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The thing about food stamps, is that it frees up money that will be spent elsewhere, thereby fueling the economy.

Giving rich oligarks giant tax breaks so that they can buy huge villas and expensive toys will not generate the same amount of revenue, because people who are poor are much more likely to spend the money that they have, that now is freed up from being spent on food, on other consumer goods.


Studies have shown it to be the by far most cost-effective weapon to stimulate the economy and decrease poverty.


To summarize, food stamps create jobs, they aren't a substitute for jobs. They inject money directly to the local economy.


ALL spending fuels the economy. All of it. It doesnt matter who is spending or what they are buying. It all is the same. Even if it is rich people buying rich people shit it still trickles down into the pockets and jobs of poor people. Even Yachts have to have the materials bought. Someone has to built it. Those people then go on to buy shit and spend their money. Be it local stores or restaraunts. It all trickles down and gets to the bottom. But it also creates jobs from top to bottom and helps everyone. Foos stamps only help the bottom temporarily. It kills the top of society and the middle class jobs to give to the poor so they can spend it at Wal Mart and McDonalds and assure us of more shitty 7/hr jobs and have 2 on each street corner rather than 1. You guys are to damn dumb so see the big picture. So you love a plan that grows the very biggest of corperate America and kills everything below it. Food Stamps grow the shitty jobs we are trying to get out of this country. There is not one person who spends those stamps on anything but shit in those stores. None of those companies pay good wages. So you are growing the worst part of society. You cant create good meaningful jobs that people can sustain their self on doing this. People cant live on 7 bucks an hour.

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ALL spending fuels the economy. All of it. It doesnt matter who is spending or what they are buying. It all is the same. Even if it is rich people buying rich people shit it still trickles down into the pockets and jobs of poor people. Even Yachts have to have the materials bought. Someone has to built it. Those people then go on to buy shit and spend their money. Be it local stores or restaraunts. It all trickles down and gets to the bottom. But it also creates jobs from top to bottom and helps everyone. Foos stamps only help the bottom temporarily. It kills the top of society and the middle class jobs to give to the poor so they can spend it at Wal Mart and McDonalds and assure us of more shitty 7/hr jobs and have 2 on each street corner rather than 1. You guys are to damn dumb so see the big picture. So you love a plan that grows the very biggest of corperate America and kills everything below it. Food Stamps grow the shitty jobs we are trying to get out of this country. There is not one person who spends those stamps on anything but shit in those stores. None of those companies pay good wages. So you are growing the worst part of society. You cant create good meaningful jobs that people can sustain their self on doing this. People cant live on 7 bucks an hour.


Nonsense, people live on a lot less than that in other countries. Whoever is complaining about having a job in the 3rd most populated country in the world that pays them $7 an hour should try go living in any other country in the top 15 of the world population percentage.


1. China 1,347,350,000

2. India 1,210,193,422

3. United States 314,731,000

4. Indonesia 237,641,326

5. Brazil 193,946,886

6. Pakistan 181,164,000

7. Nigeria 166,629,000

8. Bangladesh 152,518,015

9. Russia 143,228,300

10. Japan 127,520,000

11. Mexico 112,336,538

12. Philippines 92,337,852

13. Vietnam 87,840,000

14. Ethiopia 84,320,987

15. Egypt 82,801,000


Yeah good luck getting a decent paying job with your educational level and qualifications. You're better off joining a cartel or rebel force & taking up arms against the government in most of those countries.



Everybody bitches but nothing is going to get better. Romney changes nothing, Obama changes nothing. Wake up. We're over populated. It's that simple, and the rich people in power don't give a shit about you, they just want your vote to keep them in the wealthy position they're in.




The rich need to be taxed more than the poor. The rich are the ones that can afford health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, house insurance, car insurance. They're the ones that live in the gated communities with the security guard at the front. They have the green grass with the working sprinkler system to keep it watered. They have the white picket fence. The community where a crime rate doesn't exist. New roads. Fresh pavement. Working street lights. Stop signs - and if the stop sign was taken by some juvenile playing a prank or causing mischief - it gets replaced much faster than if it was in the hood. They're reeping all the awards and perks of their government. Pay more taxes and quit fuckin complaining about it you ungreatful greedy little pricks. Be happy that you're rich enough to pay those taxes. Be happy that you have a god damn roof over your head and a job that pays you more than $5 an hour. It could be a lot worse. There are over 7 billion people on this planet, the fact that you're not in some fucked up, ethnically/religeously ass backward country and society is like winning the damn lottery multiple times. Be happy and STFU.



Foodstamps, welfare, and a lot of the other nonsense has done nothin but make people dependant on it. Everybody and their mother has a foodstamp card. I'm surprised anybody complains about our national debt at all, just look how much money we pass out in foodstamps every year, hell, every month. 2 unintelligent, unemployed people have a child, they get foodstamps. They pop out another child, give em more money in foodstamps. The stupid people are outbreeding the smart people and have been for a looooooooooong time, and in the american government they're benefiting from it.



America is too populated, too polluted, the majority are too spoiled, and expect too much. The government has done nothing to prevent any of this.

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I agree with that. But differences can be made by those in charge and the policies in place. Nothing will fix everything but there is better options. And this forum is fucked up on my screen... But anyway. I dont think increasing taxes on the rich is the answer. Maybe the ones making 30 million plus a year. But those are to few to matter. But those are the people that create the big manufacturing jobs. You are never going to make a decent living making $1 cheese burgers or cheap ass cloths. Yet thats where our hands outs go to assure those jobs and companies prosper. Most large companies and rich people already spend their money. IT is in their blood to keep trying to expand and grow. Hell you see it with the UFC. They didnt sit on their gold mine and just let the money roll in. They risked all that money trying to expand. In that process fighters got paid many times more than ever before. Many more people are making money and are impacted by the UFC as they risk their company and finances trying to get bigger.. This is what all companies do. They spend money as a company and as an individual. It trickles down. This is how you create better paying jobs. The good manufactuiring jobs come from making shit for big business or rich people. The best job i ever had was in a machine shop making parts for the navy. But we are cutting that stuff out and putting all of resources into growing the demand for cheap fast food and cheap cloths and cheap labor.. We need to encourage the rich to spend their money. When they do it creates jobs and good ones. Not be jealous of the shit they have. and try to take their money. I dont give a shit that someone has a mansion and nice cars. At least their spent their money. It helps society just as much as taking it from them. So why be mad because they got something for it? Pure jealousy!



Truth is there really is no fix. Almost everything is a catch 22. A heard a politician meantion he wanted no income tax just sales tax. Well that would encourage saving money and discourage spending. Thats kills the economy. It would make things simpler but not fix anything. Just cause more problems. Then there is people who want to increase the capitol gains tax. Basically punish the people who make money through investments. Well not a bad idea. But there is a consequences. You discourage people from investing in the stock markets and again has a huge effect on the enconomy when it becomes harder to get capitol to start companies that create jobs. Almost every decision is the same. You are either going to end up in the same place or you are just picking which group of people you want to fuck over.

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I personally think America is to big and have said this for years. We should have never joined into a single government as we have after the civil war. There is way to many types of people in their country and no government will ever truely represent its people. For the most part the North and South are as different today as it was during the civil war.(Slavery wasnt even close to the reason they were so different) What this country really needs is to be divided into North and South again. But also East and West at the Mississippi River. with 4 sepperate governments. Each close enough for the people of this country to migrate to where they feel represents them.

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I personally think America is to big and have said this for years. We should have never joined into a single government as we have after the civil war. There is way to many types of people in their country and no government will ever truely represent its people. For the most part the North and South are as different today as it was during the civil war.(Slavery wasnt even close to the reason they were so different) What this country really needs is to be divided into North and South again. But also East and West at the Mississippi River. with 4 sepperate governments. Each close enough for the people of this country to migrate to where they feel represents them.

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yes...the country should be separated. i'd love for the ignorant people who believe in talking snakes to go away.

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Whats your point? Yes the states were the same. But for a few years it broke off from the Union. It had its own government. It happened because the people have drastically different viewers on how things should be ran. Since rejoining the union it is clear we are still two very different countries taking turns on who has control and screws the other one over.

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Even before the sucession from the union. The country still acted as two sepperate countries at times. For example the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Even then there was a split in congress and both sides agreed to do their own thing. This, The Missouri Compromise, is imo what started the Civil war. Of course there were many factors but this was the most important.

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Most people trade their food stamps at a rate of about 35-40% of the face value for fast cash or other things lol If the good taxpayers of this country realized where this $ was going and what and how its really used they'd flip their wigs. The racket is huge and getting bigger everyday. Not to mention the shady characters in the middle making a bundle of $ every month reselling them to mostly good folk that are happy to pay $70 for $100 worth of food.

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Very true. I see that constantly. A local gas station got shut down a while back for doing it and giving 50%. Most of the time it's sold to individuals and 100% of the time it's to get cash for drugs.

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A strong economy is build from the ground up. That's a fact. Don't believe me, read the papers done by the world's leading economists. Republican propaganda has been refuted time after time. Yet the ignorant masses keep being lured into voting against their own best interests. You should be happy that more as half the country isn't as stupid as you. And be assured that the rest of the world is. We don't want you idiots to invade Iran.

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The country has already been built stupid. It started from the ground up. Now we are tearing it back down to the ground because fools like you have ass backward ways of seeing things. You are working in reverse and killed a built society to grow the lower class. We need to grow the middle and upper class not destroy them.

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There have always been leaches at the bottom (as well as the top), yet economic growth in your country was the biggest when taxes went up to 70%. That's when your government did a great deal of the investments. There's no such thing as a trickle down economy. Arabia is one of the worlds richest countries yet construction workers in Abu Dhabi work 12+ hours a day and sleep in their own shit. Not to mention that the entire economy keeps depending on oil because instead of investing in the lower and middle class to build a diverse economy all the money goes to fantasia project sinkholes.


Before you get all opinionated it's always a good idea to educate yourself. Don't believe me, try to read about what the harvard profs and noble prize winning economists say. Listen to the leaders in the field, the actual smart guys, instead of the hillbilly drunks that you've been listening to.

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The country has already been built stupid. It started from the ground up. Now we are tearing it back down to the ground because fools like you have ass backward ways of seeing things. You are working in reverse and killed a built society to grow the lower class. We need to grow the middle and upper class not destroy them.

I don't even know what you're talking about. The upper class has never been so powerful and rich. Every society is lead by the upper class and carried by the lower and middle. You're don't favor the middle class. Republican party does the bidding for the rich and that's it. And idiots like you keep voting for them.

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ALL spending fuels the economy. All of it. It doesnt matter who is spending or what they are buying. It all is the same.


No it isn't, money spent in the local economy creates local jobs.

Money spent cutting taxes goes in the pockets of people who already have "too much" and often they chose to either invest the money in other countries, or they simply sit on it.

Austerity is the wrong way to go, give the people who are just scraping by more services paid for by taxes and the economy will boom. That is the reason that america's debtrating didn't affect the interest rates, because the lenders knows that all you have to do is raise taxes and you will pay back your debts, and you economy will go up.


Look to me, in Norway, we have one of the top welfare states in the world, and very few are dependent on receiving welfare, that is a bogus argument that holds no water when you go down to the substance of it.

The reason that people are dependent on welfare in america is because there is often no other alternative, funding schools through property tax as it's done in some states (if not all of america) creates a huge class divide, and I think we all know the reputation of public schools in the big cities.

Getting an education is often almost impossible for poor children and they turn elsewhere, don't blame the person abusing the system when he has limited options.

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No it isn't, money spent in the local economy creates local jobs.

Money spent cutting taxes goes in the pockets of people who already have "too much" and often they chose to either invest the money in other countries, or they simply sit on it.

Austerity is the wrong way to go, give the people who are just scraping by more services paid for by taxes and the economy will boom. That is the reason that america's debtrating didn't affect the interest rates, because the lenders knows that all you have to do is raise taxes and you will pay back your debts, and you economy will go up.


Look to me, in Norway, we have one of the top welfare states in the world, and very few are dependent on receiving welfare, that is a bogus argument that holds no water when you go down to the substance of it.

The reason that people are dependent on welfare in america is because there is often no other alternative, funding schools through property tax as it's done in some states (if not all of america) creates a huge class divide, and I think we all know the reputation of public schools in the big cities.

Getting an education is often almost impossible for poor children and they turn elsewhere, don't blame the person abusing the system when he has limited options.


Don't try to reason with the man, he's already knee deep in his own retardation.

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LMAO @ Brainsmasher "liking" (+1) his own posts in this thread, giving them extra "weight"....... :thumbup:


I liked your post it doesnt make it any less stupid. Extra weight in your mind. I have always liked my own post for a while since a few ass clowns went back into past threads and "disliked" my posts to run my negatives up. So yes i do it for spite when i remember to do it. Often do it to neutralize a minus. I know what sucks for you because you wouldnt know what has "weight". LMAO!!!


Yes i will like this post too!!!!

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I liked your post it doesnt make it any less stupid. Extra weight in your mind. I have always liked my own post for a while since a few ass clowns went back into past threads and "disliked" my posts to run my negatives up. So yes i do it for spite when i remember to do it. Often do it to neutralize a minus. I know what sucks for you because you wouldnt know what has "weight". LMAO!!!


Yes i will like this post too!!!!


This is true and I have liked your posts on purpose in the past because of it.

We don't agree on much brainsmasher, and I have a feeling you don't really get swayed to other ways of thinking at all... That being said you are not stupid, just stubborn.

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