around as you punish others doesnt make those people better. People who never earn something will never appriciate it. Go spend a week in a homeless shelter and see. Many days its like a prison. Drugs, booze, dont want to shower, dont want to follow any of the rules, bitch about the food, fights, stealing, etc. They never worked for those hand outs so they dont appriciate them. All while they get checks from the government and run around with cell phones and frequent bars like a bunch of frat boys while we pick up the bill. Its a joke. These people are never held accountabe for their decisions and actions.

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Holy Shit. It happened again Brain. I agree with a lot of what you said in here. I see so many people scamming welfare in my area its fucking sick. And then you see families struggling to make ends meet, and because they are honest, and don't say that dad's a dead beat, they don't get help cause they make a few bucks more than the limit.

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Holy Shit. It happened again Brain. I agree with a lot of what you said in here. I see so many people scamming welfare in my area its fucking sick. And then you see families struggling to make ends meet, and because they are honest, and don't say that dad's a dead beat, they don't get help cause they make a few bucks more than the limit.



The only way to fix it is give opportunities a way to earn their keep. Not give hands outs. The low lifes will choose to sit and rot and the honest people who need help will have a way to provide for their familes and have something to be proud of. No reason to turn everyone into no self respect moochers who will always be miserable. People getting walfare, unemployement, etc are not happy. It doesnt matter what they have or how much they are getting they are never happy. I hvae seen it first hand. Most people want to earn their way even of they choose not to. It eats at them on the inside and they have a pathetic life and relationships. We need to encourage people to pursue true happiness. We do that imo by providing only the most basic needs not wants.



we have housing for poor people. We have soup kitchens and food pantries. I think food stamps and any money assistance should be taken out. We have ways to pass out food to those in need without issues Food stamp cards to be traded for drugs. good luck trying to sell you can of Green Beans on the black market for drug money. Instead of checks to buy clothing and school supplies. This items are bought and distributed. If you dont work for cash you dont get cash. Problem is its just to simple to just hand out checks each month and make the tax payed pay for those who scam the system rather than take steps to prevent it.


A local gas station got shut down last month because they were accepting food stamp cards for non food items and only giving them 50 cents on the dollar. They were selling black market cigarettes to people for food stamp money at double price. Then those who bought with Food stamps would go sell those cigarettes on the street. It was a huge opporation and the ATF took them out in big sting.


I think the real problem is not the poor people. Thats not what people really want to help. This all boils down to people are jealous. Not the poor people but the lower and middle class want to take from everyone who has something they dont. There are many ways to help the poor and none of the ideas really help them. Those poor people are never going away. If you have ever been around any and see why they are poor you realize there isnt much that can be done. What people want is to take from the rich and put everyone who is already above poverty and middle class into a upper middle class and do so by taking everything away from anyone who has more than them. This election isnt about helping poor people. Its all about helping people who wants something someone else has. Thats it.

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