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Is there any point to the "see how it goes" slider or does it just up the randomness of the fighters moves? I've been playing around with it lately and that's all it seems to do. I'm doubting the game engine has the AI to be able to make a more intelligent fighter fight smarter and use the right moves at the right time when you use SHIG. Probably a pointless question as the SHIG slider seems to be the least understood slider in the game but I'm hoping someone can shed some light. Is there any reason to not do 100% follow my orders like most people seem to do?


edit: right now I've only used the SHIG slider when I have a clear advantage in most/all primaries and a gameplan isn't really needed but I'm hesitant to use it in a matchup where its even or my fighter is the underdog.

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Is there any point to the "see how it goes" slider or does it just up the randomness of the fighters moves? I've been playing around with it lately and that's all it seems to do. I'm doubting the game engine has the AI to be able to make a more intelligent fighter fight smarter and use the right moves at the right time when you use SHIG. Probably a pointless question as the SHIG slider seems to be the least understood slider in the game but I'm hoping someone can shed some light. Is there any reason to not do 100% follow my orders like most people seem to do?


edit: right now I've only used the SHIG slider when I have a clear advantage in most/all primaries and a gameplan isn't really needed but I'm hesitant to use it in a matchup where its even or my fighter is the underdog.

I use what most managers (at least, from everything I have heard) consider a lot of SHIG, a majority of my fighters besides, my 150k id or newer fighters, are between 35-50% SHIG because I don't trust my slider skills, and lately its been going pretty well (11-3 this month, 17-3 in my last 20) but that could be due to competition etc etc.


But anyway, on topic, SHIG is influenced by your fighter's experience and intelligence hiddens, not just the intelligence hidden. SHIG can save your bacon if your clueless on what to do for a fight, however, it wont make your fighter do something that you have set to 100% not to do (there are exceptions but in general this is accurate). It doesn't just effect the randomness, but if your fighter notices the clinch is going well, he will try to clinch more (this is with good experience/intelligent hiddens) or if the ground is going well he will try more take downs, etc, etc.

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I start out about 5% after about 5 fights, unless the fighter has low IQ then I dont use it at all. If they do OK for a couple fights I will bump it up to 10%. The most I use is 25%, that is only my experenced fighters that I trust. I would rather win or lose by my sliders than chance. But I also know guys that have done well with 100% SHIG. So everyone is different.

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I did a couple fights at 100% SHIG recently and they both won but it turned out they mostly followed the gameplan anyways. I guess the point of this thread is that I'm skeptical how good the game engine AI actually is when you go SHIG. Is there actually any AI involved or is the engine just being more random when choosing which action to perform.

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I think that is how it should be. I wouldnt want to set sliders all in the middle and just let the computer decide what to do. The computer would know exactly what to do to beat our slider settings. I think it should work off your sliders. Just give the fighter more room to use what you are telling him. Give him the choice to go in for the finish of a rocked guy, even if he is set to counter. Stuff like that.

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I'm just curious how smart the artificial intelligence really is and if setting the slider more towards SHIG effects the way the fighter "thinks" in any way. You say "give him a choice" but does SHIG actually make a more intelligent fighter fight smarter and a less intelligent fighter make more mistakes? It kind of seems like it just causes them to mix it up a little more and nothing else. I could be wrong, maybe none of the fighters I've tried it with are intelligent enough to really make it obvious.

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This one played his last 14 fights on 100% SHIG. His intelligence is quite high(138) and judging from his performances, he knows (mostly) when to do right stuff. Takedown when rocked, counter takedown, but hasnt managed to sub a guy for a quite while, even with elite stats. Despite his intellect and confidence. I probably suck at sub-slider ground setting altho I tried every possible combination(from every position,yes even back :D).


As I change sliders he adjusts, isn't not that fighter will go 80% aggressive when you set him to counter. He will probably time things better and that's about it.

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I go high SHIG with my guys outta the gate. And if they don't react right. Cut. I have pretty decent lucc with int rolls tho. In the past I've had guys who I had set to 10% kiccs go out and leg kicc a Guy a couple times and like the way it felt, then body kicc, head kicc KO without throwing any punches. But at sum point it felt like sumthing changed. Or maybe other pieces of the engine changed so much it altered SHIGs effectiveness. It really doesn't seem to do much to alter the gameplan anymore. On the flipside tho I picced a couple free agents up recently and they were both set to 100% Follow orders and I took them to like 30% SHIG and they both got mollywhopped.

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i have a few guys i use 100% shig on them -- much like djohn said i use it early in their career and decide from there on sticking with it or move more towards follow orders depending on how they act -- i do agree also that it doesnt seem to make a huge difference like it use too on the same guys that worked great on 100% -- the one thing i seem to notice is maybe damage using shig is better sometimes

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How are all you wonderful people doing? It has been a while since my last post. But I won't hash over that right now. I will stay on topic... I think that allows for flexibility in the gameplan if you have a smart enough fighter. If you have a dumb one it is more like a free terrible game plan slider.

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Yeah I know what it's supposed to do in theory I was just curious if it actually performed that way or if it just tightens up the random rolls or something along that line. Does the fight engine really have the AI to allow the fighters to make their own decisions? Not really a question to you guys I'm just wondering.

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Yeah I know what it's supposed to do in theory I was just curious if it actually performed that way or if it just tightens up the random rolls or something along that line. Does the fight engine really have the AI to allow the fighters to make their own decisions? Not really a question to you guys I'm just wondering.

I think the AI is, but honestly I don't think I have ever really used SHIG 100%

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